
This Bad boy drives me crazy.

Nayantara Moorthy the only Daughter of Well Known Doctors in California. Her Parents are both doctors and are quite famous and rich but being the only daughter and getting all the luxuries, Nayantara was still a down to earth and fun loving person deep down a hidden Nerd. Everything is perfect in her life, her grades, her family and her hot Boyfriend Jacob who is every girl's dream boy in Whitfield High School but her perfect life was really that perfect?, Was she really in love with Jacob? The answer of these question changed when in final year there came a transfer student Daniel Kapoor, a bad boy.. They say he is bad and nobody should mess with him.. But Destiny threw Nayantara on his each step.. Will they both find their ways separate from each other or will get along and end up together.. Let's find out..

Missus_Grumpy · Urbain
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13 Chs

Tara promise

I came running downstairs and I know Jacob would be following me soon. But there is nothing left to talk. I have seen with my own eyes that he was cheating on me and that too with his best friend. How stupid I could be. I never saw this.

This wasn't indeed the first time, they both have been doing this behind my back. I don't know from how long, He kept fooling around with me, when in actual he was having sex with her. Oh Aiyappa that look in that witch eyes, the look that was teasing me, the look that says I have been shown my place. Why Aiyappa why this happened with me?

I looked here and there to find any familiar face and indeed I found him, Daniel Kapoor. One look at me and he knew something's wrong, he came towards me with the lightening speed. "What's wrong sugar? what happened?" I couldn't speak, a lump created in my throat and without saying any thing I just lunged on him. The moment my body came in contact with his, he froze, I guess he wasn't expecting a hug from me. But I need this badly right now. I kept shedding tears in his embrace when I felt his arms holding me close. Yes he hugged me back. Relief wash over me but couldn't last longer because I heard Jacob's voice just behind me.

"Tara listen to me okay, just talk to me please, I can explain.." no Jacob you cannot explain, you can not.. I pressed myself further into Daniel's body. Jacob tried to hold my arm to yank me out from Daniel's grasp. The moment he touched me I flinched, but in second his filthy hand was removed from my body. "Don't you dare touch her, before I beat you to death Smith, get the hell out of here.."

"Listen Kapoor I am talking to my girlfriend so you keep out of this okay... Tara listen to me.." I heard Daniel sigh annoyingly, he pat my head and ask me in a dead serious tone, "Do you want to talk to him?" I didn't look at his face to know, how angry he is at this moment. I just nod my head in a no and that was enough for him.. "Party is over, out of my house now Smith and everyone else too, please leave.."

"Tara are you okay.." I heard Isabelle whispered softly against my head but I still didn't retract from my position. She is my best friend, we are attached to hip since Kindergarten but today the only person who can calm me is Daniel. How weird it sound since we just met 2 weeks ago. But this is the truth.. "Hey Princess everything will be fine okay, Daniel you take her upstairs and I will kick everyone out from your house.." Caleb pecked my head and left to make sure everyone leave.. "Don't worry Isabelle she will be fine, Rosen just drop her home, it's quite late.." I am glad he care so much about my friend.

Isabelle hugged me from behind and then left with Rosen both of them saying take care. Daniel's hand went on my hip and he pulled me up a little, I wrapped my both legs around his waist and clung to him like a monkey. If I wasn't so heartbroken, I would have taken the full feel of his body that I am so closed to. He smelled really good. Like strawberries and mint.. He took me upstairs and I am surprised he didn't trip even once. Well I am a bit heavy but he is carrying me with ease like I weight nothing at all.

He tried to put me on his bed but I didn't loosen my grip from his body, so reluctantly he had to sit down with me straddling his lap. "You wanna talk about it.." and again I just nod my head in a no. He placed a kiss on my hair and kept his chin on my head.. I will say this again that if I wasn't in this condition, I would have been surely freaking out with all the proximity.. "you know he isn't worth it right.." and this time I nod my head in a yes, I felt him smiling.. "and if you want I can go right now and beat the shit out of him.."

