
Tigon Origins

Fire can create everything and nothing if permitted but it's only in the hands of a true master that its true power can be revealed

Leno_Danny · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

A New Path

Victory, such a strong word to declare, and yet. it was indeed the word right for this moment; for that is what they had claimed.

With the aid of the White Monarch and The Red Flame King. Iegor and his company stood triumphant. The Feiix's Forces we're scattered to winds. Those that remained. Lay dead, or were given a quick end to whatever fatal injury they had obtained.

" We...We did it Iegor " Eric replied almost out of breath " their forces are crippled, I didn't think those cowardly dogs would dare return this time around ".

" We have already struck a major blow to the Feiix Nation Eric ", Iegor replied as he stared across the battlefield " this was just the icing on the cake, and it's all because of our combined efforts with Draco and Fyeon, that we now stand here ".

" Speak of which, our comrades' approaches ", Eric replied pointing towards Draco and Fyeon.

Iegor's soldiers stared at Draco and Fyeon, clearing a path so they could approach. Draco largely covered them with his immense size. He was a true sight to behold, His body was covered in fresh scars. A few arrows were still stuck to his body, but it gave him no concern.

Fyeon walks alongside him. His height towering that of a horse. Feiix's blood-stained his once snow fur. Not all of Iegor's troops had gotten accustomed to them and was uneasy when they walk by, But his company became at ease when they saw their Lord Commander held no fear of Draco and Fyeon.

" So my friends.", Iegor uttered, driving his sword in the ground before sitting upon a nearby rock " did you find the Lord Commander?"

" I must apologize again my friend; for we did not find anyone that stood out as such ", Draco replied.

" That's too bad, I had height hopes no meet him ", Iegor replied with a sarcastic tone.

" Bah. The cowardly snake sledded back to whatever hole he crawled out from " Fyeon replied sounding more annoyed than pleased.

" Fyeon my friend, You sound displeased ", Iegor replied trying to find the reason for his friend's disposition.

" I thought I would be fighting fierce warriors, not frighten Cubs. WERE ARE ALL THE WARRIORS!!" Fyeon replied, before releasing a mighty roar.

" Ha, Ha Ha, easy my friend there will be more battles ahead " Iegor Chuckled.

Iegor's conversation was suddenly interrupted by his General Peirrim, alerting him to a new force arriving.

" My Lord, The Iron Legion approaches " Peirrim uttered pointing to the horizon.

The Iron Legion...

An army of Elite Warriors and Battle Mages. The finest Canaar had to offer; numbers reaching over 30,000. Created by The Former King. King Gregor Mytiss Aerabourn The Unflinching. Dress in armor of black steel, their mare presence was enough to strike fear into the hearts of both man and beast. Even more so by their merciless tactics. They were known far and wide in every corner of Canaar.

The strongest company ever created in Canaar. Where now mare puppets, Dancing to the tune of one man. Lord Commander Augustus Tyrell Aerabourn. A man undeserving of their might and his station.

Twelve of Augustus's soldiers rode up on horseback, carrying bands of white with the crest of an Elk. yelling one simple command.

" Make way. Make way for the Lord Commander ".

They stood between Iegor's troops forming a path. Six on each side, With all in readiness. The Lord Commander himself soon appeared upon a white stallion. He began his match like a valiant hero to some self-proclaimed victory. He wore silver armor with a black cape draping the backside of his horse it was branded with a silver crest of an Elk.

He could feel and hear the displeasing responses of Iegor's company. None he wishes to entertain. Following close behind were his two Generals, Maxsis Sheldrak and Peirrim's Elder sister Payana Stanstrum. Unlike their Commander. They were true marvels to behold.

Maxsis Devirous Sheldrak...

Coming from a long line of duel wielding Masters, He was no exception. From the moment he was old enough to wield a sword. He was taught, with his family's Creed forever pounded in his head.

"A Sheldrak's Will Can never break ".

By rood and steel, he was taught, forging boy to a true warrior of steel. A Master Of Swords. Such was the Sheldrak way. On a simple escort mission through the western Forest; The enemy struck his party. His Captain was the first to fall by a mere arrow to the neck.

Within moments over a hundred men descended from the woods, outnumbering Maxsis's company. The young warrior saw what was happening and knew his company would be blind without one to follow. The Young Maxsis was a force to take charge, but most of his comrades were inexperienced and fell easily. They were not equipped to take on such a force. So he ordered them to flee, he alone would fight to cover their treatment.

