
Chapter 46 Changing the Frontiers of Science_1

"Time is long, life is short."

Teacher Li understood what his student meant, he was an unquestionable genius, and staying in high school was just a waste of his time.

The middle-aged teacher sighed, put down what he was doing, and walked out of the office, heading straight to the junior second-year teacher's office, wanting to discuss this matter with the grade director.

He pushed the door open but didn't see the grade director. He immediately asked the young teacher in the office,

"Where's Old Wang?"

"Director Wang seemed to have some urgent matter and left."

The young teacher replied, and seeing him turn to leave, he suddenly remembered something, "Oh right, Teacher Li, I almost forgot, Director Wang, before he left, also said to have you monitor the exam for him tomorrow."

"That Old Wang, always busy with something every day."

Teacher Li muttered as he walked out of the junior second-year office.


The classroom of Peking University High School's junior second year was just twenty minutes from the test, and the examinees were almost all present.

By coincidence, the examinee sitting next to Qin Ming was Liu Yueyue.

She had already been surprised to see Qin Ming at school yesterday, and now she was surprised again to see him sitting next to her for the test.

Liu Yueyue thought to herself that if she had cancer, she wouldn't bother going to class, but would just travel the world directly. After touring the world, she would plant a birch forest somewhere before dying, and after she was gone, she'd sprinkle her ashes there as fertilizer!

In a couple of years, the trees on her grave would be several meters high, and her life would essentially continue on in those birch trees.

Not bad!

Snapping out of her daydream, she turned her head and looked at Qin Ming, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to take the test. Where else would I be?"

As Qin Ming spoke, he glanced at the invigilating teacher on the stage who was resting with his eyes closed. The exam monitor was Teacher Li.

He strongly suspected that Teacher Li had arranged this deliberately to observe whether he was involved in early love.

"We're just classmates, right?"

"Huh?" Liu Yueyue was puzzled.

"Never mind." Qin Ming glanced at Teacher Li on the stage who showed no reaction, then changed the subject,

"How have your math and physics grades been recently?"

"Well, the teachers all praise me for making a lot of progress lately."

"A lot of progress? What scores do you usually get?"

Liu Yueyue smiled awkwardly, not continuing the conversation.

In the teachers' eyes, her math score had improved from thirty to fifty, nearly doubling, so of course, the progress was significant.

Before they could talk more, the exam began.

Teacher Li, holding the papers, began to distribute them one row at a time; he passed them down row by row.

While Qin Ming was taking the test, the history that his butterfly flapping had changed was already revealing a towering corner.


Not far from Peking University High School, inside a beautifully landscaped neighborhood.

Yang Dong and Ding Yi were sitting on the sofa, chatting casually.

This was a brand-new three-bedroom, one-living room residence, with a large living room that had little furniture and was not much decorated. The only notable feature was a prominently placed pool table in the corner.

The two were discussing what furniture to buy, but using the word 'discuss' might not be fitting since only Ding Yi was talking seriously, while Yang Dong beside him, seemed distracted. She stroked the smooth fur of the white cat on her lap while listening to him, occasionally responding with brief comments.

Facing Yang Dong's vague engagement, Ding Yi was not angry, just a bit disappointed. He knew he never really entered the heart of the beautiful and intelligent woman before him, his fiancée. Their upcoming marriage seemed more like an academic union.

The light that shone on her was always cold.

Ding Yi felt inexplicably downcast as he looked around the still-unfinished house, wondering if Yang Dong would genuinely enter into a family life with him.

"Thud thud thud!"

A knocking at the door interrupted his thoughts.

He stood up to open the door and was greeted by two army officers standing at the entrance.

"Hello, may I ask if you are Professor Ding?"

Ding Yi answered, "Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?"

"There's an important meeting this afternoon, and we've been asked to invite several scholars and experts. The commander has requested your presence."

The military, is it about the Macro-Atomic Research Group?

Just two days ago, a member of the research team he led had committed suicide, someone who had once been involved with the Frontiers of Science.

With this connection in mind, Ding Yi asked,

"The meeting, is it about the Frontiers of Science?"

"Yes, Professor Ding," one of the officers replied, somewhat surprised and nodding.

Ding Yi thought for a moment and then agreed,

"Okay, I will go with you."

Yang Dong, who had been silently standing, walked up behind Ding Yi:

"Ding Yi, I will go with you," she said, her ethereal voice a bit elusive.

"And this lady is?" The officers noticed the beautiful woman in the room for the first time.

"She is," Ding Yi initially wanted to say his fiancée, but the words changed involuntarily as they came to his lips:

"She is Yang Dong."

Yang Dong?

The two officers rifled through their memories for this name, but after some thought, they realized they had no impression of her at all. They had heard of Ding Yi, often seeing him in the news and newspapers because of his discovery of macro-atoms and macro-electrons, but the name Yang Dong struck them as unfamiliar.

Yang Dong always disliked showing herself in public and never appeared in the media, unlike Ding Yi, whose discoveries had made him world-famous, so many people were unaware of her.

Seeing this, Ding Yi could only add, "She is also a high-energy physicist."

The military jeep carrying the two drove into a large compound on the outskirts of the city.

This was military territory, with gates marked only by their numbers and no unit names.

The meeting was held in a hall, the enclosed space thick with the smell of smoke. Yang Dong walked in with a slight frown, a subconscious reaction; few women liked that smell, or rather, non-smokers found it intolerable.

Around the hall was a circle of haphazardly placed computer equipment, the makeshift conference table piled high with documents and miscellaneous items. The majority of those present looked exhausted, their eyes listless, but when they saw Yang Dong enter, they perked up a little.

Especially the corner-seated Wang Miao.

Initially resentful about being forcibly brought here by Da Shi, Wang Miao's feelings shifted subtly to gratitude when he saw Yang Dong.

It had been a year since their last meeting at the particle accelerator construction site in Liang Xiang. The instant he saw her, memories of that beautiful tableau from a year ago flooded his mind, and Wang Miao's expression became dreamy.

Lost in thought, he was jarred back to reality by Da Shi next to him.

Seeing his entranced look, Da Shi chuckled mischievously and said loudly,

"Professor Wang, staring at someone like that used to be a hooligan offense. You'd get dragged off and shot!"

His loud voice made Wang Miao jump, and coming back to his senses, he saw that everyone was looking at him with strange gazes. Wang Miao's face turned hot with embarrassment, and he resorted to a smile to hide his discomfort. Any favorable impression he might have had of Da Shi disappeared in an instant, transitioning to even deeper annoyance.

That might have been bearable, but when he saw Yang Dong giving him a peculiar look, the image of himself ruined by Da Shi, Wang Miao's defenses collapsed on the spot.

Da Shi, fuck your mother!