
Shop! New Skill! New Dagger!

== [Shop] ==

Total SP: 10,000

<< Mythril Dagger - 1,000sp >>

Strength: 25

A lightweight strong and durable Dagger, the dagger has the built-in skill: Quick Death

< Quick Death >

If the enemy is at 50% or below HP [Quick Death] has a 1 - 10% chance to kill the enemy instantly, the chance of it working correlates with the enemies HP

<< Quick Dash Skill - 1,500sp >>

An enormous amount of energy envelops your legs allowing you to travel a short distance of 5 ft instantly, does not teleport

<< Subspace skill - 5,000sp >>

Creates a subspace that the user can enter anyone the user gives permission to may also enter the small subspace that has a radius of 2.5 kilometers, the entire subspace is enveloped in a forest, has a river, and even contains wild animals.

<< Teleport Skill - 5,000sp >>

Allows the user to teleport within a radius of 50 meters, has a 5 minutes cooldown

Though there were many more things in the shop like food, clothes, and toys these were the ones that stood out the most to Wil, "I have 10,000 right now and I need the better dagger that leaves 9,000 the Quick Dash skill would be helpful and I can buy the other two later" after some thinking Wil decided to upgrade his dagger and buy a new skill,

<< -1,000 SP >>

<< -1,500 SP >>

<<. You Obtained a Mythril Dagger. >>

<< You Obtained the Quick Dash Skill >>

After buying these two things Will Continued onward, unfortunately, he encountered no monsters a normal person may be on guard because of the sudden lack of hobgoblins but Wil paid it no mind. After 5 minutes of walking he arrived at a bigger grander door this door had all sort of badly made designs on it, "The boss room, this took less time than I thought it would take" a small glint of hope lay in Wil's eyes, hope that this boss would give him a run for his money, "Onward to danger and beyond!!!" Fearlessly Wil pushed the door open using all his power.

* BOOM *

The cave walls shook from the force, with a smile on his face Wil continued and walked into the dimly lit room. At the center of the room was a huge throne, atop the throne sat an equally big hobgoblin, "Inspect..."

== Hobgoblin King ==

Threat Level: Mid D

The king of the hobgoblins, he wields a long sword and can command all hobgoblins and goblins, their intelligence is on par with a young adult making them a very difficult foe to face especially if they have their royal guard with them

The smile plastered on Wil's face grew wider when he realized the king wasn't alone, no he had 5 Hobgoblins and 4 Hobgoblin Shamen with him, "Just my luck the king was with his royale guard… How exciting" Wasting no further time Wil ran head-first into the room, immediately the king gave an order to his guard and 2 Hobgoblins raced towards Wil.

The boy clashed with the two hobgoblins their teamwork was outstanding and their strength was above the ordinary hobgoblins. Unfortunately for the two hobgoblins, their enemy wasn't a rookie in fighting against multiple people at once, as one hobgoblin brought its hammer down on Wil, he dodged and jumped on top of the hammer, as the other hobgoblin attacked him he attacked the first one's eyes blinding it. The hobgoblin screamed in pain as it thrashed towards its enemy unfortunately for it Wil had long jumped back, in its rage and pain the blind hobgoblin thrashed around and ended up bumping into its teammate making them both fall to the ground. Wil lined up an attack and struck both hobgoblins in the head killing both of them.

<< Gained XP: 20 >>

<< Gained XP: 20 >>

Not giving him any time to rest two of the shaman fired 10 fireballs the size of a football toward Wil, "Quick Dash!" In the nick of time, Wil managed to use a quick dash to evade the fireballs, just as he thought he was in the clear 2 more hobgoblins attacked him one from his left and the other from his right, "He predicted me, this is getting better by the second" the boy kicked the ground and jumped into the air avoiding the attack of both hobgoblins, on his way down he threw the damaged iron dagger and one of the shaman, the shaman had no time to react and the dagger hit him in the forehead it didn't kill him instantly but it knocked him out and it would surely kill him later. Wil waved his Mythril dagger and blinded one eye on both hobgoblins, "come on now this is getting boring!" Wil taunted not long after he regretted those words as he was hit by 5 fireballs,

< -50 HP >

"It's a lot more fun when there's a proper leader leading" his smile grew further as he stood up, "3 down, 6 to go!" Despite being down to 50% of his HP Wil showed no fear as he jumped towards the hobgoblins, he dodged their hammers, due to being blind in one eye it wasn't very hard to dodge. Once he was with 5 ft of the hobgoblins Wil used Quick Dash and cut off the head of the hobgoblins, it happened very quickly and Wil immediately started running toward the king. The Hobgoblin King started barking orders shortly after the remaining hobgoblin shaman started firing fireballs and ice meteors at Wil, unfortunately for them Wil had quick dash and with it he closed the distance between him and his enemies very quickly, some may say too quickly as he had killed the hobgoblin shamen before they could finish casting their spells. Now only one hobgoblin and the King remained, after seeing his shaman getting killed so easily the king stood up and his final royal guard stood in front of him. The guard rushed forward towards Wil only to be killing, but not by Wil, no the guard had been slain by the king.

The King stood proud with a giant crooked smile on his face, the King said some gibberish in a strange monster language and then got into a fighting position with his long sword. Wil instantly knew what the king wanted, the king wanted a fight, one in which he would have to give his all to win, it seemed both Wil and the King wanted the same thing: a worthy opponent.

Wil vs King

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