

I was sitting in my class as usual joking around with my friends. Today midterms were beginning and I hadn't studied much since my dad was not there to scold me for getting less marks because he was on a business trip

Our class teacher came running with a bleeding mouth and blood on all her clothes, I was really shocked and at the same time confused that what was happening. The teacher shouted ''Run children run!!'', all students were running but I was sitting in my own place because I was shocked and froze out of fear. Suddenly that teacher stopped and with an extreme speed came running towards me, my friend Haru pulled me and take me away from that creepy teacher.

Haru and I were on the way to go upstairs to find somewhere safe and on the way blood was all over the floor and I was really scared of the blood. Suddenly our school janitor came running and said to my friend Haru,'' Please!, Please! save me, I'm bleeding'', and then that janitor suddenly stopped and looked at Haru with his red bleeding eyes. He arched his back backwards and let out a blood-curdling scream, we froze from the scene unfolding before us and before we knew it the old man charged towards us with his hands stretched forward and mouth dripping with blood.

I grabbed Haru's hand and we ran upstairs with the old man following behind us, that old man was left far away so we ran as fast as we can. After running quite a distance I saw a man sitting backwards and doing something in the laboratory. Haru said,'' Hoseok, let's see who that man is maybe he can be a normal person hiding from these creatures''. So we went closer to that man and saw a shocking scene, we saw that he was eating a human hand. That man saw us and we run as fast as we can and finally went to the third floor. We banged on the door but no one opened and wow that old man was on his way to make us like him.

I thought Haru and my game is over now, but my childhood friend Jinseo opened the door and we were finally saved, but wait, that old man caught Haru's clothes, Jinseo and I was struggling to save Haru. That old man's hand was scratched in such a way that I knew that someone has used this man for his/her invention or something. Haru was saved but his shirt was toned. I decided to not tell this to everyone but I should tell this to Jinseo.

It's evening now and I'm feeling hungry, some snacks and some cans of juice were kept at the corner of the class. So I had some sacks and felt better. There were only 7 students in that class, they were minding their own business. Haru was sleeping because he had been tried all through the day. I decided to talk to Jinseo but he was also tried, so I thought it's better I discuss it tomorrow. Well, I think I should also rest now.

It's 7:00 am, I was sitting and thinking about who would be the reason for all this. Suddenly I heard a noise. Oh, I thought again these creatures have come, but the TV was making a noise. The reporter was telling that this disease has spread so much that half of Japan has become infected and this all started in Korea. I'm really feeling scared because my mom and dad are living in Korea and I'm not sure whether my aunt would be safe or not.

I should call my dad but, the internet is also not there. I'm so confused now what should I do? Ok, now I promise to Japan that I will save you and whoever is the reason behind these things I'll catch that person as soon as I can. I don't care if I die but before dying I will save Japan with every effort I can take.

Suddenly I heard another noise from outside and now I'm damn sure that this noise is nothing but of these zombies. Should I check? ok, let's check it out. As soon as I went to check I heard our school principal's voice screaming with pain. I opened the door to see what was happening and I saw that old man was about to bite our principal, I ran and take a baseball bat from the corner and as soon as I was about to kill that zombie Jinseo saved the principal somehow I don't know, but it's strange that how Jinseo saved the principal without any weapon.