"No please don't go anywhere just stay with me Daniel please.." My voice broke down. I hate you Jacob I really do.. "I am here sugar, right here with you.. I am not going anywhere anytime soon.." I lift my head up to look at him and his pretty blue eyes showed how true and meaningful his each word was.. "Tara promise?"

And he smiled at my childishness, he rested his forehead at mine without breaking eye contact. "Tara promise sugar.." And I trust him, I know he won't. Weird I know but this is the truth that I trust this bad boy more than anyone. I don't know for how long we stayed like that. "Wanna take a shower, it will help in clearing your mind a bit." And I guess it will, I nodded my head in a yes and started untangling myself from his body, my cheeks turned red realizing our position. I have been close to Jacob but not felt these butterflies dancing but when I am with Daniel it's different. Urghh again we go here. Gosh Tara just don't think about that looser, he is not worth it..

The moment I free Daniel from my grip he got up from the bed and start looking for something in his cupboard and after few seconds came to me with a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Go take a shower and change, I will go downstairs and check everyone left or not.." I look at him debating whether to tell him or not and he look at me as if he can read my mind.. "what is it, Tell me sugar?" I played with my fingers for a second and told him in a low voice, "I am hungry, I haven't eaten anything since afternoon.." he smiled looking at me and jerk his head, "I will grab something to eat, go now take a shower.."


I came out from the shower wearing his clothes, I couldn't stop myself sniffing it again and again. I know, I know I have loosen my mind but can't help they just smell so good just like Daniel.. His clothes were too big for me, I am almost drown inside them. Obviously just look at him and me, I am so small as compare to him.. I look around to find him on bed with a change of cloth, he was busy in his phone and there was a plate full of cheesy pasta beside him. My tummy growled at the sight and I realized how hungry I am.

I came closer and Daniel lift his eyes from the phone to look at me. He eyed me up and down and a chuckle escaped from his lips. I rolled my eyes, "Don't laugh, it's not my problem that you are so huge.." He grinned and again got back to his phone. I settled on the bed and start stuffing my face with the yummy pasta that tasted as good as it looks.. ln no time the whole plate was clean. Daniel look at me with shock, "You look so small but you eat like a pig, where does everything go.." I rubbed my tummy indicating here, and he just laughed. He took the plate and got up from the bed.. "erghh you can take the bed and I will take the couch I guess.."

I look at him for a moment to think and then made up my mind, "This bed is big enough for both of us.. you can sleep on the other side.." He look at me a bit unsure maybe he doesn't want to sleep with you Tara and I don't know why but the thought made me more upset. "You sure Sugar? I mean I will be comfortable at couch also, I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." I took a deep breath then moved to my side of the bed and lied down.. "I am tired Daniel just come and sleep here, I don't want to be alone tonight.."

He stood there for sometime maybe counting Pros and cons of sleeping beside me. I turned my face to the other side showing him my back. After few more second, I heard his footsteps going away, my heart clenched at the thought that he chose to leave me. Before I could cry, the light got closed and I heard some shuffling behind me and in no time I felt his hot breath fanning my back. He is just behind me, my lips twitched in to a smile..

I turned to look at him and he was already looking at me. There was a pool of emotions in his eyes which I tried to read but fail miserably. His hand came resting on my cheek and I felt warm inside. "Did he hurt you Sugar?" I was taken aback at his sudden question, and it reminded me what happened earlier. My eyes teared up again and two three of tears fall on my cheek.. He brushed them away, his touch giving chills to my body.. "I hope you know that he is going to pay and I am not letting him go away hurting you.."

I smiled at his concern and feel his lips on my forehead. He kept a long kiss there and I entwined his fingers with mine and with quite a distance in between us we both drifted off to sleep holding onto each other. And despite of everything that happened today I know I am going to sleep fine because of his presence. Yes because Daniel Kapoor is here, so Nayantara Moorthy is going to do fine. His presence matters..