

As I nonchalantly sat in the caravan, feigning ignorance about the commotion that would soon unfold, a sense of nostalgia came over me.


How long has it been since I felt this way-

No, since when could I feel like this again?

Excitement, anticipation and dread were all feelings that I've long grown numb to on the battlefield. Yet, why is it that my fingers won't stop twitching, itching for me to grip my sword and swing it.

Even my usual calm, and unshakable heartbeat hardened through every battle and war seemed to neglect it's regular monotone and steadfast rhythm as I felt the thump in chest increasingly faster.

Could it really be...

That I was nervous?

"Kayn. Is everything alright?"

"Ah, yes. Of course mother."

"Are you really sure? Since we left the manor, you've seemed a little on edge-

Wait, could it be that you're uneasy about leaving home?"


"OH, how could I disregard such things. You're feelings are completely justified, you're maturity makes me forget that you're still only 7 years old. Anyone your age would be anxious leaving their home for the first time!"

"I'm telling you, that's not the cas-"

"Come here dear, everything will be alright, trust me."

Without even letting me rebuke, she pulled me into her embrace and a familiar warmth which I've yet to grown used to enveloped me.

My train of thought was completely cut off and my heartbeat which was previously increasing, lessened as I found myself at home in this warmth letting it completely envelope me, and it was then that I realized why.

Why I felt that way.

How I, of all people could feel anxious and nervous.

Because, this time I've got something to lose.

I've got someone to protect, to fight for, but most of all a home to return to and I ought to preserve it at all costs.

Even if it's a weakness that I shunned and purposely avoided in my previous life, even if it will come to bite me in the ass later, it's something that I've chosen to accept and embrace this time.

As I steeled my resolved and regained my composure, I pushed myself off my lovely mothers embrace and flashed her a toothy grin, one you would expect of a seven year old.

"Don't worry mother! I'm good now." I said as I looked her in the eye with an innocent and pure expression.

"Well, if u say so dear." She said as she lightly pinched and stroked my cheek.

I guess it's time for me to get started soon. Those bastards most likely won't make a move until we're a distance away from the manor, alternatively in a more isolated location, nevertheless it's better to be safe than sorry.

*** Hubert Reed ***


"Are we f*cking there soon?"

"I'm sorry Sir, we've only just set out. According to our estimations we won't reach Lord Pennington's manor until Thursday night."

"Tch, you know damn well that I wasn't asking about that"

"But, Sir-"

"Didn't I already tell you?"

Mana oozed out of my core as I looked into his eyes, the air and atmosphere undoubtedly feeling heavy as his stature was visibly shrinking. Seeing his lips trembling and knees on the verge of buckling a smile grew on my face.

I took a step forward as I put my hand on his shoulder, giving it a good clench which caused him to flinch in pain.

I leaned in as I put my mouth near his ear and whispered.

"During this trip, we will encounter an unknown syndicate. Unfortunately for us they have a mid master mage with them along with several adept and elite mages. Additionally, for obscure reasons their target seems to be Young Master Kayn and Lady Catherine. I of course as the noble and virtuous mage I am, engage the enemy in an extraordinary battle as I defend the Young Lord and Lady with my very own precious life.

However, as I'm about to win against their master mage he pulls a desperate move along with his subordinates. They all use a self destructive spell in an attempt to wipe us and all evidence out. Sadly to our grievance, Young Master and Lady Catherine as weak as they are, is obliterated on the spot with no speck of their bodies left. Nonetheless, I along with several mages miraculously manage to survive, although on the brink of death."

"Is that undestood? Clayton?"

"Y-y-yes Sir. Reed"

"Very good."

I let my mana dissipate as I released his shoulder off my clinch.

"And you should be ready to stop addressing me as Sir soon."

"W-what do you-"

"Don't you think I'm much better than that pesky and arrogant Thomas? Of course he's at the late master mage, but what else has he got for him? Moreover, how long has he been at that stage? Contrary to him I'm still progressing, and whatever he can do, I can do better. He can't even treat his beautiful, voluptuous, sexy wife right. Don't you think she's much better of with someone else? For instance, a man like me?"

As her figure arose in my mind, I couldn't help but smile as I was remembered of her promise with me.

