

I could feel that I am being watched by someone or something - It was a dark night - the sky was clear - the moon paved my way through the woods - I barely had any idea that I would be so late in returning home from my work - sometimes a little breeze gently shook the leaves making an eerie sound.

Their was no particular way that would lead the way out of the woods , many new visitors have lost their way here , as I was a regular one , I had a map of this jungle perfectly carved in my mind , I usually came out from this palce within half an hour , but their was something different about this night , it felt like I'm Moving in the same path every time , I've crossed this banyan tree 5 times in a row , I seemed like I was stuck in a loop , which was an never ending one.

After a quite long walk in the same place , my body felt an tremendous exhaustion , my legs were not in a condition to move even an inch , as if something was controlling it , so I sat down underneath that same huge banayan tree which according to old stories was a home to a ghost of a women , whose face and body was disfigured in a near by village fire and according to the villagers she was responsible for it so they threw her out of the village and it is said that in order to punish her they tied up her, burned her bellow this banayan tree..

I'm a man of 21st century and I don't believe in Ghost unless if I one , that's a different story. But , for me ghosts don't exist

While thinking all this I heard a weird sound behind the tree

I leaned back to check whether it was a bird or a rat , but the sound was quite different and high

And I found no one there

I stood up ,with all my energy and started walking

Towards the exit of the forest , but this time the sound was following me , coming closer after every step I took. I started walking in pace but it kept following me and I noticed everytime I stopped the sound did stop too , it was strange , I was quite nervous and I thought is this something beyond science , can it be explained. But this was nothing , something terrible was yet to come

And this time my body froze , my legs shook , I was unable to speak , not even a word and my heartbeat was racing, I saw a pair of red glowing eyes looking at me from near a bush,

It had short disfigured legs , arms , black hair. slowly and slowly trying to reach me , crawling on then ground.

I was not able to move not even a step , my body gave up on me. I was stuck , stuck in a sleep paralysis.