
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Spineless worm;

Going back to square one wasn't the only thing he could do, but getting into deeper hole than he was in right now was... Difficult.

He did what he did for a reason. His initial identity was too... dangerous. Soon people would know that he raided an "S" rank dungeon alone.

It's wasn't something big if an old and well-known Protector did it, but when a 16yo students does that... repeatedly?.. Who the f*kk is he? A reincarnation of some god?

More and more questions would pile up and eventually people will start asking them. Would he be able to protect all he had? No.

His books alone were worth more than several countries combined, what about him himself? His body and everything else? It was too dangerous to stay in the spotlight.

Thus, he needed a reason to "disappear" from the world. Of course, people wont ever think about him being back at the very place he always was at.

If a new student just arrived and happened to be at the very house Kerren disappeared at, wouldn't that be suspicious? If he had an identity it won't be, but...

He did't. Thus, he needed to make one! How could he do that? Easily! Just find a person who rose to fame later on, kill him, pretend to be him!

What about his current body? It was just a random guy he chose from his previous life, it's not like he wasn't real, it's just that he was from the future.

So, he started thinking about people he could impersonate. His identity must be solid, he himself mustn't be a weak moron so Kerren could act like he liked to, and...

He must not be popular by any means, so it would be hard for people to notice that someone impersonated him...

Well, finding such a person was easier said than done. A person whose identity is solid but nobody knows him? What bullcrap is that?

It's not like Kerren didn't know that it was wishful thinking, thus he decided to simply look at people going around the university.

He was here right now, as he pretended to apply here as an awakened... Obviously, he already had a "reason" behind his wandering around.

He wanted to see how this whole place looks like, what people are like and such, as his mother told him that he shouldn't end up in a bad company, and if he saw any such people here - get back home immediately.


Several hours later he examined lots of people. Most of them were just nutjobs who wouldn't ever achieve anything if not for their families, those people would work fine if not for their overprotective parents...

Who else, then? There were some talented people who he remembered from his previous life, impersonating them would be hard as they were well-known.

But... there was a guy who had talent, it was dormant. He hasn't awakened yet, but when he did? He would become one of the best tanks!

This guy was one of the first true S ranks in the world! Killing him would be a problem in the future, since he did many things that helped the whole world but...

Who cares? By that time Kerren would easily be able to complete all of the dungeons all by himself, let alone some unique occurences.

Thus, he decided on his target. First of all the guy wasn't all that well-known, he was big and sturdy but due to the faulty system that people used to assess "talents" he was dropped to the lowest class, even thought he already showed some signs of his unique skill...

Kerren didn't know what it was called, only certain number did even in his previous life, but he knew what the skill was.

It allowed him to absorb and accumulate damage then releasing it all in one go! Of course, it's a 8th grader syndrome skill that couldn't really be used normally.. if not for his second skill.

It was regeneration of some sorts. Once again, Kerren didn't know anything about them, maybe those were one skill!

However, he knew how the guy fought. He was a tank who would constantly provoke monsters around him, accumulate damage and then explode to kill all of them in one go!

His tactic had questionable usability against bosses, however, but who cares? He was a great tank nonetheless! People respected him a lot after he defended a whole city from an eruption all by himself!

Well, that doesn't really matter, does it? He will die anyway, as Kerren's body had a similiar ability to it... Well, it really didn't, but he could just fake it.

Thus, without thinking too much about it he decided to approach the guy. Since he was also big, like Kerren's current body, he decided to ask some stupid questions to start a dialogue...

- Hello! Judging by your body you're a tank, am i right? -- Kerren approached the guy seemingly at random.

- Yes. You want to hire me? I'm afraid i'm not very good at my job so...

The guy didn't even listen to what Kerren had to say and already apologized? Perfect target.

- No-no -- Kerren interrupted -- I just wanted to ask you about the university! You see, i'm thinking about entering it but i'm not too sure! I wanted to ask around about the situation here but people just ignored me so... i approached you, you seem like a nice guy!

Kerren changed his expression from apologeting, to pathetic to all smiles several time throught his little speech, making him look like a guy who couldn't control his emotions... He didn't know if it was a right decision, but he decided to look as easy to approach as one could be.

- Oh! So it's like that! Okay then! You want me to show you around or?...

The guy instantly changed his attitude, if before Kerren stated his purpose he was gloomy, now he felt better because he could actually help him!

- Yes, please, while we're at it could you please explain what the classes are, what exactly they teach you and all that? If it's not too bothersome, of course.

Kerren tried to be the same as this guy early on, so he would think that they were both kind & nice people that society usually preyed on.


- This is the dorm, my room is in there but it's not really good, if you can i would advise you rent your own somewhere nearby.

He explained as they were close to it. They already walked around the whole territory of the university and Kerren, who lived here for half a year or so, finally knew what it truly had!

Truth is, he rarely left his room and didn't really know what's where, thus, he actually profited from this tour around the university!

Of course, it was also to remember his manner of speech, how he moved when talked and other things that would help him impersonate the guy.

- Oh, is that so? Well, i'm not a picky guy, if you dont mind, can you show me your room?

It sounded like Kerren was a... easy girl who clinged to some rich boy...

- Uhm... Okay, then, let's go.

The guy agreed too easily, it might be due to him being a spineless worm because of the constant bullying and his sense of inferiority, he tried to appeal to Kerren as much as he could, maybe he was his future friend or something?

After some time they were in his room. As the guy explained something that Kerren didn't care about...

He used a spell to seal the whole room, he didn't notice that, obviously.

- Wow, it really is like that!.. -- Kerren pondered for a while -- Oh, right! I dont know your name yet! I'm Julien Eightvale! -- he reached his hand for a handshake...

- Haha, right! -- the guy scratched his head -- My name is Gorven Oak! Nice to meet you, Julien!

As Gorven reached his hand and touched Kerren's... His mind went blank. He was dead, instantly.

It was a simple spell that simply exploded his body from the inside, it was silent, as if an electic shock just stopped it.

His body silently fell on the floor, not a sound could be heard from the outside, however.

Kerren quickly looted his body, taking everything useful he could find before examining it to the last minute detail.

After some time only a small pile of dust and something else was left before Kerren. He took a broom and moved it under the bed, scattering what's left of the floor.

He then entered the bathroom, made all of his clothes disappear and stood infront of the mirror, looking in it.

- Good enough.

He commented as he examined his face and body, it was a perfect replica.

From now on he was a snipeless worm who nobody ever noticed!

That, however, will soon change.