
The Start

ok, I guess I should start an inner monologue. my name is igaya sofusa I'm a 20-year-old gamer and otaku typical protagonist stereotype. crazy stuff just happened that I can't explain but I'm gonna try for the sake of the entertainment of whoever can hear this.

it was a spooky night, is this interesting I hope so because I'm about to be in an anime or something and I don't want to die straight away that's why I'm doing this inner monologue, anyway I was in my bedroom on the PC when I got a message on my phone which on its own was weird but what it said was even weirder "congratulations participant #1 you have been invited to join the weeb game . now please leave you home and meet me in your front garden" after than banging at the front door ensued.

I went to open the door to see a girl with long black hair and bright green eyes, she seemed to be no older than 18 she began to talk "hello and congratulations on becoming the first participant of the 8th weeb games follow me to your new residence" she held out her hand. " I have so many questions" were the words that sputtered out of my mouth "I can answer all of your questions when we are in your residence" she replied "okay?" I said and grabbed her hand she started to take me somewhere but by the time I had left the front door, I fainted.

"oh so you're finally awake" I heard not knowing who said it, I started to open my eyes and saw the girl from before sitting on a chair next to the bed I was laying on "where am I?" I mumbled, "your new home" she answered.

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