
Fragments Of Fury

Setting his head on the back of the chair and closing his eyes, he sat in a relaxed way. His manager was in front of him. "Sir, we are continuously receiving death threats for you. I am very worried," he said in a contemplative tone. Listening to him, a bitter smile danced on his lips. "What else can they do? I don't care about whatever they are saying, and I also don't expect my team to pay attention to all this rubbish instead of focusing on the investigation."

He left his relaxed position and said while looking at him, "No sir, we are even ready to sacrifice our lives for this cause, but we can't take a risk with your life." His manager spoke in a tense tone.

A soft smile crossed his lips. "I know, Hassan, that you are doing your best, and I trust my team more than myself. Don't worry; I will tell them that their opponent is Zaviyar Wajdan this time. He has not learned to lose." He hadn't even completed his sentence when his words were interrupted as he saw Mr. Hashim standing by the door. His facial expression clearly showed that he had overheard everything. He had been trying lately to keep Mr. Hashim out of all this mess, but he knew it was surely not possible now.

He moved his fingers through his hair, "Uncle, please come," he asked him to sit, and tilting toward his manager, he said, "You can go now and please send two coffees to my cabin." The manager got up from the chair and left the room, greeting Mr. Hashim. Zaviyar came forward and sat on the chair in front of Mr. Hashim. He was now looking at him as if he were waiting for him to speak.

"Uncle, I know I should have told you earlier, but I didn't want you to worry," he said in a soft tone.

"Zavi, it is not something that I have not expected. I am also in this field. As an officer, I will say that I am proud of you, but unfortunately, as a father, I will request you to leave all this on me and go away from this mess," Mr. Hashim said in a tense tone.

"Uncle, how can…?" He was speaking when he was interrupted, "See son, I am ensuring you that I will fight against him till my last breath. I can take a risk with my life, but I cannot lose you," his tone was very weak. "Uncle, it is my battle, and I don't want anyone else to fight for me. Please, uncle, try to understand; I cannot forget her critical situation when I buried her, her torn clothes, her body full of scars. I still hear her screams when she was struggling to breathe despite all that happened. I smell her blood from that Shahmeer Sikandar. Her last words to me in her broken, trembling voice, 'Zavi, don't let my sacrifices and struggles go in vain.'"

His tormenting words broke both of them. Many tears rolled down his face. "I cannot let him go with all this. He will pay for his deeds. I will hold him accountable for every pain she suffered. Zoobi, your brother will take your revenge; he will." Talking about Zoobi, his patience broke, and many tears flowed down his cheeks.

Mr. Hashim stood from his chair and went close to him, held his shoulder, "I am sorry, man; I shouldn't have said all this to you. I am the father of a brave son. From now on, I will be with you every step of the way. I trust you."

He got up from his chair and hugged Mr. Hashim tightly, trying to lessen his pain, trying to forget his loss.

Time is very cruel. It plays dreadful games with you, sometimes ending up snatching everything from you. The extreme of feebleness is that you cannot even fight or manipulate these games. It often drains every color from your small little garden of life, converting it into an unadorned valley. Zaviyar Wajdan was surely one of those who were brutally preyed upon by the barbarous hunters of time. This fierce storm named Shahmeer Sikandar destroyed his peaceful life, depriving him of every relation.

Durrani House:

Raha stood outside Durrani House. Aina hadn't come to college for the previous few days, and she didn't talk properly on phone calls. Raha was sure that she was very depressed because of all the circumstances going on, so that's why she decided to go to her house and at least cheer her up a little bit.

Aina was standing in front of her cabinet, searching for something, but her moving hands stopped as she saw his coat that he had wrapped around her that day. His benign face reflected in front of her eyes, and his caring words echoed. She slightly picked it up and softly hugged it. She took a deep breath and tried to feel his faded scent. "I wish you were mine," she said with closed eyes, but suddenly she realized the meaning of her words. "What am I saying?? No, he was just a stranger. He is gone," she told herself.

She was so busy with herself that she didn't notice anyone's presence in the room. "Aina?" Raha's voice broke the momentum of her thought, and she promptly turned toward her, hiding the coat behind her. "Yes," she said with a swollen breath. "What happened, Aina? It's me, Raha. Calm down, bro."

She could not get her reaction. "OO RAHA!! It's you," she said with a fake smile but couldn't look at her any longer. She felt like Raha was reading her face, and she would find out her secret that she herself didn't want to accept. "Aina, why are you acting like this, and what are you hiding from me?" Raha pointed at her hand. "Nnnothing. I am just coming," Aina said while putting the coat back in the cabinet. Raha found her reaction suspicious, but she was not going to force her. "Let's go." Aina held her hand and moved toward the room.

"Anyway, leave it, and I am not here to sit. I came to pick you up, and we will go out for lunch, and then I have to do a little bit of shopping," she said excitedly. "Ufff, Raha, leave it. We would rather enjoy a good coffee sitting on that balcony." Aina didn't want to go out. "No, I am not gonna listen to anything. Get up, please, Aina, please," Raha insisted. Aina couldn't refuse her, so she got up.

"Ok, bro, let's go. But anyway, your shopping can't be a little bit, so at least don't lie." They began to laugh and left the house.