
Always Here With You

Rosaria had woken up from her nap and noticed the sky had changed it's color, in orange, pink and blue, the stars slowly starts to decorate the sky, and the night was near approaching. She sits up and stretched her arms.

She stretched her arms up and let out a yawn.

"That was a nice nap, it's just what I need " she says as she crane her neck with a satisfied sigh.

After days of training and strengthening her body, of course Rosaria was gonna be tired at some point, especially when her body was not used to such activities.

She really need to a break every once in a while, Rosaria deserved that much after being married to an unfaithful piece of shit.

The princess looked at the sun setting from the horizon, golden eyes reflecting the colors from the sun.

She taps her hand on the sleeping mare and Minerva didn't hesitate to wake up, Rosaria stood on her feet, and Rosaria stretched her hands and back again. The princess looks around the forest and found her heels placed under tree next to her.

This made her alert, with a brow raised, she caught a smell in the air and it was like burnt paper or drugs.

I didn't smell that one here before....

She grabs her heels and climbs up her saddle. Whoever was with her when she was unconscious had tried to cover their scent but Eve's sense of smell had long heightened ever since the new system appeared....

It smelled near, and it was unknown to her.

She looks at her mare and remember it was asleep when she woke up, she had thought, Minerva might have encountered the person, and it didn't woke up her owner.

Animals could sense danger, better than humans.

Rosaria searched the forest with her gaze and frown.

Looks like Minerva have trusted the person, she probably didn't smell any danger from the whoever had visited us.

" Hello, are you still there? " she looks at her mini map and saw no person's within the forest, there was no indicator, no dots showing any signs of person.

The next location on her map was locked, so she can't see any signs of life forms there much less the stranger that was around. She was greeted with a quiet forest and its rustling trees, Rosaria held the reins and looked around one last time.

" Guess not...." she sighs in relief and turn her horse towards the end of the forest.

" Let's go Minerva " she left with her horse and cautiously looks back, unsure if the person is still around. Once she had left and put a safe distance between her and the forest, Rosaria had turn to look in front and rode away as fast as possible.

Upon arriving the palace back gates, she could see a few people waiting for her, the palace maids had gasp in relief finally seeing their princess. Rosaria slowly approached them and looked around.

Christopher and Caroline were not seen anywhere.

" Your highness, thank god you're safe. We were worried you didn't return with the crown prince " Her maid calls to her as she approach the princess, she looks slightly panicked and Rosaria raised a brow.

" What's wrong, did something happen? I was just only out for a while, that isn't new. " They wouldn't be this worried if it was only about her, that means, this has something to do with the crown prince.

Sandra, her ginger haired maid, immediately responded to her question with a worried expression.

" His highness the crown prince had an argument with lady Caroline, they returned an hour ago and lady Caroline had left to her residence in a hurry..... His highness had been waiting for your return " she worriedly said and Rosaria knew what they were worried about.

Caroline was the prince's lover, they had a fight, and now Christopher was looking for his wife, Rosaria, whom he doesn't hold any kind of affection.

What a scum.

Her maid might have feared that the princess would have suffered any kinds of abuse if the crown prince was to express his anger physically to the wrong person.

" Where is the crown prince right now? " Rosaria asked the maid and who replied with a thankful smile.

" In his own quarters your highness, he had requested for your presence immediately as soon as you return " the maid said and Rosaria had mentally laughed.

Hell no, he waits if I want him to wait and that's the least he could do for Rosaria if he still has any conscience from his cheating ass.

Rosaria looked unbothered, and she told her maid to follow her back to the palace and prepare her bath.

" I already had one maid prepare it for you in your quarters, your highness. " She said and Rosaria took her time to returned to her chambers. She had climbed down from her horse and handed it to the male servant who quickly retrieve Minerva's reins.

Rosaria didn't need to hurry back, she walked back to her chambers while looking at the surroundings. She also chatted with some maids that greeted her along the way before arriving to her room and prepared to clean herself for the night.

After Rosaria bathed, she washed her mouth and teeth, then dried her hair. Taking her sweet time, not even worried about the prince's patience. It took her another hour as she freshen herself up and unfortunately decided to go to his quarters, she had walked down the hallway and as she was about to turn into a corner when she spots a person outside the crown prince's door.

With gleaming golden eyes, Rosaria takes a few steps back and hid in the corner.

