
Thinking about her, can't stop my eyes to watch

Free_space · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


open the car door

'' Dab ''

sit and

close the car door

'' Dab ''

start the car

'' brum brum brum''

Driver pls go fast

ok madam

anily, now going to home, very anger

she reached home,

driver, pls wait 15 min, i just come back.

ok, madam...

enter her room and pack her clothes and things and come down.

shira mom, where are you going?

anily: aunty, i am moving, suppose, shira ask, say to her iam leave, thanks aunty..

she walked..

shira mom thinking what happen to her, why she suddenly left?


anily sit down in the car ..

drive, just go this address shira said..

ok madam..

car moving

''phone ringing''

calling from kim

but anily put silent

''vibrating grrrrrrr grrrrrr''

now, she put mute..

and close her eyes and relaxing herself..

why anily this much upset?

what happen to her in between time?

tears on her and thinking about kim..


ah! yes! what?

madam look there?

she seeing left side?

kim is standing outside

anily, she stunned,

open the door

anily tears on eyes

kim saying, open the door and down the car mirror anily, i want to talk..

driver, just start the car..

madam, him parked the car on front, we don't move.

just take reverse, i want go another place.

madam! him!

what? just take reverse!


drive reversing..

kim anger rise, just stop the car..drive come out, just come out..

drive scared..

and anily shocked, why he doing like this?

driver came out

kim, just give him car key and credit card,

i want this car now, i will give tomorrow and take this credit card and take money or shop, when i give you car, then you just give car and crefit car, ok..


just move, kim sit down in the car

anily: kim, what are you doing, just stop, don't want come with you?

kim not hear words, just start the car and moved..

kim just stop the car, iam saying just stop,

anily trying to open the door, but kim locked the door..

kim open the car door, pls open and i don't want to shout, just pls..

kim not answering, (kim is very angry now.. )

kim, kim pls stop,

kim: you just leaving

anily seeing kim


anily: what do you want?

kim stop the car and

see anily, just grab her and kissed, very deeply kiss, anily looking kim,

kim looking anily,

but just grab her head and into deep

anily, just bet him shoulder and push him

anily: what are you?

kim: you is mine and never lose you

anily seeing

kim: just understand, i will never lose you..

anily before not seeing like this kim, mow looking different,

anily: i want to leave you

kim: anily don't, say pls..

anily seeing and tear on eyes

kim, just open the car door and stand outside..

anily also open the car door and take her luggage and leaving

kim not watching anily going,

kim turn and looking into car seat, anily not there, he just searching

and see anily going

he also ran and grab her hand,

anily pls stop, why leaving?

anily,: why you doing this to me kim? pls

kim: what i do?

anily : don't! bluff

kim: that's not true

anily: just stop it, shira is your wife! i know all.. just stop it...

kim stunned and shocked, him mind he know everything..

anily: don't lie, i hear that, i saw and hear..

kim: anily, thats not true.

(anily laugh) you think, iam joke and what is this?

Anily through some photos on kim face..

kim saw that..

what photo? and what happen between time?

shira married kim?

we will see next chapter..