There were those who objected to staying but he would not have it. They needed to protect their charge and ordered them on. Maxsis then dismounted his horse and drew his swords, he could feel his Sheldrak's blood was racing within. The time for duty had arrived.

Battered bruised and blood, they found him. A hundred corpses laid at his feet, and yet still the young Sheldrak held his swords firm at hand, ready to fight.

Those that found him that day, could swear they saw Death itself standing behind him. The Twin Swords of Death they called him a name doing well in forming his legend. Impress by his tenacity, the King of Canaar awarded him with the title of General. A fitting title for one who was well deserving of it.

But Maxsis was not the only one befitting of their rank.

Payanna Liliana Stanstrum...

Being part of the wealthiest Family Of Canaar, The Stanstrums. They were known far and wide. Their Creed was very common to the tongue.

" The Pride of a Stanstrum, Will live on ".

Beyond their wealth, they held a long line of gifted sorcerers and warriors. Stretching throughout the history of Canaar. Payanna's Skill did well to live up to the family's name.

At a young age, The Raven-haired beauty gained a rare ability. Known only as The Eyes Of The Gods. It was a power she rarely used unless need be. This ability granted her sight beyond sight, allowing her to see all and everything even in the hearts of men.

Not wanting this gift to define her, she joined the assassin order and was taught in all forms of combat, demolition, and entrapment but her skills with the bow; her weapon of choice, were unmatched. Excelling to the top of her class, she became part of the squared S. The elite of all the squared and completed mission after mission without fault. Then came that faithful mission, the one that would forge her name.

She was task with assassinating one of the enemy's height ranking officers. A sole mission and a simple one at that, yet it was not so. She discovered her mission came with an unexpected twist.

Using the cover of night she entered the enemy's camp, all we're unaware of her presence, with barely any effort at all she Eliminating her target with easy. Upon doing so, she uncovered something else. The enemy plans to enter the capital city, using an underground passageway.

Knowing what this meant for her people, She quickly memorized every detail of their plans and destroyed all traces before making a hasty retreat. Making her way out, alone Soldier discovered her and quickly raised the alarm.

Giving no time to react. She just barely made her escape. For three days she traverses the wilderness desperately trying to make her way back to the Capital city, trailing close behind were the Feiix Soldiers. No matter how many attempts to evade them, they kept coming.

Tired and hungry, she didn't have much strength to carry on that's when she decided to take a stand had, but her gear was all gone. only two daggers and her trusted bow remained. She needed a way to combat them, but how? she thought.

Making her way to the edge of a forest, she found her solution. Carved within the foot of a mountain, was an old abandoned Fort with one Large tower on the left and another demolish one on the other side. The Fort's doors were closed, but there was no need to open them, for a large hole laid between. Wasting no time she made her way inside.

It was a grasping place full of dirt and death, a ghostly wale rattled within its cracks, old bones weapons, and armor of Canaar and Feiix warriors, laid scattered around, It was remnants of a battle long fought, but she wasn't there to stare at the dead. What was dead would have to stay dead. She was only there to arm herself.

Grabbing all she could find, She headed back to the forest, turning it into a place of her own creations, with traps capable of all forms of death and pain. Her time was growing short, she could not how much time was left, yet she knew it strongly that they would soon be here.

Everything was ready. There wasn't anything left to do but wait, so she headed back to the Fort and arch herself upon the left tower with all the arrows she could find.

She was trembling, Yet it wasn't fear she felt, but her heighten senses awakening filling her with anticipation towards what's to come. Still, to hit her mark she needed to be steady, she needed to be calm, no room for errors. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, she closed her eyes and let the wind carry the whispered of her tongue.

" Divine Gods guide my hands".

For the first time in many years. Pyanna relied upon her powers and drew her bow awaiting the cries to be heard.

For three days, The Raven beauty stood upon that Tower, fending off all threats that came. Then the day came, a patrolling party from Canaar saw a flock of buzzards circling height. They knew all too well what it meant and headed in the direction of the flock.

They found what was causing these birds circling above. A forest of death is what they found, corpses hung from trees, snared in traps, and pierced by a single arrow to the heart. The party became terrified by the sight, but yet they press on till they came to the forest edge and the Fort.

All around the Fort lay even more corpses. Too many to count, a single arrow protruding from each of them. Arming themselves and look around for the cause of so much death and they found her. Height upon the Fort engulf in shadow and bow drew, eyes flaring like an emerald sun. They saw her. The pilferer of souls, The Black Valkariy they called her. She was praised and rewarded the rank of General for her timely effort by The King for duty to the crown and the people.

