
There is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns (Dungeon)

Delta was a teacher who traded her name away for a chance. Now reincarnated as a dungeon core, Delta strives to survive and thrive without becoming a death trap that kills everything, including human beings, like other dungeons. She filled her dungeons with jokes, friendly monsters that could turn deadly if you decided to be violent, mushrooms, more jokes, funny traps, riddles, and most importantly, puns! Her dungeon is also located near the town of Durance, an ordinary-looking town that is actually filled with retired legends of both the famous and infamous kind. In a broken world that is slowly falling apart, watch as Delta repairs it by creating smiles instead of killing! Original Work’s Synopsis: She became a dungeon core. Everything pointed Delta to murdering her way to success. People were just mana farms, right? No, that was wrong. Delta refused. Then everything became odd. *IMPORTANT NOTE* This is not my work but another author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link. Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332 Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

H3R0Y · Fantaisie
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Bob Makes a Friend (Canon Omake)

Bob Makes a Friend


I love making new friends, and I respect people for a lot of different reasons ~ Delta.


It had been a few moments since I had woken up from my nap, the drums that had lulled me to sleep still beating gently in the distance. That was not what had caught my attention, however, but the being that I had sensed upon my awakening.

The being had blue Mana just like I did, but was more tightly packed within their limbs, which were moving up and down as if it was attempting to fly. I could tell that they were doing an activity called, 'exercise.' How my mind knew what this action was called escaped me, but my instincts were confused about why this being would do such a thing when they could be more productive by hunting prey.

So I let myself slowly creep up to the surface to watch the being, to see if I could unravel why it was wasting its energy. Sadly, my bulk was large. I desired to observe surface dwellers, and I should be more careful when I came towards the surface.

I state this because when I broke the surface of the water, I accidentally caused a wave to splash against my body, alerting the being to my presence within the pool. However, instead of running from me, they turned and greeted me with a hand gesture.

Cautiously, I swam closer and greeted them, discreetly letting out a pulse of my Mana as I did so that I could analyze their form better. They were around the size of Mum when she had concentrated her Mana into a bipedal form, but their limbs were much longer than their main body, pulsing with blue Mana. Their head was shaped in a large oval shape, with two orbs that pulsed with their Mana, which I had come to realize was where the being's eyes were.

"Greetings, mighty creature! Let me, Rale of the Frogmen, be the first of Delta's children to welcome you to this place!" He yelled to me from the shoreline.

Intrigued by the fact that this being, too, was a child of my mum, I swam closer to them, and I so deeply desired to ask them a question. So I spoke with intent for the first time, "You too are a child of Mum?"

The very air thrummed with my words. To most, it would have been a deep rumble, but to Rale, it had intent. That intent became words, to which I was surprised when he replied, "Yes, I too, am a child of Delta. Though, I am shocked that you also call her mother. Some of the denizens above see her more as a friend or ally than as their mother."

"Why is that?" I rumbled, still surprised he could understand me, "Why do you think they do not see her as their mother?"

The answer was obvious now that I look back on it, but still, Rale answered, "It is because she first started out as their friend, their protector from those that would do them harm."

"Oh!" I roared loudly before quieting myself when one of the nearby bees buzzed loudly at me.

"Now that I have answered your questions, young one, may I give you a question of my own?" Rale asked me, to which I nodded.

"So what is your name then?"

Quietly, I pondered this question, wondering if I even had a name, when the answer floated gently in my mind, hanging in the air as if pondering whether I would like it. I grasped it like I would a meal and devoured it. The answer came to me suddenly.

"Yes...!" I shrieked quietly, "I do have a name. I am Bob. It's nice to meet you, Rale."

And that was how I met my first friend, and from then on, I swore that I would help him become the best Frogman that he could be.

This is not my work but another Author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The Author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the Author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link.

Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332

Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

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