
The villains rescue system(Abandoned)


Ased · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


Eight years later*.

Victor officially became a director of a company registered in Anthony's name.

This became public news that stirred up the whole world.

Once a director, these very companies began releasing everything Victor had done in the last eight years.

From new electronic devices for the kitchen to a new type of weapon he dubbed as perfect.

When it became public, they finally realized what this young man was all about. To call him a genius would be insulting, because what genius could create a VR device with full Immersion when he had to go too high.

His fame skyrocketed, as did his money and influence. Calling him the richest and most influential was just right.

Even countries began to treat him with respect because virtually everything in this world was produced by him and those countries depended on him.

Bankrupt companies were taken over by him and began to rapidly develop and produce what was related to their category.

But with the good news came bad news.

Victor's parents died in a car accident when he was 12.

For Victor, this was already known because the system once said: [The master doesn't need to worry, his parents will die early].

[I think you already realized that your parents didn't really love you or did their duty as parents.]

[The system specifically selects such families so that the host doesn't have an emotional yakar that will stall your development]

Victor's sigh was the only thing he responded to the system, but he took it well nonetheless.


"Emma"-Said Victor, looking at the teenage girl in the French maid's costume.

She was so beautiful that it was hard to believe she wasn't some goddess descended into the mortal world.

Silky purple hair flowed down her thighs like a waterfall, eyes as sharp as swords of the same color. Her nose was small and sharp, and her lips were puffy, cherry-colored, and everything was complemented by a sharp chin and a cold face.

It had been eight years, and her body had developed enough that even a Buddhist would not have restrained her filthy desires.

Add to that her maid's outfit...it would have been a dream for men just to meet her.

"Yes sir, any instructions?" - she answered affectionately and with eyes full of love and awe.

Yes, she was in love, and she was in love up to her eyeballs.

Victor had noticed this long ago, for he was not some Shota-kun from a Japanese anime with an MC dumb as an oak tree.

He wasn't the one who would wait to be raped like in some novels and *ahem* *ahem* manga and its subspecies.

He's a tiger who waits for the perfect moment for her to be completely his and nothing can affect her. That's how cavalier he is, manipulating the heart of a girl in love.

If he remembers correctly, she fell in love with him when he was 14-15. Victor is a philanderer who can steal any girl's heart if he tries.

"How's the Dragon group doing?"

"From the information I got, it's starting to go down. But why is it still hanging on?"

'Even so, it's holding on, damn... I guess I underestimated its luck and harem. It seems there was an iceberg president, the one who had her purse stolen' - his thoughts for the past 8 years have been occupied with destroying Ye Chen. Victor tried to weaken his influence, but naturally Ye Chen got away with it, plus he attracted positive attention.

Victor tried to steal what should have been his to begin with, but he only failed miserably.

What Victor stole, Ye Chen always got two or three times as much, making Victor boil with annoyance.

"I see, get ready for 'that' day," he said with a smirk on his face.

Emma could only widen her eyes in surprise, for "that" day, implied the complete destruction of Ye Chenya.

"Master, it could take about 2-3 weeks," Emma replied after thinking for a bit.

"So everything will be ready when the satellites are in orbit, yes?"

"That's right, your cellular and internet improvement project will be announced to the world and subsequently the satellites for support will be launched for worldwide scrutiny"

The cellular and internet improvement project has only one purpose - to kill Ye Chenya. Improving communications is just a cover to just launch satellites without too much attention from countries and people.

Even if he is a genius, it is impossible to launch even one satellite without attention.

He didn't care about all the expenses, because he would leave after the plot was over.

Speaking of the plot, Ye Chen had already completed everything he was supposed to and Victor already knew about it, he just didn't want to risk scaring him off.

But there was something that didn't make him leave this world.


[Yes master?]

'Can I take Emma with me?' - Victor thought, looking at the maid who stood in the corner of the luxurious room.

[Ding, request sent]

'How long do I have to wait anyway?' - Victor grumbled.

[Ding, the answer is received. Answer: you can, but it will cost you points, only 1000 for each world. Answering up front, I will say, she will be reincarnated with you, and it will cost that much, because of not being a native of other worlds and for her to exist safely. These points will be spent on making her birth natural.

P.S: don't reveal the system or you will be punished 😄]

'I see, everything has a price' - Victor continued to think about it without paying attention to the warning.

Victor rejoiced knowing that he could take Emma with him.

"Emma, prepare a flight to China, the city of Chongqing," Victor said and concentrated on his work.

(I know that's the name of a real city, but I didn't have enough knowledge of China to name the city any other way.)

Emma knew very well that he was "working" in his computer shooter, but decided not to comment on it, because it was not proper for a perfect maid that she wanted to become to serve him to point out to her master.

"Got it, I'll make it as quick as I can."

"Anything else?"

"No, you may go."

"Got it," Emma replied as she bowed and left the room.

"Let's mock Ye Chen before we kill this cockroach," Victor muttered as a smirk began to form on his face and evil flashed in his eyes.


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