Seeing Caroline trying to decide to just enter the room unannounced or knock first was very amusing.

This is....interesting. The silver haired princess had smirked seeing how pitiful Caroline looked outside her lovers room, like a kicked out puppy.

Why don't I play a mean prank on them. Rosaria taps a finger on her chin as she had childish idea popping out of her head.

There's a playful glint in her golden eyes as she stood in a dark corner. Rosaria adjusted her hair, settling it to the side and expose her smooth and pale neck, she rearranging her robes and made sure her chest was slightly exposed, making sure her large breast were tempting enough to make any man drool and her collar was seductive enough.

She tried to make a sound when with her foot steps and before turning to the corner, she looks at the empty hallway and opened her system to checked on the map. She could see in the system map that Caroline was just around the corner hiding from her as she saw Rosaria in her black night gown and beautiful figure hugged her figure. Rosaria smile appeared from her lips, she was really enjoying this.

Rosaria knocks on the door since there was no maid around to do it for her and waited for the man to open the door, he didn't wasted any second to find who was outside. He looked surprised at her appearance, she looked too tempting with her skin showing from her clothes.

The princess stood there in her night gown that fit her like a second skin, pale white skin glowing from the moonlight from outside the corridor window, her silver locks look like moonlight itself and her eyes like the sun, golden and warm as it set it's sight at him. There's a smile in her small lips and right now, she looked too inviting and unreal that the prince had stuttered in his next words.

" Y-You--- You know how long--" Christopher had mixed feelings as he sees her but Rosaria cuts his words off and pretends to be oblivious of the way he looks at her.

" Hello dear, I heard you were looking for me? " Rosaria leaned closer, her face inching closer to his cheek and judging from this angle from Caroline's perspective, it would looked like they were sharing a very passionate kiss. Rosaria slyly leer unnoticedly and fixed her expression before straightening her back, she didn't kissed him though and only pretended to close their distance.

" hmm, you smell nice. Did you get a new perfume from any merchants today, can I also have some of those? " She smiled at him, a smile that would hooked any kind of man that will lay eyes on her.

Christopher had felt irritable this afternoon when he realized Rosaria had rode rather far away without him and how Caroline was starting to whine about how uncomfortable her dress was when they rode. In the whole afternoon, Caroline had been making a huge fuss and Christopher tried to coax her but his lover was too weak and too uncomfortable with the activity that his patience ran out.

They had bicker about things, especially Caroline, as she blamed him for being too insensitive and selfish, not caring about her wellbeing and comfort.

Christopher had let his lover whine and whine, he let her words enter one ear and exit the other, he was patient and tolerated her sudden outburst but he felt all irritated by her next words.

" It's been a few days and you keep staying at the palace, you don't love me! you only love Rosaria, I heard you keep asking for her to visit your quarters?! For how many times are you going to hold her?! I don't like this! You said you only love me! You married her and promise to kill her for me, wasn't I supposed be your Empress? You gave me your word! "

" Quiet! There might be servants listening!" He replied angrily

Caroline wasn't used to being reprimanded nor talked back, as a beloved daughter of their dukedom and respected noble in the society, she had never been treated like this. She angrily shouted back at him with a fist clenched.

" Why?! Everyone knows you hate her! Everyone also thinks she doesn't deserve to be the next Empress, She should die! She is useless! a lowly noble! Even her name is just lowly and disgustine, a snake! Why are you always visiting her every night?!! Why?! WHY?!! " Caroline was moving too much, and kicking her feet like a petulant child, even hurting the crown prince's horse.

Christopher had to stopped their activity with a furrowed brow.

" Caroline! Calm down! You know she doesn't matter to me, whether she die today or tomorrow is not any of my business, what I want you to understand is that I need to use her body for the sake of the future, she will be discarded immediately once her purpose is met " He tried to talk his lover out of her anger but she was not listening anymore.

" Her purpose.. I still don't like it, you spending your night with her and touching her. I don't like it, you know she's a snake, she might use some kind of drug to make you fall for her. Although she's ugly, you might mistaken her for me. No! I don't like this idea, can we just kill her and make it seem like an accident? "

Caroline Madison Vanderbond had never shared anything in her life, what she wants, she will get. She own any estate that she had fancy and even had countless of secret lovers in the past as long as they had the looks or the power to influence the high society, but the crown prince was the best of them all.

