
Chapter 2: Jurookyn and yakiniku

*ticking time updates everyone tuesday at 9:30 CT*

Nasuko's POV

Jurookyn? Ah! If I recall she's the one who stuck sashimi (thin slices of fish, a delicacy in japan) in my hair.

I used to have thick, long black hair but, it seems that girls see my hair as a trash

can for their wasted food.

And so I chopped it, the two front strands that frame my face are still long though.

I've always had this one strand of white hair since birth. I've come to love it a lot.

It reminded me of Malleri from the manga "Spikes of Sakura"

[Blank]-kun and Jurookyn-san have been talking for a while now. We haven't even gotten yakiniku yet.

It was already around noon when they ended their conversation.

I intended to eavesdrop but, I was distracted by a library that I had seen prior to getting teriyaki chicken.

I caught on to one sentence Jurookyn said, "See you next Saturday [Blank]-san~!"

"What was that all about? Can we go get yakiniku now please?" I pleaded.

I was going to take him to the best yakiniku restaurant I know.

I'm not going to lie, it's pretty pricey. But that's ok, this is kind of a one time thing.

"Don't worry about it, let's go now."

I took his hand and dragged him to the restaurant.

"Oooh! All of this looks so good. Let's order ok?" I squinted as I looked at the prices. It's fine, it's ok.

After ordering several plates of meat and goods, we started.

"Itadakimasu!" (a saying you say when you get your meal, meaning "thank you for the meal" or just in general being grateful)

As we placed meat over the warm fire,

[Blank]-san suddenly aimed his chopsticks to my mouth with chicken in it.

My cheeks blushed a slight red.

While chicken isn't my specialty, I prefer pork. I still took the chicken.

My thoughts wondered on whether he had already used the chopsticks,

or perhaps it would be like one of those movies where the boy reuses the chopsticks and it would be like…an indirect kiss!

What is a second year high schooler like me thinking about such a childish romance! I blushed at the thought of him reusing the chopsticks.

Then he reached for….

A new pair of chopsticks.

Lightning struck my fictional devoured mind and crushed my romantic dreams.

My face got hot with embarrassment.

"Yuzuki-kun? Is something wrong? You're red and pale in all of the wrong places."


H-he called me by my first name for the very first time! How is this so exciting? It's just my name, right? I ranted in my head and panicked. "Yes, yes, yes! I'm ok. It's just that I forgot I had something to attend today!" I lied.

If you don't know, I'm actually quite a good manipulator. Not that it's something good to boast about. I find it useful though.

"Is that so? Sorry I kept you for so long."

"Don't worry about it, it's not until 4:10."

Had I made it awkward? For the rest of the time we ate in silence.

"So! How do you Jurookyn-chan?" I asked suddenly.

"Our parents work in the same company. We also went to the same pre-school."

"I see! Ok." That's some chemistry they have!

another short chapter, so sorry!! school's coming up in a few days so i might forget to post, ill try to do my best ofc :]]

kiyo_soupcreators' thoughts
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