
Chapter 68 BSAA Strategic Weapon Research Institute_1


Chris's palms turned bright red from clapping, but he felt no pain, while others didn't think so fondly of it. Many just applauded in agreement, actually looking down on his ideas. However, they liked this kind of scientist very much because he was easy to control.

During the meeting, Qin Ming detailed his demands to the American officials, who all expressed their agreement.

Faced with these requests, which couldn't really be called demands, the government and the capital behind it had no choice but to comply. Only a fool would refuse such terms.

After all, on their turf, they could do as they pleased, and they could manipulate this naive, idealistic scientist anytime, even sending official researchers to steal his technology.

No matter how you looked at it, they came out way ahead!

After the meeting dispersed, an excited Chris rushed forward, wanting to embrace Qin Ming.

"You're a true hero! My friend!"

Qin Ming stepped back to avoid the hug, thinking to himself that these soldiers are always so keen on embracing him. He patted Chris on the shoulder, "Chris, you're the real hero."

With the meeting concluded, the American officials, according to Qin Ming's requirements, spent billions of dollars to construct a super research institute spanning tens of thousands of square meters next to the BSAA North American Branch.

The vast national machinery began to turn.

The American officials' grand action naturally did not escape the attention of other nations.

They announced to the outside world that this was the Strategic Weapons Research Institute of the BSAA.

The public was skeptical. For the BSAA alone, such a huge fuss?

Time passed like grains of sand through an hourglass, and soon half a month went by.

Pharmaceutical conglomerates, privy to inside information, were in a wait-and-see state, ready to sell off stocks and lay off staff at any moment.

If the rumors were true, it would be a transformation unlike any other. If you can't beat them, join them. They were powerless to change the situation, and could only try to minimize losses in the potential upcoming storm while attempting to grab a share of the pie.

Sakura Country had another major headline following Tokyo: off the coast of the Fukushima nuclear leak, a hundred-meter-tall horror giant emerged from the sea.

This news quickly took over the front pages of international media. Many countries were dissatisfied with Japan's casual handling of the nuclear leak the year before. Although official statements of sympathy for Sakura Country were released by various nations, not a single one actually offered real aid.

The monster had appeared, but Ultraman was nowhere to be seen.

Sakura Country was still cleaning up Tokyo's mess when another terrifying creature emerged from Fukushima.

The Chaos Giant Beast not only caused extensive damage to cities but also absorbed organic matter around it to split off offspring, and with its strong regenerative capability, ordinary missiles and conventional weapons were simply not enough to completely annihilate it.

As it continued its rampage, it was about to break into Tokyo. Left with no other option, Sakura Country tearfully requested America launch a tactical nuclear missile to completely destroy the beast.

Nuclear bombs would never miss the event; they would just be late.

The nuclear bomb, with the equivalent of millions of tons of TNT, exploded over the giant's head, sending a colossal mushroom cloud into the sky, overshadowing the sun. The surrounding buildings were leveled by the shockwave, and the hundred-meter-tall monster instantly vaporized in the explosion's multi-million-degree core.

An American colonel commented that nuclear bombs are indeed useful.

At the site of the explosion, the people of Sakura Country who rushed there looked at the devastation before them and broke down crying on the spot.

"Why are my eyes filled with tears? Because this is the agony of my society."

With their ancestors reduced to ashes, Sakura Country mourned as a nation. Many were in profound shock; the public, having faced two consecutive disasters, started to distrust their own country and began wave after wave of protests and demonstrations.

July 5, 2013, New York, BSAA North American Branch.

"In the face of a nuclear bomb, everything seems so insignificant."

Qin Ming sighed as he glanced at the news. He had thought that this creature known as the "Chaos Giant Beast" might bring him some surprise, but in the face of a nuclear bomb, it was as fragile as paper, blown to ashes.


Over the past half-month, other than waiting for the research institute to be completed, Qin Ming has kept busy studying and conducting research with the internal scientific staff at the BSAA's North American Branch's biological laboratory.

