Hey boy, ever wondered how the life of someone rich is? What those rich people you always see on social media, do when not in front of the camera? If they actually have or don't have a Harem full of beautiful women? Well then get the fuck outta here, cuz I don't give a shit about what you wonder about Jimmy. --------------------------------------- Sup guys, I'm gonna post a new synopsis soon, cuz this one is so out of context and absolutely not describing what I got in mind xD. Btw. there will also be some(very much i guess?) swearing, so if ur, like, allergic to that, welp then it's totally you, not me. If you like this novel of mine, then I'd be happy if you added it to your reading. Also be sure to leave a review if u dislike something, or actually like(?) it.
'That's it with my new vase.'
Seth thought so while looking at the raging old man in front of him.
The old man in front of him looked to be around 60 years old, judging from his face, that is. Because his body didn't seem to want any of that as it was so ripped it would truly put even Dwyne 'The Stick' Ronson to shame. Apart from that, another distinctive feature of the old man was his mop of white hair. Pure white. Like snow. It made one wonder if he was an albino. All in all his features gave him an air of elegance.
"That Bastard! When he gets back I'm gonna crush his little nuggets!"
If he didn't open his mouth, that is.
"That little Son of a Bitch! Always getting all the good chicks and then hiding away in some brothel to never be seen again for months to come! ARGGHHHH WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME!"
"Grandpa your true intentions are leaking out again and aren't you already married?"
That's right. As much as it shames me to declare this, the man in front of me, who was cursing out my brother not giving a single shit about the fact that he had just called his daughter a whore, exactly, THAT man. Was my grandfather.
"That doesn't matter! A man should always be true to himself! And let's be serious here, would YOU get a hard on seeing that wrinkled and scrunched up face of your grandmother!?"
I let out a sigh at this man's shamelessness and was at the same time disgusted by what he was saying.
I admired that saying about men though, if only a little.
"Nevermind that, what are we going to do about this situation?"
To put it bluntly, my brother ran away from his marriage.
Anyone who heard that might be shocked, but really, it happens all the time. Take this guy here for example. I was told they arranged the wedding a whopping 9 times before he even decided to show his ass at the venue and even then he was dragged there by his pissed off father-in-law.
Also, it was a political marriage, so I could kind of understand him making a run for it at the first chance he got.
"Haaa? Whaddya mean 'what are we going to do about it' 'course yer gonna marry that chick then in his stead! After all it doesn't matter who does it right?"
And there goes all my understanding.
"Are you stupid?"
I began to doubt my hearing at what he had said.
Me? I was at the tender age of 17! And now this perverted old man suddenly came up to me and told me to marry? Yeaaaaah, No. I'm a free man guys, as if I'd let this pervert pull a fast one on me. Now that I think about it, should I call the police?
"Shut up you idiot! You should be grateful to me, have you seen that chicks body? A true femme fatale you stupid failure of a one-night stand! Now hurry up and thank me by kneeling before me!"
"Rather, aren't you just jealous because she looks that good."
This guy's completely lost it. I think the old age is finally getting to him. Like I thought, I should really call the police shouldn't I?
"Shut it! Now listen here stupid grandson of mine. This marriage is very important to this grandfather of yours, when I-"
"Yeah, yeah, when you were young, you and your buddy promised to wed your future generations together, because you saved him. Somebody must have shit inside your brain at that time for both of you to make that promise"
My mother had told me, that when this shameless grandfather of mine was younger, he was even worse with his ways than he was now, wooing girls at literally every corner. I seriously don't know how this guy had it in him to save someone other than a damsel in distress.
"Ohhhh! Seems like someone did his homework, huh you nerd. Anyways, since we never decided on which son his granddaughter should marry, I can just wed you instead of that idiotic brother of yours! Hahaha! I'm a GENIUS! HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Seeing this guy laughing like that to himself I was – utterly lost for words.
How did our family even survive until now with someone like him as the head of the family?
"Sigh… you can't do that."
"Huh? Why can't I, huh you wimp?"
This guy reminded me of nothing but a thug.
"Then tell me, how are you going to explain to Duke Raumond that his daughter's promised groom already has a wife."
I squinted my eyes and looked at this man in disgust.
"You forgot."
"E-eh!? N-no! How could I forget about s-something like that! Haha, Y-yes yes Duke Raumond, of course..."
'Sigh…' Poor Stephanie and she was such a good and obedient little girl too, to think this guy forgot about her immediately.
Suddenly, my grandfather put an arm over my shoulders and closed in on me talking in a much lower voice.
"Hey hey, how about we forget that for the moment. I mean, wouldn't harm anyone, being forgetful sometimes, right?"
And with that he sneakily, out of anyone else's view (even though there was no one to begin with), held out a golden and sparkly car key, which made my eyes go round instantly.
…...I think not even God would forgive me for being tempted by such a ridiculous bargain...
But who cares, I'm an atheist anyway!
"What was her name again? Katie? Sounds lovely, so, when's the wedding?"