
Facing or being faced

It was a dingy rundown house, on the outskirts of the city. Abandoned among the ruins and the rubble of other buildings.

Sky covered with dark clouds extinguishing the lonely moonlight looked gloomier than they originally thought... or wrongly thought it to be a romantic night to take their wander-lust on a walk, looking for the trouble.

And they got one or rather they walk right into bunch of them, at their own free will.

Evan kicked open the slightly ajar door of the room drowned in darkness and inspected its details with his sharp eyes and equally sharpened senses.

A battered chair and a whithered and scratched up desk; a waist length bookshelf going from one corner of the wall to the other, devoid of any book ... was facing him.

He could smell the moss, woods and emptiness permeated into the air. Creating a frightening combination, a perfect mix for their adventurous nature. The only problem was they bit more than they could chew this time.

The temperature of the room was otherwise normal except for today being the coldest day.

He spotted a little burning object in the dark, creating a halo around a small area in the inner corner to his immediate right.

His eyes glued to the little altar, taking in the items for a few seconds. His eyes lit up with ecstasy and hope.

"Sanga, Jun here!!" He called his friends over who were running to find a good hiding place.

On the 2nd floor both checking the scattered kitchen to find something useful to use against their opponents stopped in their tracks. With a tacit understanding they rushed towards Evans on the third floor, without uttering a word.

Jun found a lighter and a packet of match sticks on the littered kitchen floor beside the door. He swiftly secured the items in his back pocket of the trouser while running towards the third floor.

They climbed the stairs with the lightening speed. Crossing all the huddled furniture in their way they got to the room.

Sanguine who was searching for Evans in the dark room caught a silhouette peeking out from behind the cabinet ...

Sanga's soul nearly left his body on the sight of the creature who had a dagger half in his chest and bald right side of the head covered in bloody crisscross scars and the left side covered with tangled and twisted hair covering the half face adorned by the spider web.

Full black eyes of the creature seem to hold Sanga's gaze on to him. He struggled hard to pull away but he seemed to loose control over his body.

"This is the end" Sanga gulped.

Right at this moment Jun came crashing into him. Causing him to get out of the daze. He had never been this happy in his entire 17 years of life on Jun's arrival as he felt today.

For a moment he thought of taking a slavery oath to Jun... just for an instance, though.

He turned on his left foot and pushed Jun out of the room while growling "Wrong room."

"Sanga Jun" Jun who was still reeling from the shock quickly turn to the room on the left, grabbing already charging Sanga along with him.

Both of them ran like their life depended on it. As soon as they entered the room Evan shut the door swiftly. trembling from head to toe.

Sanga and Jun, exhausted from the ordeal fell down on the floor with a plop, concentrating solely on breathing while looking at their surroundings cautiously.

Without bothering with all the dust on the floor as they were already covered in gray and brown dust and the fall off of the broken walls.

Both of their eyes then stopped at the alter which was slightly lit because of almost burned oil. By the looks of it they were clear that their little pinnacle of light was not enough. Was not enough for them to last the whole night.

Evan pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen to the movement outside. In this cold winter night his countenance smeared with the dust and beaded with the sweat that flowed down into his clothes, carving the muddy streaks on his round face, down towards his neck.

It was a temporary housing colony built for the workers and their families working in the nearby factories owned by a rich 2nd generation, who was later condemned for tax evasion and smuggling.

All of his property was held by the government including the housing society.

A model society with Church and parks was abandoned by its tenants within a year. Later for the new project government took down most of the construction. Only few buildings were left somehow standing on the ground. Including a Church, a House and a Library.

It is just starting, it will get better... I believe.

Give your feedback and any kind of constructive criticism is welcomed.

Crimson_Roadcreators' thoughts