
35. Melee Part 1

King Aegon V Targaryen PoV


Finally, I let out a long breath I didn't realize I had been holding in. Duncan was back up on his feet. My heart felt like it would stop when I heard Jenny's scream and I had to restrain myself from running after her when she took off towards Duncan.

Betha's nails had dug into my hand as her grip had tightened when Duncan fell. Looking over at Jaehaerys I could also see the relief wash over him as we both had Lily's prophecy at the back of our mind.

Despite Jenny and my warning, Duncan still insisted on taking part. This was the same young man who at 10 name days had jousted Ducan at Blackhaven. The crowd shouted Barristan The Bold, and I could see why Duncan was so eager to face him.

I was still thankful for Lily's warning as Duncan's life may have been spared. Even though he stubbornly participated, he had been cautious throughout. For the first time, I had ever seen him as careful as he was, it was apparent in his movements and demeanour throughout.

I felt a hand on my hand on my shoulder and then I realized that someone had been speaking to me.

"Your Grace, you should probably say a few words." Dunk was speaking to me, Betha had been the one who had gotten my attention.

"Of course," I said as I quickly collected myself.

"YOUR ATTENTION! HIS GRACE WISHES TO ADDRESS ALL OF YOU GATHERED." Dunk's booming voice went out as all the guards stamped the butts of their spears to garner everyone's attention. In seconds the crowd became still, all attention focusing on me. 

 "Honoured knights, noble Lords, fair Ladies and the good people of the realm. I bid you all my gratitude for the splendour you have brought to this day. The field has been graced with valour, skill, and the fire of competition, reminding us all that even in the heart of winter, our traditions endure in the hearts of men.

To every participant, whether you rode to glory or fell in noble effort, you have upheld the ideals of knighthood and honour, and for that, I commend you.

Yet our day is far from its end. This evening, I shall host a ceremony to honour not only our victors but also those who have proven themselves worthy in other ways. One such honour belongs to a young squire, whose bravery and promise have shone like a comet streaking across the sky.

Tonight, I intend to bestow knighthood upon Barristan Selmy, whose deeds this day foretell the greatness he will surely achieve. Lets all gather and bear witness to his ascent, for the realm will remember his name.

But now, my friends, the clash of steel and the roar of courage await us still. The melee is next, where brotherhood and battle merge in a true test of strength and spirit. May all who fight do so with valour, and may the best among you triumph.

Let the trumpets sound once more, and may this tournament continue to shine as a beacon of Westeros's finest!"


Tywin Lannister's PoV


With the King's words, men rushed out and began to prepare the field for the melee. The joust had been completed and with no surprise to myself, Barristan Selmy was the victor.

"How in the seven hells did you know that he would win?" Aerys Targaryen asked in an accusatory tone.

"Because it pays to know these things. Now, my gold." Aerys and Bryden both looked at me in disbelief as Aerys fished out a gold dragon and handed it to me. He feigned a sour look on his face but I knew he wasn't truly angry over this as it had been his idea to place bets. Brynden quickly followed and also handed over his coin.

Both boys had previously wanted to bet 10 gold a piece but I had dissuaded them with the argument, that I was a Lannister, what use was their gold. Instead, we kept it at a friendly 1 gold. Kevan had also refrained from betting as he understood when I explained to him; that Aerys was in line to one day become King and it would benefit little to slight him. Whether it was real or perceived.

"So, I'm going to check on Robar and Ilyn. Do you want to come with me?" The three of them lit up at this suggestion and stood up immediately to follow me. Ser Wyl Cobray did not protest and followed along with a couple of Targaryen and Lannister guards.

We made our way to my personal tent, inside were Ilyn and Robar. Both were fully armoured and in the last phases of their preparations. Robar was the definition of calm as his face gave nothing away. Ilyn was the absolute opposite. Just from being in the room, you could feel his intent rolling off of him.

Ser Wyl Cobray noticing this stepped forward and was now at the side of Aerys who had paused at the sight of Ilyn. I had confined him to my manse since the incident in the training yard. No wine, no whores, all he could do was train. I had also expressly forbidden him from injuring anyone he trained with.

The only people he was allowed to face without holding back were Robar and me. With no other outlet for his violent urges, a couple of times when facing him I had feared for both Robar and my own life. Ilyn fought like a man possessed, which was exactly what I wanted. After carefully moving around pieces for weeks now, everything was coming together nicely.

I wouldn't be taking part in the melee nor had I taken part in the Archery competition. I didn't want people to understand my full capabilities too soon. But Ilyn and Robar were direct extensions of myself and I spared no expense.

