
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Just let me sleep!; What is going on?;

On his way back Kerren didn't see anything worth of his interest. He simply walked back under the gazes of students. That was a norm, since he was somewhat famous. After he got back to him room he didn't immediately start reading the book again. His focus was fixed on the girl's fighting style! He analyzed it to the extent of his own abilities, it didn't look or feel dangerous, but he still remembered it just in case.

Other people might think that doing that is strange or something like that, but if he ever fought with her seriously that wouldn't be the case. Wait... But she had a sword! So in a serious fight she would use, why bother remembering how she fights? Her fighting style couldn't be changed that easily. Unless she grew in power and understanding every day it would change slowly, Kerren would be able to adapt to it too.

It was more of a way to look at her behavior in fight. Was she agressive? Did she take risks, or maybe she tried to use tactics? Kerren couldn't understand most of her decisions, but he felt that was being smart when she found. She tried to lure him in to going where she wanted to make advantage of her surroundings, she also faked her attack a lot of bait him out to use mana, but it was futile.

After absorbing all that knowledge Kerren used an inventory skill book, since he already had a level 4 skill in his previous life he didn't spend too much time on learning it, it was only a few hours, which was commendable to say the least. For some people advancing the rank of a skill even by one was a big problem and could take several weeks or even months.

Was Kerren special because of that? Nope, it's just that advancing inventory skill wasn't that hard in the first place, he was familiar with it and knew a lot of tricks that could be used. As an example - time wasn't a thing for inventory until level 12! What do i mean by that? Well, until level 12 inventory didn't have an option to accelerate or slow down time for certain item, it simply didn't do anything to them! Of course, that meant that any food stored in it wouldn't ever rot, even fire could be put inside!

If, what was the point of slowing down time inside the inventory if normally it didn't even exist? Well... It wasn't as if it was normal slowing or accelerating... If one slowed down time it was like... going back? I dont know how to explain it so you would understand while making it true, so just imagine that this "slowing down time" part is just allowing an item to regenerate, to get its old looks or something like that?

An example? Alright. If you put in a rotten piece of meat inside of it and "slowed down" time at enough rate - it would be normal after a while. But... is that all? Nope, it would "grow" back to being whatever it was before it became a piece of meat! Of course, it wouldn't come back to life, but making infinite dragons was possible!.. If one had literally infinite amount of time, since doing so would require... let me think... Imagine that every grain of sand in a desert that is as big as solar system was a billion years. Now, multiply that amount by the amount of atoms inside of those grains, then you'll get amount of time neede to grow a body of a dragon using that method!

It did work, yes, but it was literally unusable. Other things, however? Well, you could "grow" pigs, i guess? Just dont wait for too long or they'll go back to being whatever they were before becoming pigs... Anyway, that thing was too far away from now because level 12 was unachievable for... most? No, not like that, it was impossible to get one unless you accumulated luck for several lifetimes... If you are a normal person, that is.

Remember that porter with a level 9 skill from a few years back? Well, Kerren just did! As he was thinking about his inventory he suddenly realised - he can steal that book from him! It didn't even happen, so if he didn't have such a high level skill by then - he could take it! Well, he didn't really know who he was or where exactly he got his skill, he only knew the name of the dungeon that he got it in, it was "Lunar forest", a C rank dungeon by standards from his his previous life...

It meant that it was rank A as of now! It was too early for him to go there anyway, but he put that name on a shelf, remembering it just in case! Well, he could look for such dungeon in case he needed that book, and since dungeons were named by the system itself - it wont change no matter.

After learning inventory level 5 Kerren started reading he unique skill book. It might take him a long time to learn it, and he planned to not go out until he did, so he closed the door, placed a few spells on it that alerted him if anybody tried to peek or enter and started reading the book. He read it until night, then he has gone to sleep as usual, why bother staying awake for too much? It's not as if he did that he would learn it faster, was it?

And such - the next morning came, Kerren was still sleeping as he was somewhat lazy and thought that waking up on his own was a way to go, his body knew better when to wake up than he did... I actually agree with that thing, who puts you to sleep? Your body! Why do you think that you can decide when it's time to wake up!? Dont interfre in it doing what it does best - staying alive! Uh... That is questionable now that i think about it... Anyway, i think Kerren is right!

As he was peacefully sleeping, someone started banging at the door. It didn't make Kerren as happy as he would want to be, since he woke up moments before someone actually hit it, it was a spell that he placed every night in case someone tried to kill him... Well, he was careful, not paranoid, okay?.. Anyway, as he woke up loud bangs ringed in his ears, it was insanely unpleasant for him.

He used a spell to see who exactly who found a new method to commit su*c*de. It was Yusaya, the girl that he had a duel with yesterday... But why would she even do that thing? Why come to his room, why wake him up? Did she want revenge or something like that?.. Whatever it was Kerren wasn't happy she woke him up!

He slowly stood up from the bed and thought about killing her on the spot, it wasn't a big deal to him since he could that it was an accident, and if she didn't have an insanely big background nothing would even happen to him, he was too precious for the university to drop out just because he killed a random girl. Of course, he instantly forbid himself from doing so for obvious reason...

He came closer to the door still hearing the constant banging on it...

- Listen, if you do that even once more i will attack you as soon as i open my eyes, and belive me when i say it - it wont be merciful -- he said angrily with a sleepy and crisp voice. He just woke up, what did you expect?