So sharing the crown prince with that ugly snake like woman was making her anxious everyday, Caroline knew she was his only lover but being dubbed as the other woman while Rosaria was called the crown princess and wife of Christopher made her more angrier everyday.

The conversation they had next was not peaceful, Cristopher tried to calm her down but Caroline was too engross with the idea of Christopher leaving her for that snake, they argued and shouted at each other.

The next thing Christopher know is he was slapped harshly by his lover and she returned to her mansion without reconciling with him.

So he was in a bad mood the whole day and wanted to solved this problem.

Rosaria was acting different these days but she never gotten mad at him, he guess she was respecting him as a prince and knew not to act desperate for him, as a princess should maintain her image and learn her place as a woman without power in this family. He was pleased with that, least she isn't giving him any headaches these days.

Now he sees her wearing her night gown, unguarded, she looked like she was ready for him to push her down the bed.

The crown prince didn't want to think about his lover, he was not in the mood to see her annoyed face and whining.

Rosaria on the other hand was like a present, ready for him to unwrap. He looked at her, his mood lighten seeing her face, he smiled and takes her inside.

" Come here" he place a had on her lower back and forcefully pulls her into his quarters.

The moment Rosaria was out of Caroline's sight, Rosaria's smile drop as fast as lighting hitting the earth and she looks at his room uninterestingly. Her hands immediately rearranged her hair on her back, and fixed her clothes before crossing her hands over her chest, the warmth in her eyes were lost and only the cold gaze return on his figure.

She immediately followed the prince and when they were near his bed, her hands didn't waste any second and immediately swiftly pressed a pressure point around his nape and the man fell face first on the mattress like a ragdoll.

Rosaria walks back to the door and made sure the lock was switched securely, before returning to the unconscious prince.

She flip him over so he could lay on his back, she still can't kill him right now and if he stays like that, there would have been news in the morning of the prince who died from suffocation by hands of the woman he had married. Eve doesn't want to go to prison in this world and Rosaria deserves to be far away from the cold and dark prison cells.

She walked to the other side of the bed, laid there comfortably. She wasn't going to sleep, hell there is no way she would stay next to him even just for one night. She was just waiting for Caroline to leave the palace, preferably in tears and runny nose, before Rosaria will sneak out of the crown prince's quarters.

She check the blond noble from her system and waited, Caroline was there outside of the room and her ear was stuck near the door, her face filled with anxiety as she couldn't believe what she had saw minutes ago. Seeing the ugly woman seduce her lover, Caroline was seething inside while overthinking.

" Oh my, I should've felt guilty but I'm not. I'm enjoying this too much. " Rosaria chuckles lightly to herself, she softly tap her cheek with her clean finger and thought of another idea. She sat up from the bed and smiled wickedly, having another fun idea running on her head.

" ah~ hng Christopher, please be gentle~ ah~ " she fake her moans and acted as if she was being pleasured when in fact she was just watching from her system and enjoying seeing the tears pouring down of the woman's angry face.

Caroline must have a very active imagination since she looked like she was about to break down the door and slap Rosaria silly, with how her expression change, she was really about to do it. Rosaria was expecting for her to make a fool of herself but Caroline was suddenly chickening out as she heard footsteps across the hallway, she turn and saw an incoming light from a corner.

Caroline freezes momentarily before looking back to the door, then as if it was the hardest decision in her life, she angrily runs away.

Rosaria was surprised that seeing Caroline backing down, she really wanted to laugh loudly seeing the person's crying face as she runs away, exiting the palace ground sobbing loudly and disturbing the knights patrolling, but Rosaria can't laugh yet.

She hold herself from bursting into laughter as she noticed the maids where walking outside the door before disappearing in the end of the long corridor. Seeing in her system that no one was outside, she quietly left the room and left the prince on his own, she walked to her own chambers without anyone seeing her and she closed the door feeling amused.

Rosaria finally had let out a loud laughed and held her stomach from hurting.

This was the first time she was able to act out as she pleases and make the stupid main character and their love interest doubt each other, it was fun going out of character and do thing's on her own accord. Eve had been used to following the system's commands and making her character do pitiful, shameful and stupid acts, it was always painful for her as she knows all those acts won't benefit her character.

Today, she experienced the second time how refreshing it was to be able to fully control herself and the system. Still, she needs to be extra careful, as she had no knowledge on the updated system's full function.

