
Chapter 82 Covering the Sky_1

Under the introduction of the System, Ding Yi finally understood that the security system developed by Dr. M of the Multi-Universe Republic's main mission was to make the host protect Earth.

Speaking of which, the name really is quite odd—why call it security?

He recalled the old grandpa who was the gatekeeper of his community; with his frail build, Ding Yi could take on ten men like him by himself.

After all, he was a world-renowned scholar who had even turned down the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Although he was Earth's security guard, the title of security… felt strangely off.

As the founder who had unveiled the secrets of ball lightning and established the "macro-atom" theory.

Ding Yi possessed the arrogance that came with genius. Of course, his arrogance had almost been ground away after meeting another genius like Yang Dong.

Just then, the System, as if knowing what he was thinking, sent a prompt:

"With no woman in your heart, drawing your sword becomes divine!"

"As a qualified Earth security, you should abandon love, sever ties of affection!"

This System's intelligence was also very weird.

The ability to communicate directly with the human brain—what kind of technology was this?

Ding Yi was extremely curious inside, the civilization of the Multi-Universe Republic obviously far surpassed humanity. He wondered what such a civilization would be like and was eager to witness it for himself.

For the time being, ignoring the System that was full of oddities in his mind, he opened a can of ice-cold beer, downed it in one go, and slowly digested the information that had just poured into his mind.

Three-Body, Sophons, Earth's Rebels, the Frontiers of Science—everything that had been happening in the scientific community lately—it all made sense now; it was all alien magic.

The System, evidently, was also the magic of a high-tech civilization. Although he didn't know Dr. M's true intentions or whether Dr. M was an alien or a human from another universe, he knew one thing: he was likely on humanity's side.

"Interesting, truly interesting."


Seven o'clock in the evening, Tsinghua University.

The evening breeze rustled gently, whisking through the branches of the Chinese parasol trees, creating a rustling sound.

The road lit by streetlights was bustling with students and professors holding books, coming and going. On the nearby sports field, some walked hand in hand, others jogged together. The campus seemed always lively, brimming with vitality.

Logic, strolling with a beautiful young lady, was a charming and humorous young professor, making the girl fall for him without realizing that this was merely the hunter's disguise, and she had already become the prey.

The two wandered along the campus path.

Logic at that time was a playboy by nature, carefree and unencumbered, not yet the solemn and lonely Swordholder who would stand guard for humanity in his old age.

He was a cynic, with no great ambitions, squandering research funds irresponsibly—a profligate youth.

It wasn't until he met Zhuang Yan, the girl of his dreams, that he started to change.

Although he was still a man of instant pleasure, he hadn't yet reached the level of debauchery of the Logic who would throw silver parties.

Compared to the normal Logic, the one who would spend time partying could only understand the law of the "breeding forest": reproduction is the first necessity of all civilizations, the number of life forms in the universe kept expanding, whereas the total amount of matter remained constant, a breeding explosion, the biological chain.

The current Logic could neither be called utterly vile nor a good man, but setting character aside, he was an outstanding sociologist, a university professor.

"See you tomorrow, Lili."

"Goodbye, Professor."

They waved goodbye, and Logic tenderly watched her walk away.

Another one hooked.

His mouth curved up slightly as he made his way to where his car was parked, ready to drive home. Thinking about the bubbly young woman he had just been with, he also pondered how to skim some money off the new research project he'd just taken on.

As Logic was lost in thought, a voice echoed in his mind.

"Ding! System activation!"

At the same time, a white panel appeared in his mind:

[Great Emperor System]

Host: Logic

Gender: Male

Cultivation Technique: None

State: Mortal

Evaluation: The most ordinary mortal, can't even beat an infant in "Covering the Sky".

Main Mission: Perform martial demonstrations and preach! Convince everyone that you are cultivating! (Who says there are no great emperors among the human race?)

Current Task: Update the novel.

Task Reward: Daoist Classics of the Ocean Wheel.


Logic's ability to adapt was still very strong. From the initial confusion, with the system's explanation, he finally understood the situation.

He had been possessed by a cultivation system, and as long as he completed tasks, he could get rewards to cultivate and become a great emperor.

But what exactly was a great emperor?

And what was the Daoist Classics of the Ocean Wheel?

"The great emperor is the highest state in 'Covering the Sky', and the Ocean Wheel is a basic cultivation method. You can obtain it upon successful completion of the task."

The system's voice instantly rang in his mind. After pondering for a moment, Logic asked:

"System, is there a dual cultivation method for both males and females?"

"No, but there is a newcomer gift pack. The gift pack has been credited to your account, please check."

A gift pack? What gift pack?

He thought he hadn't seen anything, but then he heard the system say:

"The newcomer gift pack is a chance to forge your bones and cleanse your marrow, invaluable. Your body has already completed the foundation phase and you possess the basis for cultivation!"

Logic suddenly felt a lightness to his body, as if he had shed a heavy burden. His senses seemed much keener, almost supernaturally so. He took off his 500-degree glasses, and not only was his vision restored to normal, he could detect the trembling of a mosquito's wings, see the mites in the pores on a female student's face, and perceive the subtle changes in his surroundings. His hearing was so sharp he could clearly hear people's conversations from a distance.


Could this be real?!!

The changes in his body were incredibly perceptible, and if he was half-doubtful before, he was now almost completely convinced.

A few seconds later, Logic snapped out of his shock and excitement and asked, "What if I fail the task?"

"If the task fails, the host will become a three-second man. Your combat time will only be three seconds, treasure what you have!"


Logic exploded on the spot.

This could cost him his life! Just as he had his eyes on a girl, and now he could only last three seconds in actual combat? What was the use of this iron staff?

"'Covering the Sky' has been transmitted into your mind. The host can understand it in detail by reading it first."

For the sake of his happy life, Logic started reading the novel in his mind. He sat down on a roadside bench and became engrossed without realizing it.

"Covering the Sky," a masterpiece by Red-haired Monster for proving the Dao, was unquestionably a blockbuster bomb during the time when online novels just started to become popular in 2007.

An hour later, Logic withdrew his thoughts. He was boiling with excitement and wished he could immediately replace the protagonist and flatten the dark forbidden zones. If this were true, he would become the first great emperor on Earth!

I, Logic, will prove the Dao and become a great emperor!

At the peak of the emperors, I scorn all under heaven, for where there is Logic, there is the sky!

Logic's mind suddenly filled with youthful fantasies. As a naturally carefree person, he had a dream of roaming the world with a sword in hand when he was younger.

Though he did not grow up to traverse roof ridges and fight for justice like a great hero, he had still saved quite a few shabbily dressed young ladies on the streets, bringing warmth to their bodies and hearts.

In his fantasies, he imagined himself roaming the universe, covering the sky with one hand, and gathering all the divine maidens and holy sons of the universe into his harem.

Drunk on the knees of a beauty, awake to hold the power over all under heaven!

The young Logic took a deep breath, his heart brimming with excitement as he drove home. He turned on the computer, logged onto the Qidian website, and started publishing the "Covering the Sky" novel.

Of course, the Great Emperor System itself couldn't cultivate. It was a miracle project created by Qin Ming, just as Three-Body used Sophon technology to show miracles. He planned to be the magician behind Logic, while also attempting to create gods through technology.

Logic's originally bleak fate would be altered by him. From a lonely swordholder, he would become a pillar of the Earth Defense Bureau, used to attract Sophons and deceive Trisolarans into believing that humans, even after being blocked technologically, had found a way to cultivate.

Covering the Sky, Covering the Sky. In the Three-Body World, it's not the sky being covered, but the ubiquitous Sophons!