The laboratory brought him many surprises because it not only stored a variety of virus samples and their genetic sequences but also had data and tissue samples of various mutant infectants.

Progenitor virus, T-virus, G-virus, and so on, except for the enhanced C-virus and E-fungus that appeared only in the last seven or eight parts, were basically all there.

Inside the P4 level laboratory.

Researchers wearing positive and negative pressure protective suits were introducing him to the following:

"Dr. Qin, this is part of the mutated arm tissue of the G-virus stage four monster, eliminated and retrieved by the USS team."

The researcher sliced it and then returned the remaining tissue to the liquid nitrogen tank.

Through the telekinetic field, Qin Ming observed that the arm's muscle cells had become elongated and the bone cells had densified. Upon observation with the laboratory's cryo-electron microscope, he discovered new nanoscale structures within the bone cells.

He looked at the three-dimensional structure constructed on the computer screen and thought of that monster from before; there seemed to be a commonality.

Seeing Dr. Qin deep in thought, the researcher beside him said with a smile:

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"We've already identified this issue and have tried to research it, but..."

Listening to the researcher's description, Qin Ming knew that they had reached the step of analyzing protein structures, but unfortunately, due to limitations in funding, equipment, and personnel, they were still at a very rudimentary stage.

After all, many high-end experimental equipment cost astronomical figures, just like this cryo-electron microscope used in the field of life sciences, with a purchase price expensive at eight million dollars and annual maintenance costs amounting to several hundred thousand dollars.

In other words, this unassuming instrument could buy fifty homes in a second-tier city.

Qin Ming exited the P4 laboratory, changed back into his own clothes, and followed the researcher to a large space where two rows of twenty cultivation chambers stood, with the researchers bustling around and working.

According to the researcher's introduction, they were studying the C-virus controllable bio-weapon "Ustanak."

To avoid Qin Ming's misunderstanding, he explained:

"Our original intent in developing bio-weapons was to aid the combat troops, just as infantry assists tanks in battle, but Chris doesn't seem to understand our approach."

Even the BSAA was developing bio-weapons, from a dragon-slaying youth to becoming the dragon itself; no wonder during the time of "Resident Evil 8," Chris fell out with the BSAA and sought refuge with Blue Umbrella.

The organization that he and Jill had initially created had become out of their control after it had absorbed the FBC (Federation Bioterrorism Combat Alliance).

The FBC was the largest international counter-bioterrorism organization preceding the BSAA, yet its boss had covertly colluded with terrorists and even developed bio-weapons of his own, doing damage behind the scenes. Following exposure by the BSAA, the FBC disbanded, and most of its personnel were reassigned to the BSAA, which was a significant reason for its expansion. Among these FBC operatives, it was possible that remnants of the former regime persisted, and once Chris and his associates lost their leadership roles, they might take the opportunity to orchestrate from behind, potentially leading to an FBC redux.

The BSAA internally resembled a coalition of various interest groups, far from the simplicity of its early days, rife with moles and power struggles.

After a bit more observation, Qin Ming left the laboratory building alone, crossed the stairs, and arrived at a vast training field.

Several military helicopters and rows of black SUVs were parked there, with Chris and Jack sparring on an empty patch of ground. Since returning from Tokyo, Jack had joined the BSAA. The two muscled men were shirtless and sparred fiercely on the platform—one a battle-hardened veteran, the other lacking experience but stronger. Neither could gain the upper hand over the other.

Upon seeing Dr. Qin approach, Chris stopped and came over to ask,

"Dr. Qin, how long until the nanobot technology can be mass-produced? My soldiers are in great need of such technology."

"Mass production might take some time. Once my research institute is completed, I can start producing a portion for your use."

"Really? That would be fantastic. Thank you so much!"

Qin Ming once again dodged his hug,

In reality, nanobots could be mass-produced at any time. He was only using this pretext because he had not yet found the loophole left by the original Nanite, intending to improve the nanobots' vulnerability to electromagnetic pulse interference before starting mass production. He wanted to control all humanity through the loophole, like the Nanite of the previous world, and then realize his true plans.