
Is The Journey

Phillip was lost in his newfound complex and growing emotions as he looked at his worldview around him. "Oh by the way The instructor yesterday said he wanted to see you today," Jordan suddenly said as the second to last bell rung. "Oh great, oh yea by the way what classes do y'all have?" Jordan and James looked at each other and Jordan said "We have room number 120 as homeroom and we picked the same elective as our powers are similar."

Phillip totally forgot he didnt ask them what powers they had gotten, he stopped and suddenly asked them what powers they had gotten. After all they didnt know how hed react to their powers after what happened yesterday, and were hesitant to tell him. But it was a good thing that he was back to his old self and looked crazed about powers as he usally was. They looked at each other and then around before both their hands reached out while one was sending out gold flakes that glowed brightly while the other was sending out silver that glowed brightly.

Phillip stopped and hugged them and said "Hahaha we're rich," which he said out loud. A few of the students that was also walking in the hallway and was walking around them got startled by the sudden outburst but they did nothing but look toward them and continued walking their respective forwards. Phillip pulled his hood down lower and continued walking with James and Jordan.

"Shh," James hushed, We're not actually rich we thought the same thing but as soon as we stop releasing energy they disappear." "Yea plus we can only use it for so long we can't really control it that much right now," Jordan continued. "Oh what class do you have we actually got in the same class as Dannii," James said that last part mockingly as he gave him a couple of nudges on his sholder.

"Don't tell a soul, Phillip said mockingly back as if he was aghast. "Besides i have class 190 i dont have a power remember?" James and Jordan walked silently for a second. Then as the final bell rang "Gotta go fast," Phillip said as he hurriedly ran to his class which was a bit further down the hallway. As he entered the classroom everyone looked at him. Most of these kids had no powers, and although they didnt, they were raised in families that usually contained people who didnt have powers, but instead were proficient in the use of magic.

It was a rarer subclass but if he could show that he might be able to use magic he might be able to stay in this class instead of going to regular chemistry. He hated chemistry. The kids in the class started to whisper to each other as they didnt know the kid. He didnt know who to sit next to as there was 2 seats open.

When suddenly a boy that seemed to be the 3rd tallest but the leanest suddenly said out loud,"Wait i know you, arent you that kid that got embarrassed at the awakening ceremony yesterday? Yea youre the one my friends showed me the video you were totally about to cry," He and a few of his buddies started to laugh around him. The girls were looking at him funny to show their reaction as to how would he react?

He took a deep breath in and was about to continue to the seat in the back of the class when all of a sudden the boy said" What, wasnt born with a power so you thought you could go to the magic family classes like us and be able to suddenly use it?" He started to laugh again. Phillip spoke without looking in the bullys location,"Youre in my seat."

The bully paused while another girl in the class named Ginger said to the bully"Jones apologize right now, she then looked at Phillip. You you can sit next to me theres a seat open." "Thank you but hes in my seat," Phillip replied. He took off his hoody. He just got a new haircut, it was a classic look called a fade . It was different than the haircuts today where the pompous ones wanted to slick their hair back. It was just right, a 2 on the sides and scissors on top, his hair looked straight as it stood up but it was also wavy with a few hairs accentuated to the right in the front. It also accentuated the masculine feature of his jawline and temples.

The kid shut up and kept grazing his gaze upwards as Phillip walked to him. When he got close Jones was about to tell the kid to go away but then all of a sudden Phillip kicked the chair out from underneath him and he fell on his back. He was about to get up when Phillip said "You know what i will sit by you, what did you say your name was? "Ginger," Ginger replied with a shocked voice she couldnt believe hed do that to Jones of all people.

"Great my name is Phillip as he turned to walk towards her and sit down and Jones suddenly got back up. He was gonna say a thing or two to the new kid but all of a sudden the teacher walked in. "Alright all of you sit down and shut up. My name is Mr.Rodgers, now how many of you has never used magic before?" About 6 kids raised their hands up including Phillip.

"That many of you this time huh," mr.Rodgers sighed."Alright all of you come to the front of the classroom. Oh no Phillip thought as he was being sent to the front of the classroom, was he going to be humiliated again like last time? He quickly got last in line as the man said "Alright im gonna hover this whistle near you and if you have an affinty to magic it will point toward you.

"Okay first," he talked hurriedly as if to get it over with. One after another he said disqualified go to remedial. One after another kid after kid got sent to remedial with distraught expressions on their faces. Phillip crossed his fingers as he looked up and thought inwardly please please let me be able to use magic. Pretty soon it was his turn. He was nervous.

When the teacher dropped the whistle out of his hand that was connected to the string Phillip suddenly closed his eyes. He then felt a thud on his chest and he opened his eyes. The whistle wasnt on the string anymore. Where was it? He looked at his chest when he saw it. It was sticking to his chest. He looked around and saw that all the kids were looking wide eyed at him.

"High affinity for magic, mr. Rodgers said narrowly. You may stay." Phillip was overjoyed when he heard him say that. He inwardly fisted his hand downwards as he thought 'yes'. But instead he breathed out a sigh of breath and replied with a thank you. He then tested the other kids apptitude towards magic yet this time the whistle didnt fly off the string but at most it pulled the string outwards to a few students including Ginger and Jones.

Other kids couldnt pull it more than halfway towards them. He then went over the basics as he explained that magic came from your surroundings. You use the elements and atoms around you to change them into another element but you can only choose one element as it is way too taxing even for the most advanced experts to use and arrange the atoms into another element.

The lower the elemental number the easier to change into. He said to dont think about using gold and silver as although you can change the atoms around you to change into other elements similar to those born with innate power, when you stop focusing on changing the atoms they revert back to their surroundings and disperse.

"Remember your surroundings is your weapon," as he said the last sentence the bell rang and he was the first to exit. The students were suprised at the teachers abrupt leave of absence. It was finally time for lunch. The students left somewhat disorderly as they left for the cafeteria. Jones and a few other students had been left behind as they looked at the direction of Phillip as he left the classroom.

Jones murmured"Ill get you back for that", underneath his breath. After Phillip caught up with James and Jordan he then after lunch he left to go see instructor whats his name to see what be wanted.

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