- I'll be waiting for that! -- he answered quickly -- I'm here to ask if you'll go to train with me! -- she revealed the reason behind her arrival.

As Kerren looked on the clock and saw 7:38 he instanly answered - F*kk off with your training, i dont need it. -- he chose to not open the door after seeing the time, it was too early for him to go anywhere, he only had 7 hours of sleep!

- Why? Dont you want to get stronger? -- she curiously asked -- Training is a way to success! What if the world collapses tomorrow, will you survive? -- she brought a bullcrap reason to try make him go with her.

- It wont collapse -- he lazily answered as he was going back to bed -- Even if it does - what does it have to do with me? I'll do the same thing i've done before -- he was honest when he said it. It's just that to her it sounded that he would laze around, but he actually didn't! He worked way harder than she did, it's just that he didn't need to train, thus she didn't notice!

- Come on! -- she said with a sad voice -- Do you want me to pay so you'll go with me? How much do you want? -- She instantly thought about "buying" his time, but, to her surprise...

- It doesn't work like that, i might be greedy but you cant just buy me like that. I wont go anywhere today as your punishment for waking me up. -- he said as he was already in the bed with his eyes closed.

- Hey, that's not fair! You told me to wake you up yesterday! -- he tried to battle him.

- Yesterday was yesterday, if you didn't know. I only told you that because i was busy with setting up traps for half of the night, so i wouldn't be able to wake up in time unless you came, thus the bet, i used you as a an alarm clock -- he explained the "reason" behind his bet with her -- F*kk off now, come tomorrow and try to not wake me up, or i will do the same thing -- he said in a voice that already sounded asleep.

She tried to bargain or at least say sorry to make him move, but he didn't even answer, as if he was asleep. Was that true? Well, yeah! Since he knew who it was already - why not sleep? It's not as if he could kill her or anything... He could, however, block the sound from coming inside of his room... He did just that, thus he haven't heard anything and was able to sleep peacefully!

After he woke up several hours later it was already 14:22 on the clock! He didn't even look at it since he didn't care, it's just that i'm telling you that this guy sleeps a lot! Humph, he will never be able to reach any heights with that lifestyle, sleeping half a day!

Anyway, as he stood up from the bed he put on his clothes and started eating whatever was inside of his invetory. Those were some snacks, fruit juice and meat. It was a pretty heavy... breakfast, i guess? But he didn't care since he didn't plan on going anywhere. He didn't forget to lift the sound-absorbing spell since it was too quiet inside of his room, but as soon as he did so he heard a commotion outside.

He didn't care, but since he was a curious guy - he wanted to check it out. As he held a piece of meat in his right hand as a bottle of fruit juice in his left he approached the window. When he saw what was going on he was somewhat shocked! There were wolfes and goblins running all over the place! Even goblins on wolfes were there! Sadly, there were no wolf on goblins, i hope we will see them later on!

Anyway, as he thought -* What the f*kk is going on? Eruption or did the world really collapse all of a sudden? -- he remembered what the girl told him. Was it a coincidence or did she knew it'll happen? He got even more suspicious of her and didn't really want to have anything to with her anymore, she was too mysterious!

But, as he was standing infront of the window like a noble looking at a spectacle he heard banging on his door again! He activated his speel and saw the girl again! Was she stalking him or something? Did she became obsessed with him? It bothered Kerren a lot, she couldn't fall in love with him, at least he didn't think so... Why would she? Yeah, he looked somewhat good, but he was small and feeble compared to her! Or... did she like it that way?

Whatever it was - Kerren wasn't buying it! He even suspected that she wanted to use him for something, but what? Perhaps as a sacrifice? There were methods to improve one's real talent using other people after all... Well, all i can say is that he wont be able to guess what it was!

Kerren didn't answer the door and the banging intensified. It soon came to a point that the door barely hold on, making Kerren look at it curiously -* Will she really break it? -- he thought, and soon his question was answered!

She did! She broke the door running inside, trying to locate Kerren who stood by the window. Why didn't she see him? Well, Kerren didn't want to bother with her for now, thus he tried to conceal himself the same way he concealed the third trap that was able to fool her, but...

- There you are! Why didn't you answer me!? -- she looked straight at him?..

This shocked Kerren! -* Okay, how? -- he thought.

- There's no hiding from you, is there? -- he said in an annoyed voice, removing the spell that concealed him. It wasn't an invisibility spell or anything, Kerren kne how do to cast it, but it used too much mana and would show that he knew more than he should've.

- Nope -- she smiled -- What are you doing here? Dont you see what is going on outside? I thought that i'll meet you slashing goblins, but to think that you were still in your room! -- she said with a somewhat dissapointed expression.

- Huh? Why would i do that? To help others? Dream on, as long as they're not bothering me i wont do a thing. -- he said lazily -- Moreover, i just woke up, why would i run straight at them? I'm still having my breakfast, as you can see -- he pulled his hard up a little at the end of the sentence.

- Humph! Still sleeping? I wont be surprised if you said that you didn't wake up since yesterday! -- she said angrily.

- What do you mean since yesterday? -- he asked, not knowing what she meant.

- Huh? -- she didn't understand his question -- I mean, i woke you up yesterday and you got angry with me, you told me to not wake you up anymore so i only came today. -- she elaborated.

- Wait. Yesterday? So we had a duel two days ago? -- he was confused. Did he sleep for a day or so straight!?

- Uhm, yes? -- she answered with a strange expression... - Wait... Were you really sleeping this whole time!? - she cried out!