
New Beginning

After getting freshen up, they sat on a sofa. Kia asked nova that "Why were you late?"

"Ooo nothing, Next month is office my anniversary, so we all are busy on preparing some plans? Nova replied nonchalantly.

"Ooo..ok. by the way, I am hungry? Kia said her and after a while her stomach started growling. After hearing her borborygmi, Kia chuckled and replied that "indeed hungry. Let's order something from outside." Then both ordered chilli fried rice and chicken legs with garlic flavor.

After sometime nova hesitantly asked Kia that "where you went? also you are not allowed to lie" because nova somehow guess where she went.

after seeing nova reaction, Kia raised her hand and replied with a smiley face that " I went home and they wanted to fix my marriage with my ex-boss"

After hearing this, Kia exclaimed that "what? What are you saying and marrying with that old scoundrel? How come your family ask you to do this? Nova's questions came like storms one after another and before Kia could answer her questions nova asked again that "do not tell me that you said yes to that scoundrel?

Before saying again anything nova, Kia frustratingly said that "stop nova! Please give me time to answers your questions." And nova stopped and calmly replied that "ok tell me, what happened at your home?"

Kia calmly told her everything that happened in her so-called home.

After listening to her, nova happily hugged her and said that "wow, my superwoman. I am proud of you" kai smiled.

"By the way, you threatned Mr. Zhao by Wang international" nova laughing hard and asked her. Kia nodded blushingly and said that "I did not have an option and I know that my ex-company's projects are tied up with Dylan's company. So I threat him"

After hearing her, Kia laughed hard with rolling on the floor and replied that "you have done right , if I was in your place then I would have done the same."

Then calling bell sound interrupted them and Kia stood up and told that "maybe, a delivery boy I will pick the order"

After seeing the food. They both dig into the food.

While chewing food, nova carefully said to Kia that "Kia, I don`t know why. But I somewhere feel that they are not your own parents"

After hearing her, Kia chucked her food and shockingly said that "what?" after seeing Kia's reaction, nova nodded her head and replied that 'Yes u heared correct."

Kia replied calmly that "see riha, we cannot change the truth. It is my destiny and I accept it wholeheatedly."

After hearing her, nova nodded her head, hugged and patted her back, and whisper that "do not worry. we are always there for you. "

With a flat smile, Kia replied that "ok, I know"

After seeing her yawning and asked that "feeling sleepy?"

Nova nodded and wished good night to each other and both of them went to sleep in their room.

After entering the room, kia lie down with her eyes close and thought that "today was a hectic day, and also the interviewer has not called me. Maybe I am not selected." And kia frustitaly got up and murmured that "I need to upload my resume"

After uploading the resume kia again lie down on her bed and dozed off.

At 9.30 in the morning, again her sleep was interrupted by a mobile ringtone.

Kia open her eyes and wailed that "uff, did not I deserve peace sleep?" then drowsily saw the unknown number and picked the call and said that "hello"

On another side of the phone, a woman replied that "hello mam, this is kia song talking ?."

After hearing, kia said with sleeping eyes "yes and who's this?"

Woman voice replied from another side of the phone that "Mam, this is leimei from Chen international and would like to inform you that you are selected in our company and congratulation"

After hearing her, kia shocking opened her eyes and exclaimed that "seriously mam? Are you Kidding?"

She just crossed her finger and prayed to god that 'please god, it is not a prank call'

Then a sweet voice replied that "no am, I am not joking. This call is from Chen international. And today at 11 mornings, you have to come to our office for documentations and some face-to-face HR discussion. So mam, are you comfortable with this time or should I change?"

After hearing her, kia excitedly replied that "mam, I will come on time" after saying, kia hear from another side of the call that "ok mam and have a nice day" and disconnected the call.

After cutting the call, kia excitedly jumped from the bed and started dancing enjoyingly.

From another room, Kia hearing the destruction sound from nova's rooms. Then she remembered yesterday's incident, she worriedly ran to her room and saw that kia was dancing with a smiling face.

After seeing her happy, she asked curiously that "what is the secret of your happiness?" kai turned her face and saw nova. With a broad smile, she told her that "nova, I got a call from Chen international and they have selected me."

"oh god, really?" nova asked and jumped happily with kia. Kai nodded her head.

And nova hugged her and said that" I am very happy for you. Kia, your life is about to change. Chen international is the best company in Beijing. I am glad that you left scoundrel's company. "

"Haha." Kia laughed on nova's remarks.

But they do not know that it will change her life completely Indeed. It was in her destiny to be a part of such good company.

"o god, it is already at 9.45, I am going to the bathroom," kai told nova and enterd the bathroom.

After getting ready, kia has come out from her room, nova was already waiting for her in the corridor and command that "let's go. I will you drop you today"

"But nova, you will be late if you drop me. You go, I will hire a taxi" kia said with a smiley.

After hearing her, nova said happily that "do not worry baby, I had a word with my manager. And I do not want my friend to be late on her first day. Ahah, do not waste our time here. Let's go"

"Ok, then let's go" kia chuckled and said.

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