

Huh ?

Where am I ? What happened ? What am I doing here ?

Ah yes, the fight...

The assassin...


*Cough cough*

I hope she's safe now.

While I was questioning my own existence for diverse reasons I was glad that I've been summoned to this other world.

I mean I was doing nothing in the real world anyway. I didn't have a goal or any ambitions...

I was empty inside.

Suddenly, I felt a hot sticky liquid creep under the fingers of my right hand. At that moment, I noticed I was lying with my back on the floor, and started to feel pain in my stomach.

I touched it and felt the same hot sticky liquid that was going under my fingers.

Is it blood ?

Oh ! I understand now...

I'm dying.

For someone who was on the verge of death, I was surprisingly calm. Maybe because I've been waiting for this for a while now.

What is that ? Is there another person here ?

I thought they were all gone.

I heard sharp footsteps on the ground.

The closer they got the more their footsteps hitting the ground made my body shake.

The next instant, I had someone hands on my cheeks. The warmth of those hands was pleasant and familiar.

At the same time, I felt a liquid fall from above to my forehead.

It was then, I opened my eyes for a few seconds and saw her crying.

Her tears looked like stars falling from the sky because of the moonlight reflection coming from the window.

Come to think of it, I had never seen her cry like that before. She never shows any weakness and yet at that moment she was crying like a baby.

I saw her lips moving but I couldn't hear anything, as if I had gone deaf.

I think she was screaming my name.

Wow, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy.

I think my consciousness is fading away.

I always thought that it would be better if I died, that nobody needed me or cared about me despite having a family that loved me.

I didn't want to feel the pain to live anymore.

I'm not important, nothing special, I don't bring anything to the world therefore I could just be called back up there.

Yea, that's what I thought but you know...

After seeing her cry like that for me...

I didn't want to die anymore.

If someone was willing to cry like this for me, when on top of that we hardly know each other...

I would like to make her smile by staying alive, so...

"I don't want to die !"

"I want to make my way through this world, I want to continue to struggle and make this pain my strength to move forward."

I want to get to know her better, to know what she likes and what she dislikes, to continue to eat delicious dishes with her, to make new discoveries with her, to laugh with her, to cry with her, to see her smile, see her angry, see her in all her facets, listen to her complain, listen to her brag, know her most intimate secrets and much more !

And all this for what ?!

Because I love her !

Because I love her...

There are still so many things I would like to do with her.

As I shouted these words in my head, I felt my heart sink and started to cry.

Seeing this, she put her hand on my right hand.

Ahlala, if I die now I will really regret that I couldn't have confessed my feelings to her.

At that moment, I cursed myself for being so weak and decided that if I survived, I would become strong enough to be able to protect her, and that she no longer has to be alone in this world that is against her.

God, I know I haven't been close to you lately but please, allow me to live a little longer. If you really created me with a purpose then I believe I haven't accomplished it yet but if my time has truly come then ...

So be it.

After that, I passed out but you could tell I cried a lot since my eyes were swollen.

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