
Chapter 1: First Day

[6 years ago, at Home]

That day was the first day, in the morning as soon as I woke up, I could hear noises from outside my room. When I went, I saw all my cousins there, I was incredibly happy to see them as I was leaving for Korea in two days. They were all dressed up as they had planned on going out somewhere.

As soon as they saw me, they came to me and gave me a tight hug, it was mesmerizing.

Sarah said to me "we all are going to miss you like crazy until you get back."

Everyone agreed with her.

I replied, "same here".

We pulled away from the hug. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

Katy wiped her tears and told me to get changed quickly. She said that we were going out today and it would be one of the best days of my life.

she was indeed right about it.

It took me half an hour to get ready, this was one of the fastest thirty minutes of my life. I was excited for the surprise that was planned for me.

We split and sat in two cars as there were many of us. We started our journey for the day. Loud music and a long day with your cousins- best feeling.

First, we went to have breakfast in Shanti sagar from there our journey started.

Star city was the first in the list for I had numerous childhood memories there. I played many games there and it had changed from when I had been there last time this was one of the moments I would love to cherish forever.

We went for bowling there, By the time we were done playing it was afternoon already.

"I think so play is enough now or else we will miss the flower show at lal Bagh that we had booked. We also should have lunch before that" Sarah told me.

"I am also really hungry; I didn't even have my breakfast. "I agreed with Sarah.

"Okay then we will go and eat now" Katy said.

We had our lunch and headed towards Lal bagh for the flower show. It was a beautiful show indeed.

"best for the best" I said teasing.

"all hail the queen" Jennie bowed looking towards me.

We all burst into laughter.

we were headed back towards the cars to get to the Second last place for the day.

"where are we going next?" I asked turning towards Sarah.

"It's a secret", there was suspense in her voice.

"Not fair" I said to her in a disappointed tone.

"It's a surprise don't make me ruin it by telling it to you."

"Okay fine", I said, annoyed.

But then my favorite song came on the radio which made me happy. It would be time for sunset. We all headed towards towards a familiar road I could not remember.

It was Nandhi hills I could now remember the road. Then my cousin had brought tickets for a Kapoor and sons.

Then we had dinner and again went for a long drive.

The day was a blast. A memory I was going to take with me when I go to Korea.we reached home at 2 in the morning. We already had keys, so we didn't need to wake anyone up.

We entered the house and directly went to bed.

I was trying to be mentally prepared for tomorrow as i was going to leave India I only had a day left with my family.

We woke up late because we stayed up until 6 in the morning as no one was able to sleep. It was one of the shortest days of my life. Each passing hour felt like nothing more than twenty minutes.

I snapped out of that thought of the past while I was in the line for taking my boarding pass.

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