
Chapter 38 Violent Aesthetics_1

Within the building, official agents began to mobilize one after another.

Overtime programmers took their hands off the keyboard.

The woman squatting in the toilet pulled up her pants.

The plumber doing repair work set down his pliers.

The security guard knocked out the colleague who had just been chatting with him seconds ago, and the auntie cutting meat in the kitchen picked up a cleaver...

The agents quickly split up and headed for the top floor from various levels of the building, and even when they bumped into each other, no friction occurred since they shared a common goal.

Hacker agents had infiltrated the building's control and surveillance systems. Hidden laser detectors, infrared alarms, and all automatic defense weapons were paralyzed by viruses.

Everything was going too smoothly, unlike in the plan where there would be fights against hidden mechanical-modified people. Apart from a few ordinary security guards, they encountered no substantial resistance or surprises; the teams easily entered Dr. Harding's office.

The official agents did not let down Qin Ming's longstanding expectations, and Luna, who had squatted in the toilet for half a day, also successfully followed in.

The alloy automatic door slowly opened, and Luna dashed in with a swift movement.

The whole 30th floor, over a thousand square meters, was Dr. Harding's office, and the spaciousness within was apparent at a glance.

She quickly walked to Dr. Harding's computer desk and connected her phone to the computer.

The rest was for Qin Ming to do. The Trojan virus in the phone successfully invaded the computer, and through software searching, it quickly located the desired information in a hidden encrypted folder, proceeding to crack the password.

After finishing these tasks, Luna suddenly realized a problem: there was no one in the room but her. It was as if the agents had never entered.

[Where are the agents?]

Luna felt something strange and typed the question on her phone.

[They're all here.] Qin Ming replied.

[Luna, the thermal imaging function is now on. Take another look around.]

Looking around, Luna discovered through the AR glasses with thermal imaging that there were people hidden in every corner of the office. Although they were well concealed, invisible to the naked eye, their outlines were clear under the infrared scan.

Unaware they had been spotted, over a dozen pairs of eyes had been stealthily observing her since she walked in. After confirming she was also a spy, the man closest to Luna crawled out from beneath the sofa.

Luna, who knew all along, merely glanced at him.

"Agent 1 and 2, she's a spy as well. Come on out."

The man started to call others, "Everyone, come on out."

Two agents equipped with special gear jumped down from the ceiling where they had been clinging to the wall, and several more laboriously squeezed out from various cabinets. A few more emerged from behind the curtains, including a familiar face to Luna—the department supervisor she had once stepped on.

Watching these slightly comical maneuvers of the agents, Luna thought she had been tricked by movie clichés; they were nothing like the spies she had envisioned.

Movie spies were ghostly and agile, intelligent beyond measure, capable of escaping any danger, able to evade even the strictest lockdowns using the most unexpected methods.

What you think of an agent, the reality of an agent...

Suddenly, Luna thought of herself as an agent, and it seemed quite normal in comparison.

"Our goal is the same."

"I've found the nanobot technology and am willing to share it with you."

Luna looked at the agents and quickly reached a consensus with those present. There was no need for conflicts, which would only lead to more complications and accidents, especially since everyone's common goal was the scientific data.

A few leading agents came over to the computer. After confirming that Luna was not lying, they nodded in agreement.

Qin Ming, controlling from afar, had already cracked the password and confirmed that it was research data on nanobots. He began downloading it onto Luna's phone from the computer.

The agents felt a sense of bewilderment, surprised that the mission was so simple, yet they did not let their guard down.

Just then, a bald man burst in, "You cannot take these documents away; it's all Dr. Harding's plot!"

Through Luna's perspective, Qin Ming recognized this as Lei, the male lead from the original storyline.

He continued to yell, "The nanobots produced from this data will control humans; everyone will be under Dr. Harding's command, just like me!"

No sooner had he spoken than the agents were still bewildered when suddenly, dark metal plates fell over the surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows, emitting a thunderous noise.

Everyone tried to contact the agents waiting outside as soon as possible but found that the signal had been lost inside the room.

"Impressive, I didn't expect you to be able to break free from the control of the nanobots."

The voice came from outside the door, and everyone turned to find that it was Dr. Harding.

