
The Vinx System

In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.

Niiyeng · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Shared energy

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A glowing white smoke starts to come out of her hand and onto Shin's skin.

Shin's hair began to change color to a snowy white, which gave him a cold sensation.

A balance between warmth and cold was struck between the two of them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mooni Sato… your future Vinx companion." She says hello to Shin, and he looks at her with his black eyes, the color of outer space.

The two of them suddenly close their eyes and feel their two energies intersecting in their bodies.

At that moment, the real Vinxfer Ritual was taking place... but with one small difference.

The ritual has stages to be effective; this was an initial stage so that Shin and Mooni could have a slightly closer connection.

Mooni has always been suspicious of many people, so her type of Ritual is a little complicated to understand.

Her Vinxfer ritual is a derivative of: we need to walk to the goal first rather than run.

Since in common, each Vinxurian had only one ritual… which was the complete fusion of the host with the Vinx.

However, Mooni is only offering him a portion of her power for Shin's safety and also so that his relationship with her is a little mutual.

Before he couldn't even make eye contact with her, the greatest proof of this was when he couldn't get close to her Magma.

The paralysis that consumed him for a certain moment prevented him from advancing.

Her touch on his forehead also made him feel frozen to the point where he couldn't touch her.

It was all about Shin not having any physical contact with her until he was worthy of it.

And that's what Fearen didn't deserve because he forced and broke her will.

Now, Shin's genetics are on her body… and hers on his.

She can do whatever she wants, Shin will now at least have the right to physical touch... and over time he will acquire other rights and abilities with the passage of time and the shared level evolutions of his system with the Vinxfer system she possesses.

Shin's hair suddenly returns to its original color and his eyes also return to normal.

"Huh? Mooni?" Shin asked himself because, after that, she had disappeared without a trace.

Confused, he started scratching his head and looked at his forehead in the mirror.

There was a small mark made up of two small balls, which would have been the touch of Mooni's two fingers.

Only it was so small that it looked like a birthmark, to be as unnoticeable as possible to the public.

Anyone with a Vinxurian or alternative connection can see the mark.

An ordinary human being would need a long time afterward to be able to see it... which would require a strong bond with the host for an ordinary human being to be able to see it.

The human seeing that mark is the trust the host feels in its neighbor.

"TRRRRRRRRRR." The bell starts ringing for the break and Shin is suddenly startled by it.

"My God, where's Shin? He's been in that bathroom for a decade." Jing asks herself as she leaves the classroom, picking up her natural bread made from chicken and vegetables.

Jing walks down the corridor of the respective floor of his college period on his way to the bathroom.

Just as he was about to enter the bathroom next door, Shin slammed his body into Jing's after walking out of the bathroom without looking.

"Oh, sorry Jing... I ended up taking a while." Shin apologizes to his best friend, but he stands there with a neutral expression.

Jing was feeling a little awkward with his best friend, as he had once again been late for class.

"What's wrong? Is there something you want to tell me?" Shin asks, slowly turning his head to the side and looking directly into Jing's eyes.

Jing suddenly starts growling like a bull, annoyed that his best friend doesn't trust him enough.

Shin looks down at himself with a disappointed expression and automatically holds his hand out to him.

"Let's go to the cafeteria, I'll tell you more about what happened," Shin says and he waits for his hand to touch his.

Jing calms down a bit and lets out a little sigh at having managed to convince him.

"Right, let's go somewhere more secluded to avoid trouble," Jing says as he clasps his hand over his best friend's.

Shin is happy with this and walks off to a more enclosed area of the cafeteria at the back, where no one sits.

When they get there, they buy a small container of fish cakes and a can of soda.

Shin sat down at a table near a railing at the back, with a beautiful view of trees and the city below.

Since that college floor was above the first floor, he could see the main avenue.

"Right, what do you want to know first?" Shin asked, eating his pastry quietly while waiting for Jing's answer.

He began to think of a question worth asking so that Shin would answer clearly, and he ended up thinking about what he was always pondering.

"About the incident in the alley, tell me a bit," Jing replied, eating his pastry too.


Hey, thanks for reading The Vinx System. I'm your host and your friendly neighborhood, Niiyeng!


For those of you reading this, if you want more content from this book... I'm going to set a target here so that you, as a reader, can help me and, if you want to introduce this to another reader to get to know this work, I'd be happy to <3< p>

For every 100 collections, there will be 2 extra chapters.

I'm counting on you.

Thank you to everyone who reads, it means a lot to me.

"Every day, a new chapter, a new story." (Niyeng)

Short notice: I am a writer with beginner English, I am still studying the language so if you have difficulty understanding something in the story, just give your feedback sz

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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