
This Time I will Play the Villainess

"You will die for your crimes. That's the only way you'll get out of this." The King looks down on the dirty woman his gaze ice cold. Next to him another woman smirks arrogantly looking down on her. "If this is how I die, then I promise you in my next life, I refuse to ever love you." The dirty woman made this promise, Not only to the King but to herself. That's right, if it was possible then next time she would live as a villainess! The King laughs darkly, "Then I should make sure that you never come back!" He roars as he gives the signal and just like that the woman is executed before the entire Kingdom.

MB_Queen · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Hidden Masks Amongst the Kalvica’s

"So that concludes this meeting. Any last words?" Vienna asked as she sits her cup of herbal tea on the table before her. They had decided to take their conversation to a more relaxing area, Seno's sitting room. It was directly across from his study table, which is handy for when one didn't want to travel far just to greet a person.

"Well I kind of have a thought. About the financial state of our house...how are we going to go about reclaiming lost possessions?" Baiyu asked with a tilt of her head.

Ah. Vienna was hoping someone would ask this. "Easy enough, we start at the very root of our problem." Vienna point out.

Seno crossed his arms, "which is?" He asked.

Vienna stood and faced her siblings, "embezzlement. This falls upon our main culprit Uncle Felip Kalvica." She points out. Both her siblings looked completely shocked by this.

"Uncle Felip? Are you sure?" Baiyu asked.

Vienna could understand her doubt as an image of Felip Kalvica crossed her thoughts momentarily. An image of a plump and jolly man came to mind. He had a gentle smile and rosy cheeks, not a soul thought the man was actually hiding behind a well-formed mask. Once he's exposed for his crimes the other Kalvica's under him are bound to start revealing themselves. Almost like a domino effect.

"I assure you, it's the truth." Vienna says.

"I don't know if I'm more impressed with his ability to act or his ability to be able to fool even me." Seno says with a shake of his head.

"Should we send Maru to spy on him? I'm sure he's bound to slip up if we have a shadow watching his every move." Baiyu mutters in thought.

It definitely sounds like they are two steps ahead of her, but Vienna had already had the plan to do just that. Even though it's essential that they started making a profit, first thing is first. She had to eliminate those who are digging their greedy hands into the Kalvica's treasury. If not, then it possible that the money they make for the Kalvica's house will also disappear if not handled properly.

"So we first expose Uncle Felip's real face and then we bring him to ruin. Will we let this man live or find a method in which he will never step foot in this courtyard again?" Seno asked with a devilish smile.

Vienna returns his smile with her own. With her beautiful face, the expression she gave off was even more chilling. "Who knows. I personally think killing him is more fun. But then again watching the bastard suffer for his traitorous acts is even more fulfilling. Don't you think Baiyu?" Vienna and Seno both stared at Baiyu. It was best they all had the same method in dealing with someone very annoying after all.

"How can I possibly disagree?" She asked with a shrug. Her cute face was skewered beyond recognition, it may have surpassed their own evil expressions.

Vienna turns to Maru who stood nearby keenly listening to them hack their scheme. "Maru, are you ready to take up your role?" Vienna asked.

He bows low before them his gaze locking with Vienna's as he is bowed over, "anything for my masters." He answers without hesitation. Though if not for his only Mistress, there would be no one he would take orders from so willingly.

"Good, make sure you do well on your first mission. If so I'll be sure to reward you with a pill that will raise your martial status." Vienna tells him dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

"I'll be sure not to disappoint lady Vienna." he says before straightening and then vanishing from their sights.

"What a loyal dog. Where did you find such a treasure?" Seno asked with a smile.

"He would have belonged to the Crowned Prince. But since I sort of happened upon him in this life I decided I should acquire him." Vienna says.

"Oh ho, I see. You chose to make someone who bowed to the Crowned Prince in your last life a person who would only be loyal to the Kalvicas. How impressive." Baiyu says as she claps her hands together.

Their plan to not only take back everything but to destroy the Imperial family has began to take form. They had a lot of obstacles in their way but she had her rebirth as a way to discern every single one of them. Besides that, what is this eerie feeling? As though there was something she was forgetting?

Imperial Palace of Amerra

A man decked in fine gold and green robes appears. Along beside him is the Crowned Prince Fallon and a few others.

Character Reveal

Emperor Mou Shu

Occupation: King of Amerra

Age: 40

Skill: Martial Arts Saint Level 3

"I come to you with a slight hiccup in our plans to try and get close to the Kalvica household using marriage." King Mou says his tone annoyed by this.

"A hiccup? How can this be? What will we do if we can't destroy those eyesores known as the Kalvicas?" The questions among the group were non-stop.

"It definitely is a problem. The supposed fateful meeting between my son and the Kalvicas youngest daughter seemed to be a failure." King Mou says clenching his fist as his irritation rises. It was rumored that the youngest daughter was naive and accepted others with ease. That was why his plan was to destroy them from the inside. Their influence have become a pain in his side. What folly.

"If I may be so bold Your Highness?" A hand shot up as a man with a stocky build and stoic appearance suddenly stands. Count Bermin, a very disturbed but useful pawn of his.

"Count Bermin. Do you have something up your sleeve?" Prince Fallon asked.

"As you already know. I own the best underground slave market there is. Isn't it well-known that Grendor Kalvica has a cute older daughter? Why not we kidnap her and have her humiliated in public? What better way to do this than make her a slave?" Count Bermin asked as he rubbed his hands together. His face gave away the slightest hint that he would enjoy making a mess out of the Kalvica sister.

"Hmm, it might be worth it. Thing is, how will you go about such a plan?" King Amerra asked.

Bermin happily relays his plan to his majesty. If all goes accordingly than he'll have a cute and obedient toy amongst his collections. Not only that a chance to dig his claws deep into the Kalvica's despair.