
Chapter One :The First Day.

3 years ago I met the love of my life,it didn't take much to lose her though,well, she is gone,I have lost her,And this is story of why and how.

I'd rather not dig in the past, I hate the past, but if I must to make this story elaborate and somewhat interesting, It was the year in which I would begin my high school career, I wasn't excited, I was rarely excited by anything, those are the perks of having your heart broken. I don't know why we're capable of having crushes, such a horrible thing to be able to develop,It's like creating your own torture device.

The morning,My freshly cut hair and neatly dressed uniform were ready to make an impression at my new school, I climbed in the car. My parents drove me there, I was greeted by a smiling teacher dressed in red as the devil, I always saw teachers as evil, mostly because they were women, I was a raging mysogynist [the heart break fiasco's fault, crushes should be illegal].

I was told to put my bags down and join the other boys on the field.

"Where's your P.E uniform?",That was worse than The female teacher I was greeted by, Now I was greeted by a female coach, I was slowly getting pissed and annoyed by the day,There wasn't much flare to this school and I was one to impress and I was not impressed, After all, I didn't even want to go there. My first day at school and I was already labeled as cheeky, I didn't care.

The second-last period,The whole class made way to the computer lab, I sat at the last row,Avoiding any conversation, I didn't want any of those creatures to think I was friends with them, I hated humanity, misanthropy some would call it.

In front of me was a fat boy and a slender girl, I watched the fat fool trying to make his moves, it was funny, At least it entertained me, Till he asked me to switch seats with him, I was shocked, I wanted to say no, I really did, but the poor guy needed bail, so I obligated.

I sat next to her, immediately her perfume filled my lungs, It became my favorite smell, still is today, my head turned to look at her, oh was she beautiful, I didn't even notice I was staring, she found me staring and smiled, laughed a little, her laugh became my favorite sound and her smile became my favorite sight, "The fastest animal in the world?" she mumbled to herself, I looked at her screen and she was playing a quiz, she was about to click on the cheetah, "Uhm no" my lips just moved on their own, she looked at me, "huh?", "Uhhhh.. No" I said again, she stared at me confused, "No, the fastest animal in the world is the peregrine falcon, the cheetah is the fastest animal, ON LAND" I said pointing to the bird, hesitantly she clicked on the bird.

And no, this was not my first interaction with her, I winked at her in class that day, she smiled and looked away, a lovely reception, a lady at best.

"You're smart huh" she said "You just act stupid", I froze, then laughed, without saying a word, "You don't talk much?", I still didn't answer, just because I found her beautiful and flattering didn't mean I liked her, she was no different than the other girls all demons, devils in dresses. "Well, I'm Sky" she introduced herself [That's not her real name though, I just chose this suiting nome de plume for her because she reminds me of the sky, she is ever changing and yet remain true to herself and her beauty, and at night she is just the visage of the stars, the most wonderful thing I have ever met, entrancing and lingering].

I chose to be polite too, "I'm X" [of course that's not my real name, I chose to call myself X in this story because, I'm basically no one without her, no one at all], "Your first day and you already got a nickname, why do they call you X anyway?" [I left out the part about my nickname, I'm still not including it], I laughed.

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