
Chapter 97: Grand Convergence! World Transformation! (6000 Big Chapter)_2

Just as he asked this question, he saw the young girl step into the large hole without paying any attention to him. He was about to pull the girl back to ask more, but the moment he touched her, he was shocked by electricity. He stood there convulsing, his hair standing on end, and his hair instantly turned into an exploded mess.

As he was being electrocuted, Logic's brain worked quickly.

There was electricity on his body!

And it was high-voltage!

If it wasn't Thunderclap Master, could it be the Female Eel Spirit?!

Fortunately, his physical condition was not as it had been, and the contact time was extremely short. A few seconds later, he recovered, still trembling all over as he followed the young girl into the room behind the door.

Inside the room,

A middle-aged man faced everyone with an expressionless face.

"You all came after all."

"Evans, surrender!" Colonel Stanton said harshly.

Evans paid no attention to them, nor did he care about Logic's betrayal, but turned to the girl, "I'm very curious who you are? Why do you possess a non-human physique and strange abilities?"

Just now, Sophon, who had been disconnected from him for five days, reappeared in his retina and told him that outside there was a human girl he couldn't get close to.

"She's just like me, a cultivator, a Thunder Cultivator!" Logic answered for her.

Xiao Ai could tell he was stalling for time and pointed to the large black disc behind him, "What is this?"

"An artwork."

Evans said calmly, though a hint of panic flashed in his eyes.

Approaching the black disc, Ding Yi knocked on it with his finger and found it was hollow inside.

Xiao Ai also noticed the issue. She released a thick stream of electricity from her fingertips, melting and opening the black box, revealing a set of circular electromagnetic coils in front of everyone in the room. Two meter-long, barely visible transparent microstrings were accelerating around the electromagnetic coil track, their speed increasing, and the two strings were getting closer and closer.

Ding Yi's pupils contracted as if struck by lightning, and he stood frozen in place.

He finally understood what Evans was trying to do, and what the black box recently loaded onto the ship was: a magnetic field device used to restrain macro-atomic nuclei, containing macro-atoms captured from nature!

Ding Yi's breathing quickened, and he gasped in terror, shouting:


"Quick, destroy the power source!"

Colonel Stanton fired at the black original box with his gun. Faster than him, an electric arc struck the power device. It sparked, emitting a crackling sound, and a puff of black smoke rose, losing power. The electromagnetic field collapsed instantly, and the two strings, free from restraint, slipped off the track. Just as they were about to pierce through the shell of the disc and the cabin, Xiao Ai restrained them with her magnetic field.

The people were still amazed by the girl's miraculous abilities, but no longer as shocked as before; after all, when cultivators appeared, what couldn't exist?

"What the hell is this thing that scared you like this?"

Colonel Stanton grinned, unaware that he had just brushed past death.

"Macro-atomic macro-fusion, my main research area."

Ding Yi took a deep breath, reminded of a female major he had once loved,

"If macro-atoms collided and exploded, we would all become quantum probability clouds, which is ultimately no different from death."

"The energy released by macro-atoms is targeted. Although it's only equivalent to tens of millions of tons of TNT, if this is aimed at chip-string macro-fusion, then most of the Earth's chips will be destroyed. If this is targeted toward biological string macro-fusion, all life within a thousand kilometers will perish."

Logic was shocked: "Then, if we find several more biological-string macro-atoms for fusion, wouldn't all humans on Earth be doomed?"

"In theory, yes, but macro-atomic nuclei targeting biological strings are hard to find in nature."

Ding Yi's words caused a continuous shock among those present. Colonel Stanton yelled through the walkie-talkie: "All teams, pay attention! If you find similar black disc devices, you must report immediately!"

"You've discovered it. I still wanted to understand the Lord's doubt, but it seems there is no chance now." Evans lowered his head, assuming the posture of a defeated man.

A few seconds later, however, he looked up and laughed crazily.


His laughter was wildly maniacal, and an ominous premonition enveloped everyone's hearts. Xiao Ai burst out with dazzling electric light, spreading glittering wings amidst the thunder and lightning, her body engulfed in the vast expanse of thunder and lightning.


A blue sun rose above the sea. It started small but expanded rapidly, its brightness at one point even surpassing the original sun.

The little girl by the roadside near the harbor looked curiously at the blue sun.

"Mommy, why is there another sun over there? And it's blue," she asked.

The woman looked up, her face a mix of shock and bewilderment.

People at the harbor stared at the strange sight on the sea with amazement, looking at each other, not understanding what was happening.

The giant ship emitted a blue light, and soon people saw the still-small blue globe because by then the ship was becoming transparent, like a transparent ship model suspended above the globe. It collapsed quickly as if melting, and strangely, as it collapsed, the ship's parts all moved towards the center of fusion, getting sucked into the globe like being drawn into a vortex, leaving no remains or traces around it.

After the giant ship disappeared, the globe kept expanding, rapidly taking on the appearance of a blue sun above the harbor. When it stopped growing, with a radius of two hundred meters, the energy of macro-fusion became selective only beyond this distance. Within it, due to the tremendous energy density, everything would be annihilated.