She looks at the system panel that hovered in front of her, and flicks her hand to close it. She looks at her empty and dim room, her feet then moved towards her large bed.

Rosaria was now feeling nostalgic as she climbs her bed, the moonlight seeps inside her room from her large glass window.

During quiet night's like this, she would gaze upon the moon and sky outside and hug her pillow tighter. During nights like this, she was reminded how she was alone in this world. It used to scare her especially during her first few worlds, making her unable to sleep properly and even cry every night, but after how many world's later, she would just sleep from exhaustion and anxiety. She would just sleep to make sure she wasn't fainting the next day due to being sleep deprive.

She thinks back to Alexander and how he was able to make her comfortable enough to sleep at any place and anytime. She was too comfortable around him that even if Eve sleep in his arms, she wouldn't stir awake and would trust him if she carried him anywhere he would go.

The memories of their plane flight together during Molina's birthday made her smile, Eve knew how caring he was and until now, she was thankful for their relationship and marriage, he was the only best thing that came out of this fake world. Thinking about his dark warm eyes and careful touch had made her long for him and yet there's a painful feeling settling in her heart.

" If I could never go out of this world, I'll make sure to find a way to return to him, wherever he is in this multi-world. " She thought dangerously, her goal was to finish whatever goal the New World Order wants with their victims, while finding any way in this system to make her go back to the real world. She would gladly die while next to Alexander than die in this system not next to him.

Eve chuckles at the dangerous thought, missing him had made her crazy.

She finally acknowledge her tired state from the afternoon's activity and closed her eyes, a second later, she was able to sleep peacefully.

As the moonlight dances on her chamber floor and furniture from the window, time slowed down and the flickering stars from the stars stopped their twinkle, the mare's in the stable had looked up sensing the unknown and they too, Minerva moved it's head seeing a figure outside the stable and as soon as the person moved away, the movements of the surrounding stopped and halted as if time had stopped and everything froze in it's place.

Unlike the rest of the world, the princess had not froze in time, seeing how her chest rise and fall as she slept quietly alone in her bed, unnoticed by her, the rest of this world had stop and a flickering glow appeared behind her shoulder.

A string of codes runs on it's own, flickering and glitching as it glowed dangerously, the blue light showed the multiple commands fixing itself until it glitched aggressively.

Shadow appeared from the window as a figure climbed the balcony and landed their feet safety on the marble floor, without opening the window, the figure passed the solid door and watched the person resting on the bed. The person's eyes glowed dangerously and their feet moved towards the small figure on the bed, the stranger stood behind the bed and saw the codes stopped upon his arrived.

He leans down to touch the panel and decoded the figures.

[ Virus has been re-planted successfully, host will be unaffected by the system ]

[ DxE has been planted successfully, this world will be under your protection]

[Warning: DxE has been detected previously ]

[Warning: DxE has been detected previously ]

" Those persistent fuckers " he cursed seeing Eve's system warning him of the New World Order finally finding a clue to his location. He sighs angrily and opened his own system and made a few modification of his codes, one hand reached down to take a fur blanket while his left hand had swiftly tapped on the hovering command box. The string of codes appear and with a few command, the intelligent system had took over and continued to programmed itself.

The person then used both hands to drape the blanket gently over his person's sleeping figure, without thinking twice, he closed the system and settled down to her back. He watched as her expression didn't change and continue to sleep unaware of her lover next to her, his hand then rested on her waist and rub his thumb softly, as leaning down his face to her skin, he kissed her nape lovingly and longingly.

" I'm here Eve, " his hands then gently wrapped around her waist as he laid behind her, pressing his chest on her back, hoping she feels his warmth in her sleep, her small figure perfectly fitting this new body he had acquired. He nuzzle his nose on her silver hair and kissed the crown of her head with a satisfied heart.

" I'm always here "

Also, special mention Ko-fi user: Halimo00 for the 4 Coffee in my Ko-fi page <3 This really means a lot to me, your support has made me fired up to release more chapters. I hope you enjoy my more of my works in the future, a big and genuine thank you to your support~ In whatever forms of support to this book receive be it coffee, reads, votes, saving to library or comments, I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their sparing time on reading or even checking out this work of mine. I'll try to write more wonderful chapters in the future. <3

VeronicaJadecreators' thoughts
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