
the weird school

this is the story of the weird school. there is this girl name Ahsley she is very ugly but no one tells her because people don't want her to feel bad. so one day she was feeling herself because she thought that she was all of that cause everyone lied to her. she laughed like Pennywise everyone hated it but didn't say anything. so one day these boys were playing truth or dare and this one boy was dared to ask Ahsley out and date her for a month. so three weeks in them dating Ahsley started to send weird pictures. she was getting a little to bold and one day she sent this one very disturbing picture it was a picture of her coochie. it was brown and had herpes and it had these freckle looking things.the boy leaked the photo of Ashley to his friends and they had this disgusted looks on their faces one boy even threw up.

when the month ended the boy was so glad to break up with Ashley. Ashley was so heartbroken that when next year came she had a glow up her face was cute she had a nice laugh the boys were all over her. so when the boy that did the dare to ask her out seen her he I instantly knee that he had messed up so he went up to her and Appoligized she forgave him but she did not like him anymore.