
Chapter 13: Letting Go and Taking a Risk_1

Just when they were at their wits' end, a pickup truck identical to theirs suddenly charged out from the left at the crossroads and drove alongside them.

Ross took a closer look and, to his surprise, it was that guy Laru.

"Hey, brothers, I've come to help you out!"

Laru, driving the truck, said with a big laugh, looking at the several people inside the vehicle and flashing his pearly white teeth.

"Oh, Laru, you actually came to help us?"

"Of course, I'm not cold-blooded, how could I leave my comrades and run away?"

As he spoke with Laru, Ross eyed the large tractor trailer in front of him and a plan suddenly formed in his mind.

The pickup truck suddenly accelerated, and the two vehicles positioned themselves ahead of a heavy tractor trailer.

The large tractor trailer blocked their view, and the gangster hitmen temporarily lost sight of their targets, pressing hard on the accelerator to catch up.

In that short half-minute, Ross, holding a locator, climbed onto Laru's truck and shot the license plates of the two vehicles to pieces.

At a glance, there was no distinguishing between the two trucks.

He drove Laru's pickup, while the Bald Guy drove the one carrying the gold.

Seeing the black cars about to overtake the tractor trailer, and to avoid detection, the two trucks quickly split up, leaving Laru dumbfounded on Ross's truck.

"Wait, I haven't gotten on yet!"

Laru's eyes bulged as he frantically slapped his thighs.

But even if he broke his thighs slapping them, it was useless; the load full of gold had already streaked into the flow of traffic and vanished from sight, leaving only a whiff of exhaust fumes for him to smell.

"Hold on tight, Laru, I'm going to speed up!" Ross yelled, then pressed down hard on the accelerator.

Hearing this, Laru hastily took the passenger seat, his expression looking somewhat on the verge of tears.

The people pursuing them focused their attention entirely on the pickup truck with the locator, completely unaware that the other vehicle had already made its escape.

The Bald Guy and the man with the hat were safe for the moment, but the situation for Ross and Laru had become extremely dangerous.

Dozens of black cars from all directions tightly pursued the little pickup's tail, and there was even a helicopter appearing in the sky.

On the ground, there were pursuers, and in the sky, a helicopter relentlessly followed.

For some reason, Laru suddenly felt like crying.

The computer was still on that vehicle, and it contained too many things not meant to be seen.

Thinking about his computer and the situation he was in now, as a person who usually found joy in things, he couldn't find any joy at the moment.

"There's so much important stuff on my computer!"

"They didn't forget my computer in the car, did they!"

"Big guy, do you think we can get away?"

Laru was as talkative as ever.

"Shut up!"

Ross was very agitated, his brow furrowed, driving the car while trying to figure out how to make it out alive.

This wasn't a simple gang, they could even deploy a helicopter.

Although Ross lured these people over and then threw away the locator, it was clear that even without the locator, they would have a hard time getting away.

All of a sudden, several mysterious black cars sprang out from a junction ahead, aggressively charging towards them.

With this move clearly aimed at them, Ross violently turned the steering wheel; sandwiched front and back, he had no choice but to drive onto the large bridge to the right that spanned the river.

On the majestic bridge over the river, Cadillac cars lined up ahead, and gangsters' vehicles followed behind, leaving the little pickup trapped in the middle with nowhere to move.

Above was the helicopter following them, and below was a vast river.

Ross had considered jumping into the river to escape, but the surface was at least fifty meters down. Every object has its limits in cushioning a fall, and jumping from a 50-meter-high water surface was not much different from hitting concrete; the impact upon hitting the water would kill a person at that height.

Ross and Laru were surrounded with no angle of escape, truly without a path to heaven or a door to the ground beneath.

They were in a desperate situation!

At this moment, the bridge was choked with vehicles, and people who saw the gangsters, radiating murderous intent and armed with guns, getting out of their cars in what seemed to be the prelude to a gunfight, hurriedly abandoned their cars and fled, their practiced movements almost heart-wrenching to witness.

Fifty meters away from Ross, dozens of gangster hitmen on both front and rear sides had gotten out of their vehicles and were aiming their guns at the truck.

They didn't shoot, preferring to capture their targets alive.

One of the skinny and ferret-faced thugs yelled arrogantly:

"Run, keep on running!"

"Haha, can't run now, can you? We've got people everywhere."

These gangsters had lost quite a few of their own while pursuing them and were now filled with resentment.

"Lay down your guns and kneel, give us a full account of The Hand of God's supply, and perhaps we'll spare your life."

The man in the suit barked the orders, his tone arrogant and complacent, as if he had already secured the victory.

He didn't believe this group could still manage to escape, not with so many of his own men surrounding them, and that even a cannon would take a while to make an impact.

"We're done for, I never thought I, Laru, would meet my end here."

Laru sat deflated in the passenger seat, his head hung low in despair.

Contrary to Laru, Ross gripped his fists tightly, wishing he could tear these arrogant bastards to shreds.

But he knew that both he and Laru couldn't possibly escape now.

After such an event, and so much time passing without a single sign of the police, it was clear that the people behind this had formidable power.

Was it Thomas or someone else?

In this crucial moment, Ross's heart gradually calmed as he thought of his fiancée, the woman his heart always longed for; he wondered where she was at this moment.

"If only I could see you one last time."

Ross took out a photograph from his chest pocket and caressed it tenderly; it was of a pretty and adorable blonde woman, sweet and innocent-looking.

This was Lisa, his fiancée, the only woman he had ever truly loved.

Dr. Qin, I hope you can find her.

Seeing the men closing in, he hesitated no longer. He drew his gun and pointed it at Laru, ready to silence him first before taking his own life.

Ross knew that neither he nor Laru could be captured alive.

These people had clearly been planning this for a long time and wanted to extract specifics about The Hand of God's supply channel from them.

As an ex-special forces soldier, he was aware that there were many interrogation methods capable of breaking a person's resolve; some were so brutal that not even he could withstand them, let alone Laru.

Laru was no fool. As soon as the gun was aimed at his head, he understood everything and desperately begged Ross for mercy.

Just as Ross was about to fire, a round object fortuitously fell out of his bag.

He took a closer look and discovered it was a grenade, suddenly remembering the modified grenades Dr. Qin had given to him.

It had been so long, and he had never really kept them in mind, that Ross nearly forgot about the item.

"Laru, perhaps we can make it out of this."

Ross set down the gun and picked up the grenade, a sudden thought to try it out crossing his mind. Why not throw it out and see?

"What is that?" A flame called hope flickered in Laru's heart.


"Big bro, what good is pulling out a grenade now?"

The flicker of hope in his heart was snuffed out instantly, and Laru fell into utter despair before resigning to fate, "Just kill me, big man. Better than falling into their hands."

Ross himself didn't have much confidence. Dr. Qin had fooled him more than once, and he remembered the Gun Fighting Technique, which left him with a useless right hand the whole day without success.

But at this point, Ross had no other choice but to place his hopes in it.

Without further hesitation, Ross chose to take the risk!

He kicked open the car door and, using all his strength, hurled the two improvised grenades in different directions with fierce might. In an instant, they flew out into the fray.