Dr. Harding's face showed a trace of surprise at the moment.

"But do you really think you can escape my control?" He said as he extended his right mechanical arm and pressed a button, causing the red light in the Bald guy's eyes to flash, as if he had fallen under control again.

"There's been a slight slip-up, but I've still got control," Dr. Harding muttered to himself, then turned to the people in the office, "Soon, you'll all be working for me, just like him."

After he spoke, the dozen or so people behind him walked in through the door. They were the security guards who had been knocked out and the employees who were working overtime, including two agents who were also under Dr. Harding's control.

About ten people crowded at the doorway, stepping in with the same cadence, and then the alloy door closed quickly.

Their faces were expressionless, and the dangerous red light flickering in their eyes made them resemble cold, emotionless robots.

These were the Nanotech-Enhanced Beings controlled by Dr. Harding!

The agents felt a chill in their hearts. Despite realizing they were trapped, they weren't going to resign themselves to fate without a fight.

Several agents pulled out their guns and fired at the Enhanced Beings rushing towards them, but even after emptying their magazines, it only slowed their advance for a moment.

"Guns are useless against them!"

Confronting the menacing charge of the Enhanced Beings, they didn't dare face them head-on and had no choice but to scatter and flee.

Luckily, the opponents were only mechanically carrying out attack orders and didn't coordinate like humans. The office space was also big enough to give the agents some time to fend them off.

But it didn't last long because they were outnumbered.

These well-trained agents were beaten back step by step by the dozen Nanotech-Enhanced Beings, whose strength was several times that of an average person and who recovered quickly from injuries, seemingly as indestructible as cockroaches.

Especially the Bald guy who was re-controlled, he was overwhelming them to the point that they couldn't fight back at all.

Several agents were caught off guard by him, beaten to near collapse, and then injected with nanobots.

"How are we supposed to fight this!"

"We can't beat them at all!"

The remaining agents quickly found themselves at a disadvantage, with only the department head and a few other agents with bionic augmentations managing to barely hold their own against them.

In the original storyline, without targeted heavy weaponry, the main character Lei, who was enhanced by nanotech, could take down a team of experienced special forces with his bare hands.

Just ten minutes had passed since the fight started, and the agents felt they were about to be overwhelmed.

A Nanotech-Enhanced Being, by sheer bad luck, lunged at Luna Li next to the computer, where the data transfer was still 20% incomplete.

Luna's gaze sharpened as she looked at the Nanotech-Enhanced Being rushing towards her. Although the office's signal was blocked and she could not receive help or cues from Qin Ming, her AR eyeglasses were equipped with more than just that function; they also had combat software.

"[Combat system, activate!]"

"[Martial arts selection, Muay Thai!]"

Luna sprang up, raising her mechanically augmented right leg. The high magnetic motor exploded with power, and her titanium alloy knee smashed into the incoming Being's face like a cannonball.

The onrushing Enhanced Being fell backwards, his head slamming hard against the floor and sliding five meters.

As Luna landed from mid-air, she saw his face was sunken in all around; his previously normal head had assumed the shape of an oval football, and the black and red Nanomechanical Worms on it were busily repairing, but he didn't get up for quite a while.

The other three beings, who had been preoccupied with chasing the others, were now drawn to Luna, closing in on her.

Rather than retreating, Luna charged forward, power bursting from her legs, darting forward and dodging the first Enhanced Being's punch. Her right elbow struck hard, hitting his jaw, then she kicked him away with her right leg.

Next, a whip-like kick struck the neck of the enemy to her right, the massive force sending the Enhanced Being crashing to the floor, shaking the entire room. He tried to struggle to his feet, but Luna, putting her whole body into the effort, delivered a powerful kick to his face.

His heavy upper body arched backward into the air; the red light in his eyes flickered once, then his body went limp and crashed onto the floor.

After dealing with those two, she faced the last charging Enhanced Being, tightening her waist and bringing down a Rising Dragon Fist with formidable force, sending him flying backward with his head arched upwards.

Luna's actions were filled with a violent beauty, and in that moment, she was both heroic and beautiful, leaving the agents who were still scrambling around in awe.