16 Chapter 16

Jason has just finished his coffee when Jonathan stepped back inside, reeking of a cigarette. It gave Jason a craving of his own smelling it on Jonathan. Marie had gotten a small story about Jason's struggle with figuring out when he was awake or dreaming, but she didn't have much to go off of.

"So, did you want to take a walk?" She asked.

Jason set the cups aside and stood up. "I would love to."

Before Marie could stand up, her phone started ringing. Jason never intended to snoop, but he caught a glimpse of her caller ID, and immediately had to do a double take. The name on the screen read Fenris. Again, this couldn't just be coincidence. Jason waited as she spoke briefly with the man on the other end.

"Sorry." She said as she hung up the phone. "My stepfather wants to see me today. Do you mind if we take a raincheck on the walk?"

Jason, still processing, "Of course not! Call me." He said, helping her out of her seat.

"Sounds good to me!" She said, smiling.

Jason watched her as she walked out the door, leaving Jason alone in the small coffee shop. He thought for a second about what to do next and where to go, but his thoughts were shortly interrupted.

"Have a seat, Jason, I'll fix you another cup." Jonathan said.

Jason turned and found Jonathan making another coffee and espresso shot. Two of each. He sat down again at the bar and Jonathan stepped out from behind the counter, taking a seat next to Jason with the drinks, one of each for both men.

"Thank you." Jason said, taking a sip of the coffee.

"No need to thank me, I just wanted to chat for a second." Jonathan said.

"About?" Jason asked.

Jonathan took a sip of his coffee, savoring it. "I was curious."

Jason watched Jonathan, his demeanor changed and he was much more relaxed. "Curious about what?"

"I've been having a similar problem. I can't tell if I'm dreaming right now and waking up when I dream, or if it's the other way around." Jonathan started.

Jason's interest was peaking slightly.

"Starting last week, I started having these dreams that I am some kind of soldier. I wake up in this world where the weirdest things are possible." Jonathan explained.

"I'm sure they're only dreams." Jason said.

"I would say the same thing, except it seems whatever happens to me in this dream happens to me here. Life there feels more real than life here." Jonathan shot the espresso, making a face. "I don't see how you can do that."

Jason shot the espresso, keeping a straight face, "Practice." Jason wondered where this was going.

"I didn't mean to snoop, but your conversation sounded very similar to my own experience."

"I am used to dreams feeling overly real. I wouldn't put too much thought into it." Jason didn't trust him enough to tell him everything.

"I guess you're right." Jonathan said.

Jonathan didn't see any reason to keep pressing, if someone wanted him to kill a Jason, this probably wasn't the one or he would figure it out eventually. He probably didn't even exist in this world anyway.

"Do you want to step out back?" Jonathan asked.

Jason stood up, digging out his pack of smokes. "I do."

Jonathan led the way to the back, opening up the door. Jason stepped out and immediately lit himself a cigarette. He offered one to Jonathan who greatfully accepted.

"Can I ask you something?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure." Jason said, taking a seat on the ground.

"What does the name Xela mean to you?" Jonathan was blunt.

Jason looked at him, he remembered the name from his latest visit, but how did Jonathan know about that? He didn't like this situation. He didn't trust Jonathan yet, and definitely didn't want to share details of anything with him until he could get to know him better.

"I'm not familiar." Jason lied, taking a long drag off of his cigarette. "Why?"

"Just checking." Jonathan said, sitting back.

They sat making small talk for a couple more minutes.

"I should probably get back inside." Jonathan said, throwing out his cigarette and standing up.

"I've got to get going anyway." Jason replied. "Thanks for the coffee." With that, Jason went inside.

Jonathan hung around for a second until he was sure Jason was gone. He stooped over and picked up Jason's cigarette butt. Jonathan smelled it for a second, then swallowed it. A few seconds passed by, and he was absorbed in Jason's scent like a bloodhound. He could smell Jason outside, and new exactly where he was at that moment. He hoped he could take this with him when he inevitably woke up in the other world.

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