
Thee Fallen Hero

In a world where heroes are celebrated and worshipped, the story follows the journey of a young hero named Akira. He had always dreamt of becoming a hero since he was a child, inspired by the stories of his father who was a renowned hero in his time. Akira had inherited his father's powers and abilities, which he trained hard to master. Everything seemed to be going well for Akira until a tragedy struck his life. His family was killed in a terrorist attack that shook the entire nation. Akira was left alone, broken, and lost. He tried to find solace in his hero duties, but the more he saw the corruption and injustice in society, the more disillusioned he became. As time passed, Akira's hero persona started to crumble, and he turned into a dark and twisted version of himself. He realized that the society that he had once wanted to protect was cruel and heartless. He believed that the only way to bring justice to the world was to destroy it and everything in it. With his immense powers, Akira set out on a mission to rid the world of everything that he deemed unworthy. He became a notorious villain who instilled fear in the hearts of all who encountered him. But even as he wreaked havoc on the world, Akira couldn't forget the love and memories of his lost family. As the story progresses, Akira's path will cross with that of a young heroine who still believes in the power of justice and hope. She will try to convince him that there is still good in the world and that he can still make a positive difference. But with Akira's heart consumed by hatred and vengeance, will he listen to her words of wisdom, or will he continue on his path of destruction? That concludes the synopsis of "The Fallen Hero."

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15 Chs

Chapter 4: "The Training Begins!!"

After Akira's discussion with Saitoki Arima, he was given an opportunity to join the Superhuman Task Force. But before that, he had to learn how to control his power. Arima was assigned to train Akira, and he took his job seriously.

Arima was a tough teacher. He started with basic exercises to test Akira's physical abilities. Akira was surprised to learn that he had immense strength and speed, but he lacked control over his power. Arima explained that it was essential for Akira to learn to control his power if he wanted to be a hero.

They started with simple exercises to help Akira understand how to channel his power. Arima asked him to lift heavy weights and run on a treadmill, and gradually, he increased the intensity of the exercises. Akira was pushed to his limits, and at times, he felt like giving up.

The training had been challenging, but it was worth it. Akira was slowly getting control over his power. As Akira began his training under Saitoki Arima, he was initially frustrated with his lack of progress in controlling his powers. Arima could see that Akira was struggling and took the time to sit down with him and explain the fundamentals of using his abilities.

"First, Akira, you need to visualize your power. Imagine it as a part of your body, an extension of yourself," Arima said, looking at Akira intently.

Akira looked puzzled but Arima continued, "For example, you have superhuman strength, so imagine your arms and legs are as strong as steel. Feel the power coursing through your veins."

Akira closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to imagine what Arima was saying. Slowly, he began to feel a tingle in his limbs, like electricity running through his body. He opened his eyes and looked at Arima, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I think I understand what you mean," Akira said, feeling more in control of his powers.

"Good, now try to focus that energy into a single point. Imagine a ball of energy in your hand, and then try to control its size and intensity," Arima instructed.

Akira closed his eyes again, this time more confident in what he was doing. He pictured a small ball of energy in his hand, and slowly began to manipulate it. The ball grew larger and more intense until it was almost blinding. Akira opened his eyes and looked at his hand, amazed at what he had just done.

Arima smiled and nodded, "You're getting there, Akira. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use your power, the easier it will become."

Over the next few weeks, Akira trained diligently under Arima's guidance, slowly gaining control over his powers. He could lift heavier objects, run faster and jump higher than ever before. After, gaining a momentary control over his powers Arima coursed a full training hurdle for Akira which had a variety of tasks from running an obstacle race to jumping from a high cliff. During this training course Akira gained proper control over his power and could jump over 15 feet and run at a speed of 1km in 30 seconds.

Arima was pleased with Akira's progress and suggested that he join his team in the Superhuman Task Force.

"You have a lot of potential, Akira," Arima said, "I think you would be a valuable asset to our team. We need people with your skills and abilities."

Akira was taken aback by the offer, but he knew that this was what he had been training for. He nodded in agreement, excited at the prospect of joining the team.

As the sun began to set on their training session, Arima looked at Akira with a sense of pride. "You've come a long way, Akira. You're going to make a great addition to our team."

Akira smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had finally gained control over his powers and found a place where he belonged. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Months went by, and Akira's training paid off. He had gained control over his power and had learned to use it effectively. Arima was impressed with Akira's progress and offered him a place in the Superhuman Task Force. Akira was overjoyed and accepted the offer.