
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Attack on Crow (1)

It was a very sweet scent, like vanilla, or perhaps coconut. Vlad was not sure what it was, but it was so enticing that his breathing quickened as soon as he smelled it.

Vlad hurriedly controlled his breathing to avoid giving himself away. Even so, his eyes could not move away from the young man.

Adora was in a similar situation, but instead of looking at the young man, she was staring at the young woman of the Enchantress family.

Vlad knew that she was thinking about the Seven-Star Life-Replenishing Pill.

"Uncle Louis, let's go."

"Yes, young miss."

The young woman ignored the young man and left the place followed by the butler.

Adora's expression became anxious and she was about to follow them, but Vlad held her shoulder and shook his head.


Adora bit her lips with a struggling expression, but in the end, she nodded.

She was aware that she was not a match for the young woman and the butler, and if she insisted on following them, she could be discovered.

The seven-star life-replenishing Pill was very important, but it would be meaningless if she is killed while trying to get it.

After the young woman left, the young man left as well. Vlad immediately furrowed his brows before deciding to follow him.

"… What are you doing?" Adora asked confused.

Vlad did not reply. He was just focused on finding what that enticing smell was.

The smell was coming from the young man, but it definitively did not belong to him but had stuck to him after he was in contact with the source of the smell.

Vlad wanted to know what the source was.

His instincts were screaming to him that he needed to find it.

"Vlad, what are you doing? We need to go after crow!" Adora whispered sternly and reminded Vlad of their purpose. Vlad hesitated briefly, but in the end, he continue after the young man.

"I understand, but he has something that interests me. Just give me a moment."

"You…" Adora was angry, but she could only bear it.

She needed Vlad's help if she wanted to kill Crow, and she could not make a commotion unless she wanted to be discovered.

In the end, she swallowed her displeasure and followed the young man with Vlad.

But when the young man left the building, he was received by two stern-looking men.

"Young master, are you done?" One of them asked.

The young man nodded.

"Let's go. I want to visit the hideout tonight."

The two men nodded and escorted the young man.

Vlad wrinkled his brows and stopped.

He could feel that the two men were strong. Although they were weaker than the butler following the young miss of the Enchantress Family, they were way stronger than Adora and him.

He hesitated. His logical side told him that tailing them was too risky, but his instincts were screaming to him that he needed to find the source of the smell.

While he was hesitating, he felt Adora pulling his arm.

"Stop." She said with a stern expression.

Vlad furrowed his brows, but Adora ignored it. "You told me to not follow the young miss of the Enchantress Family because it was too dangerous, remember? It's the same. Besides, we need to kill Crow before he discovers that Kevin is dead."

Vlad fell silent before sighing.

"You are right." Vlad gave the young man a reluctant glance before leaving decisively with Adora.

At the same time, he decided on finding out the source of the smell as one of his future goals.

Finding Crow was not hard. He and his two cronies were halfway to the tavern when Vlad and Adora caught up to them.

But the pair did not attack immediately. Instead, they tailed them closely and waited for an opportunity to attack.

"Do you remember the plan, right?" Vlad asked.

"Yes, we will attack Crow at the same time. With a bit of luck, we will be able to injure or kill him before he or his cronies notices anything. Afterward, taking care of the rest will be easy. However, one of the two men following him has a bloodline, so we should be careful of him."

Vlad nodded.

Adora had told him that one of the two men had a bloodline related to stealth. He was one of the biggest variables in this battle.

Although the bloodline should not be that powerful, all the bloodlines related to stealth were troublesome and very useful. In fact, Vlad was interested in absorbing the traits of that bloodline.

But the biggest variable was Crow.

According to Adora, he owned a relatively rare bloodline called [Hunter Eyes]. Adora did not know the specifics of that bloodline, but it was definitively not weak.

In the worst-case scenario, the ability of his bloodline could ruin their plan.

However, they did not have the leisure to investigate the details of Crow's bloodline.

Now was their best opportunity to kill Crow. Once he discovers that Kevin is dead, killing him will be many times harder.

Soon, Crow and their cronies passed by a narrow and dark alley. Vlad and Adora instinctively knew that their opportunity had come.

Nodding to each other, the two of them took positions. Adora went ahead of the group and Vlad hid behind them, waiting for the moment to strike.

Now, they only needed to wait for Crow to walk a few meters further.

But at that moment, the situation changed.

All of sudden, a young man came running from the direction of the tavern.

"Boss, it's bad! Something happened!"

Vlad and Adora's expressions changed. Without communicating with each other, they came to the same conclusion.

They could not wait anymore!

A gust of wind appeared in the alley, and Vlad's blood-red eyes glinted ominously in the darkness.

In the next instant, a knife covered in wind and an extremely sharp sword attacked Crow at the same time.

The attack had started.