
Livius Gereon Eardwulf

Several days passed, Elvira no longer minded Ivo's presence, she learned manners and history alternately every day. Before she realized it she has gotten used to life in Andeolus as Elvira Carmine Parall. She has stopped thinking about her life as Li Ran and also stopped thinking about Elvira's future as a villainess. Things have not progressed so far, the future she knows may no longer be the future she will have her.

She has decided to take everything as a grain of salt, she can't believe in everything she knows and she also barely knows anything anyway. Elvira decided to live quietly and see what tomorrow will bring. Just maybe, she can find her happiness here.

Today, Elvira just finished her etiquette classes and decided to stroll the gardens, she has never visited them before and she wants to look around the place she now calls home. Roza and Erna decided to set up a picnic for her in the gardens they seem so excited to see her finally venturing beyond the library walls.

Elvira is stunned to see the colorful flowers in the garden, she only ever saw such numerous and pretty flowers at the botanical garden and she had to pay the entrance fee just to see those flowers but now, her family has such a huge garden filled with fragrant and beautiful flowers. She walked a bit more, leaving Roza and Erna to set up the picnic table.

She never felt such calm before, especially living as Li Ran, she lived a fast-paced life, trying her best to be successful and to please others. She never had such a time where she could feel calm and take a breath and just enjoy the scenery. She went to a lot of beautiful places to do extreme sports like sky diving and paragliding but she went for the thrill and never really stopped to appreciate those sceneries. She was so busy just feeling alive that she never looked around her, it seems she also liked the peacefulness of nature.

After walking a bit she heard rustling sounds, she saw the bushes on her left move. Feeling curious, she walked near the bushes, wondering if Ivo is up to no good again but thinking about it, Ivo has no ability to touch or move things. She looked back and saw she is a bit far from Roza and Erna, she looked at the bushes again, and before she could react a big shadow jumped up causing her to stumble and fall on her backside.

A laugh was heard and when she looked up, she saw a boy that seems to be the same age as her, his golden eyes glinted with mischievousness. His brown hair swayed as he laughed at her. "Scaredy cat! You are easily startled. Hahaha!"

Before she could finish being mesmerized by his boyish charms, his words awakened her like a bucket of cold water splashing on her face. 'Where did you see me scared, you clearly sprung out of nowhere and I fell while dodging you.' "Idiot!" That last part was uttered loudly.

The boy got angry. "Who are you calling an idiot?! Idiot!"

Elvira, shrugged her shoulders, it is of no use bickering with a child. She stood up and fixed her dress. 'Roza will make a fuss once she sees my dirtied dress.'

"Young Master!"


Two voices sounded from different directions of the garden, Erna walked quickly to her side while she saw a chubby man rushing from behind the boy.

Erna was taken aback when she saw the boy and quickly curtsied. "Young Master Eardwulf."

Elvira is surprised at the boy's name and looked at him again. The boy sheepishly grinned while waving his hand stopping Erna's show of respect.

"I came here to visit my future bride.!" he said proudly.

Elvira's nose twitched involuntarily at the term and can't help but ask. "Do you know what a bride means?"

Livius nodded eagerly and spoke loudly. "A bride is someone I can tease freely, Norian said that a bride is someone who won't get angry no matter what I do. Father usually gets angry at me, a bride is better than a father. Norian said so... Right, Norian?" The boy asked the chubby man who arrived gasping for breath.

The chubby man called Norian paled further at his words. "Young Master that's... Miss, forgive me, I taught the young master wrongly."

Livius looked towards Norian questioningly. "What's wrong with my words? You said a bride is someone who'll like me no matter what. You said a bride will accept his husband and all he likes just like a husband will do the same. Ah right! Father told me to pick a gift so I could give it to Elvira at our first meeting, it took me a long time to choose, and remembered something I really like and wanted to share. Here."

Livius rummaged in his pocket and took out a box and gave it to Elvira.

Elvira is already holding the box before she could reject Livius' gift.

"Open it. It's my favorite and you'll really like him." Livius urged her excitedly.

'Him?' Elvira thought as she opened the box while Norian seems to realize something and tried to snatch the box. But, too late, Elvira already opened it and saw a big spider crawl out of the box and almost touched her hand.

Elvira screamed and threw the box far from her, while Erna screeched and took Elvira a few steps behind her. Elvira looked at the scene in horror, she is not afraid of high places, speeding cars, nor death itself, but she had a secret from her time as Li Ran; she is really afraid of spiders and cockroaches, anything that crawls with more than four legs is creepy for her. She was able to hide it in her previous life but today caught her off guard as she saw the spider crawl towards Livius.

Elvira shuddered and held onto Erna closely and looked at Livius and made a silent decision, Livius Gereon Eardwulf is a very annoying boy, she should stay away from this person to be safely away from these creatures because judging from his words and actions, this will not be the last she will see such creepy creatures.

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