
Thrones And Seals [A Cultivation Based Novel]

Chaos, seal of the realm of chaos is ambushed, subdued and forcefully laid dormant, but not before it enacts it's quickly made contingency plan. Enter 'Damien', a never before seen genius. Appearing out of nowhere and rising through the ranks to become one of the most powerful people in the world at a young age, making him one of the most sought-after men in the world. Amongst the rulers of the world, some wants him dead, as he defies the natural order of the power system and out of jealousy, while some wants him subjugated into serving them. But what all have sought to know are his origins and secrets on how this unnatural genius rose quickly to power. Questions even Damien has spent years since his awakening searching for.

The_sunderer · Fantaisie
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Deep in the void, A place where the barrier between void and unoccupied space met, Where all but the most powerful celestials fear to tread.

A battle was taking place.

CHAOS, SEAL of the dimension of chaos fought against its peers.

It wondered how it came to this so fast, When it took upon itself the seal of chaos, It knew this moment would come, but it hadn't foreseen it happening this soon.

But seeing as THE WATCHER, THRONE of the aspect of DIVINATION directed the attack, it now knew who had blindsided it.

Hundreds of lesser celestials were even brought on this attack. They shouldn't have been able to exist this deep in the void, but seeing the attendance of most of the thrones and seals, it now knew how they were able to exist.

While weathering attacks strong enough to wipe out whole universes, it enacted its quickly-made contingency plan.

Hundreds of compressed chaos energy were sent into the midst of its attackers. Dozens of lesser celestials were sundered. That wasn't its goal, it's intention was the now temporary blindness of THE WATCHER and the others of its ranks. While blinded, they didn't see the thing that pierced the veil between void and space.

With its safety measures taken care of, it was time to make sure the others didn't take notice of anything that had happened.

It hadn't had time since its ascension to the seal of chaos to truly master it, a never-before-seen feat.

So it extended its authority into the two closest aspects connected to chaos.

It split its consciousness into two, The others sensed the change in the void the moment it began.

With command and intent, OBLIVION reigned, and other dozens of lesser celestials were destroyed, their authority shattered, the shards to be wielded by any of the mortals with enough will and understanding.

It had little time before it would be overwhelmed, so it enacted its last plan for a while, once again it sent chaos into the fray, temporarily blinding the others, including THE WATCHER, with that.

it acted.

With the authority of CREATION, it created a temporary dimension around THE WATCHER, sealing both of them in. It would be destroyed eventually, but by that time its plan would have succeeded, it had little margin for error.

It sent energy from the dimension of chaos against THE WATCHER, which was avoided, that was expected as THE WATCHER didn't see the compressed energy from the realm of oblivion until it was upon it, but by that time there was nothing that could be done

OBLIVION ripped through THE WATCHER and the eyes of the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE were sundered. That was quicker than it had planned for, but it had little time for contemplation as DESTRUCTION ripped through the temporary dimension.


CHAOS didn't bother to answer as it created shield constructs imbued with the now vacant authorities of the shield and perseverance aspects, it didn't matter, oblivion ripped them apart.

The battle was not long in ending, but before chaos was laid dormant, it separated another shard of its consciousness, enough that it wouldn't have been noticed without divination.

Enough of its consciousness to wait, watch and plan.