Two Great warriors, legends by their own hands. Both deserving of their rank, now they were mare bodyguards to Augustus. He was indeed a skilled warrior, but he was undeserving of his stations. He held no accomplishments, no great victory to speak of in tale. He only held his ambitions and would use any means necessary even sacrificing his own men if it meant complete victory. It's by blood that he holds his station.

" Ah Command Iegor, I see you yet live, I feared I would not make it to you in time " Agustus bark with an insincere tongue.

" Not to worry Augustus, Am unscathed as you can plainly see ", Iegor replied playing along with his rouse.

"Yes, and who do we have here " Augustus replied Looking upon Draco and Feyoen.

" Ah yes I don't think you had the pleasure, let me introduce you to The Red Flame King Draco and The White Monarch Feyoen " Iegor replied.

" I knew your family always had ties to lizards " Augustus replied seemingly shock and insulting " But how did get The White Cat to join your cause ? ".

" Dragons my friend Dragons, and Fyeon is Known as The White Monarch" Iegor replied with a bright smile.

" Yes, of course, my apologies ", Augustus replied with a crooked smile.

" And I owe Fyeon's Allegiance to my Wife. Her family always held close ties with the Temean Tigers ", Iegor replied.

" So it was just the grace of the Gods ", Augustus replied seeming delighted by Iegor's words " The Red Flame King and The White Monarch, I am truly in awe. I have heard many tales of you, many of which filled me with much fear, of cost, I was a mare child at the time, but such was my bedtime stories ".

" Grrrr, is all your words intended to insult us, or is that you are just seeking a quick death " Fyeon snarled through glared fangs.

Instantly Maxsis and Pyanna reacted. Drawing upon their weapons with a strong intent to Kill. Fyeon's pack became enraged as well snarling at them as they barred their fangs.

" You dare threaten the Command beast ", Maxsis bark, gripping his swords firmly.

" What's this? You think you can challenge me human? The White Monarch ", Fyeon snarled.

" Easy Fyeon easy, were are all friends here " Iegor replied trying to calm the situation " Commander Augustus was just expressing that you and Draco terrified him until he became a man ".

" Stand down General, You too Pyanna lower your bow " Augustus replied through a sarcastic chuckle to Iegor's words " Iegor is right, we're all friends here so we can excuse any absence in decorum ".

" As you wish my Lord " Maxsis and Pyanna both replied before hesitantly placing their weapons away.

Iegor's words did well to curve the situation, Yet Fyeon couldn't help but Wonder who were these warriors who dare stand against him.

" What's your name boy ", Fyeon uttered, keeping his eyes on Maxsis.

Maxsis stared at Fyeon, still feeling the sting from his earlier words, even more so now by his current tongue.

" I am no boy. She is General Pyanna Liliana Stanstrum, and I am General Maxsis Devirous Sheldrak", Maxsis replied, as he moved his horse closer to Fyeon.

" Ah The fable Black Valkariy, and the infamous Twin Swords Of Death ", Fyeon replied in delight.

" So you have heard of us ", Maxsis replied, steadying his horse as he approaches Fyeon.

" Your human fables often press my ears ", Fyeon replied as he sat down upon his back legs " So much so that I had hoped one day we would engage in battle ".

" Well threaten our Commander again, and that day would arrive sooner than you think ", Maxsis replied. Glaring his eyes at Fyeon.

" (Roar), IS THAT A CHALLENGE BOY !!!", Fyeon snarled, baring his fangs as he sprang to his feet.

The situation was becoming more intense by the moment. Luckily they were interrupted by one of Iegor's men, who had a message for his Commander.

Iegor saw it held the Royal seal. He took the message and quickly opened it to read its contents. He was completely shocked at what he had found.

" What is it Iegor? you seemed shocked" Augustus uttered.

" It seems am being summoned ", Iegor replied, keeping his eyes fixed upon the parchment.

" For what reason? " Augustus replied, with an eyebrow raised.

" Am to be promoted ".

Hello, reader if you're reading this then you have reached the end of this chapter, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you taking the time to read my book am truly thankful for that and I hope I have given you something that you will truly remember. I now ask if you have taken a liking to it, please vote and leave a comment that would be epic till then be well and I hope to see you at the next chapter

Leno_Dannycreators' thoughts