That elegantly charming face. Ample bosom, long slim legs, and hefty, but glamorous buttock. She was indeed a woman which possessed all the right assets. Moreover, her sexy, but not overly revealing dresses that did nothing to hide her seductive figure...

And her smell. I can still feel her scent lingering around me from our last embrace.

She'll soon be mine, and with enough time and a well bought poison, an unknown 'sickness' will befall Thomas as he'll slowly but surely die.

And on his deathbed he'll have me, his best friend and right hand man, take over the Gaillon estate and 'take care' of his wife and children.

I can't help but look forward to those nights, hehe...

"S-S-Sir. Reed. W-with all d-due respect. You s-should be c-careful of w-what y-you say." Lost in my own imagination, I was abruptly brought back to reality by an annoyingly stuttering voice.

Right, I should focus on the task at hand. Only that way can have my deserved reward when I get home hehe.

"Don't worry about it, I trust you after all Clayton." I said as I flashed him a grin and put my hand lightly on his shoulder which amusingly made him flinch.

"Ah, t-thank you Sir. Reed" He said awkwardly as he rubbed his neck while looking a the floor.

Of course I trust him. Dead men don't talk after all. Melanie and I told the bribed guards that we all would return to the manor, but obviously that was a lie.

The only survivor from this 'syndicate attack' will be me, and me alone.

"Is there a problem?"


I impulsively flinched as I turned towards the noise, and couldn't help, but sweat as the caravan door stood open while Kayn peeked his head out.

"Ah, Y-young master Kayn. You shouldn't expose yourself out of the caravan like that. You never know if there's any bandits or-."

"Syn-di-cate groups looking for my head. right?"


His eyes carrying the same usual aloof and arrogant glimmer, but as he emphasized each syllable I didn't fail to notice the ice cold glare which he looked at me with. One which even sent shiver down my spine.

What did he hear?

How long has he been there?

How much did he hear?

How much does he know?

No, does he even know anything?

Could it, be a coincidence? No that's impossible, the way he phrased it...

Should I just kill him now- wait no, this area is still quite populated...

Time seemed to come to a standstill as I anxiously tried to come up with an answer and plan of action. The best course of action would be to kill him now wouldn't it? Yes it has to b-

"Sir. reed, are you okey? You look quite unwell. I deeply apologize if my joke was out of place and line." He said as he rubbed his neck with a somewhat embarrassed expression, flashing me the typical childlike innocent smile, his cold demeanor nowhere to be seen.

Did I maybe imagine things? Yes, I had to, and even if he knows something it's not like he could run, and if he attempts to I'll just kill him on the spot.'

"Ahem, haha, Young Master Kayn sure have a way of jesting. But what brings you out here? Is the caravan not to your taste?

"Hehe, I'm sorry. I just wanted some fresh air. The caravan is indeed comfortable, and the ride has been very pleasant so do not worry about me. However, it would make me very happy if you'd let me express my thanks to you!"


"Yes, of course! Having a mage like you accompany us on this journey is something I'm deeply grateful for, and my mother would undoubtedly agree if she wasn't such a sleepy head." He said as he pointed towards his gorgeous mother, a woman which even Melanie can't compare to in terms of looks.

If I could, I would gladly keep her as the concubine when I take over this household, but without Melanie I can't proceed with my plans, so she unfortunately has to die on this trip as well. Quite a waste if you ask me, but I'll be sure to play with her a little before I finish her off.

"Well, thank you. I'm deeply honored by Young Master and Lady Catherine's gratitude."

"Good, then please take this!" he said, flashing a beaming smile as he motioned for me to come closer.

As I was an armlength from him, he handed me a small black box with golden printings and beautiful red patterns.

It didn't take me long to realize that this was a jewelry box, and not an ordinary one, but one you'd use to store magic items.

However, what completely caught my interests was the amount of mana I could feel as I held the box.

I looked at Kayn with eyes wide showing my surprise.

"Please open it Sir. Reed. I'm sure you'll find it to your liking"

"Then, if you'll excuse me."



Hey, y'all just got home for christmas, so I decided to write some chapters. I don't know how often I'll write so chapters will most likely be released quite inconsistently, but with that out of the way, what do you think this 'gift' exactly is?

PKTMcreators' thoughts
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