
Chapter 57 The Great Bluff_1

As a genuine American girl, she was still not quite accustomed to Japanese cuisine. She lowered her head to eat a piece of fish roe sushi before looking around again.

But then she saw the suit-clad mutants, who had been moving around just now, suddenly stop in their tracks, frozen in a bizarre pose.

What's going on?

Sherry's heart sank, but in the next second, she witnessed something utterly horrific.

Their bodies began to seep beads of blood, which were swiftly followed by a total collapse, with hundreds of smooth chunks of flesh falling to the ground simultaneously!

The blood-red chunks of flesh were still wriggling, as the C-virus tried in vain to mend the shattered bodies.

The white floor was covered with red, flowing through the cracks to her heels.

Sherry's mind went blank as she unconsciously stood up, her eyes wide with terror as she surveyed her surroundings.

What had happened?!

How could they have turned into this?!!

Faced with this eerie situation, she stood rooted to the spot in horror, unsure where to put her hands and feet.

It took a while before her eyes scanned the area, noticing no unusual movement.

No, I've got to get out of here and find Jack so we can leave this hellish place!

Sherry cautiously picked up the pistol from the ground, stepping on the red blood and moving past the horrifying bodies strewn on the floor.

She shakily pushed open the door, stepping into the hallway that was eerily quiet, so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat.

Quietly, Sherry moved toward the room at the end of the hallway, where she remembered Jack was being held.

Tap, tap, tap.

She had barely taken two steps when she heard footsteps behind her, growing closer and closer.

Sherry's heartbeat sped up, and she turned to look in the direction of the footsteps, only to see a young Asian man approaching her from the dark end of the hallway!

The man was walking toward her from the shadows.

Instinctively, she raised her pistol at the man approaching, and as the distance between them narrowed, she finally made out his features.

White sneakers, slim pants, a casual tracksuit, and a young, handsome face with a warm smile.

Sherry felt a warmth spread through her body like sunshine.

She remembered her neighbor's older brother from when she was little, whose smiles at her were just as warm and kind.

Sherry used to love playing with that brother—it was the happiest time of her life. Unfortunately, her parents then moved her into the research institute, and she never saw him again.

Delicate platinum blonde hair, skin fair without a freckle or flaw, and the contours of her bust faintly visible beneath her robe.

Qin Ming remembered when he played Resident Evil 2, Sherry was just a green little girl; now she had grown into a tall, graceful young lady. Counting the timeline of the game, she should be 28 by now, but looking at her, one could never tell—she appeared no older than an 18-year-old teenager.

Is this the special ability of a G-virus fusion host?

Is it simply a matter of unchanged appearance, or has the aging process been slowed by the G-virus?

The telekinetic field at the cellular level began to scan meticulously; indeed, Sherry's cell structure was different from that of a normal human.

Through the telekinetic field, Qin Ming knew that there were blood samples and tissue samples of the two of them in the primary lab, along with a considerable amount of research material, sparing him the time to investigate on his own.

Qin Ming withdrew his gaze and raised an eyebrow: "Miss Sherry, is this how you treat your savior?"

"My savior?"

Sherry remained vigilant in the face of the stranger's words: "How am I supposed to believe you?"

She had barely finished speaking when she saw the pistol in her hand seemed to be sliced in half by something, the barrel falling to the floor with a clatter.


Sherry stared in bewilderment at the remaining half of the pistol in her hand.

"Do you believe me now?"

Now she did believe the man's words. Sherry stepped forward:

"Was it you who killed them?"

"How did you do it?"

Her focus was entirely on the stranger, completely unaware of her exposed attire.

"That's not the point; the point is, I'm here to save you."

Qin Ming shook his head and added: "Let's go find Jack first."

Saying this, he walked on, and Sherry, gritting her teeth, followed.

She ran ahead to the room where Jack was held and pushed open the door.

At that moment, Jack was in the corner of the room, pressing tightly against the wall, having lived through the eerie event as well.

Seeing the door open, he tensed up, aiming his gun at the doorway.


Jack's tightly wound nerves finally relaxed, and he lowered his weapon—but then he saw a strange man standing next to Sherry, and his pupils contracted as he raised his gun again.

"Jack! Put down the gun; he's not the enemy. He's the one who saved us!"

Xueli quickly intervened to prevent his impulsive behavior, afraid he would anger the man next to her.

Jack didn't trust easily. His face, sharply contoured, was full of suspicion, and he was about to press for answers when he heard the man sigh:

"Jack, you're cast from the same mold as your father."

"My father?" Jack frowned—this was yet another mention of that name, but he still didn't lower his gun, "You know him?"

"Your father, Wesker, often wore sunglasses. One day I couldn't help but ask him why. He said he didn't like people seeing my eyes, didn't like anyone communicating emotion through gazes. Behind his sunglasses, there was only the word 'mission'."

"You really do resemble him."

As these words entered Jack's ears, he felt troubled and hesitant, and the hand holding the gun was no longer steady.

It seemed this man knew a lot. Sherry signaled to Jack with a wink, indicating him to continue questioning.

Jack was indeed curious as he couldn't help but ask:

"Who exactly are you?"

"Who am I?"

That would have to start from your father."

The light in the room fell on the man's shoulders, his eyes revealing a hint of sadness as if reminiscing about the past.