They both wore dark charcoal grey plate armour. Not flashy but they were of the best quality and highly functional. Robar was equipped with a shield and a hand-and-a-half sword while Ilyn had a great sword, both similar to their armour, not flashy but of high quality.

"You ready?" I asked them when we entered Robar only nodded but Ilyn, near gave me a snarl. 

'Good, he's pissed.' I thought as I had only given Ilyn two jobs today.



Everyone had returned to the stands as the melee was about to begin. Amongst the knights gathered, the ones who stood out to me were; Lord Commander Duncan, Gerald Hightower, Sumner Crakehall, Roger Reyne, Aethan Velaryon and Gyles Brune. Each house had been allowed 2 participants and Tytos had allowed Ilyn and Robar to represent House Lannister.

This would definitely be an eventful melee. The number of participants was nearly a hundred as there had been many last-minute entries. Most participants in the melee were usually from the less affluent houses looking to make a name for themselves or some coin.

Gerold took part for the same reasons. Gerold hadn't been allowed to compete in the joust but was granted permission from Prince Duncan as Gerold was better with a sword than a lance. Lord Commander Duncan who despite his age, had never passed up an opportunity to show his prowess in the melee.

As I eyed the participants and then the stands, I could smell the conspiracy in the air. Ellyn Reyne who at the start of the tourney sat in the same seat staring daggers at me. Did the same with renewed vigour. Her husband Waledran Tarbeck no longer looked clueless, but instead looked very displeased.

The rumours that Melinna Cargyll and myself had leaked now spread like wildfire. I had also invested in spies in House Velaryon and House Reyne and had made sure that Aethan Velaryon suspected me of the rumours as well as House Reyne. Of course, they had no proof of this.

At my direction, Melinna had hinted heavily of both Robar and Ilyns' importance to Ellyn Reyne and also the incident involving Aethan Velaryon in the training hall. Everything was now in place; the fuse had been lit and now I waited for it all to explode.


Robar Sheild's PoV

The trumpets sounded and the melee began, Ilyn moved, headed towards his first target and it was my task to watch his back. Tywin had been very specific about how this melee would happen and I was not about to deviate from the plan. Even Ilyn had surprised me, for the last month, under strict orders as punishment for running his mouth, all he did was eat, sleep and train. He was a sharpened blade ready to draw blood and it was my job to make sure no one stopped him.

Ser Gyles Brune and another knight were the first to come into our view. Reyne, Tarbeck, Brune and Velaryon were the Houses we needed to be on guard against. House Brune was a House from Crackclaw Point and was a close ally of House Velaryon.

 As Gyles Brune raised his great sword to meet Ilyn, Ilyn did something we had seen a dozen times daily. Tywin favoured to utilise a front kick against slower opponents. Ilyn did the same and without missing a beat struck Ser Gyles in the chest, this wasn't enough to send him down but Ilyn wasn't done, he quickly recovered his footing and grabbing the blade of his sword, slammed the guard of his sword into Ser Gyles' face plate.

Ilyn struck with enough force, that the face plate had been dented and he continued to follow up with these short fast strikes, the face plate to begin to cave. Another knight also of House Brune tried to land a blow on Ilyn but I was there to intercept him with my shield, he barely had time to brace himself as I slammed into him with my full force sending him stumbling back.

I followed up with a blow to the side of his helm using my shield causing him to try to cover up. I tripped him while I landed a follow-up blow sending him falling backwards and I tumbled forward onto him. As we landed, he tried to roll but I was quicker to regain my balance and raised to my feet. Now over him, I repeatedly slammed the edge of my shield into his helm.

"DO. YOU. YEILD?" I screamed at him with each blow I landed. "DO. YOU. YEILD?"

"STOP, I YEILD, I YEILD!" The knight finally gave up after I had lost track of how many times I had struck him in the head.

Turning from my now defeated opponent, I looked back to where I had left Ilyn. Ser Gyles Brune was also on the ground and Ilyn was nowhere to be seen, as I turned to scan the field, I caught sight of Ilyn squaring off with a knight I immediately recognised as Aethan Velaryon. 'Seven hells, not good!'

Tywin wouldn't be pleased on the off chance that Ilyn lost this exchange. Very few truly knew how good he was, but I did. But no matter how good you are, nothing is guaranteed.


Before I knew it the ground rushed up at me, someone had hit me sending me tumbling forward. As I fell, I rolled over onto my back to avoid the follow-up attack that would come, as I rolled over, I came face to face with a knight wearing the Sigel of a Red Lion.

Author Note; Another tough week, I tried to complete the Melee chapter but realized I would have to split it into two or I would end up with one long chapter and I would probably end up posting later on in the week. The next chapter will cause changes to the canon storyline. Let me know your thoughts so far and thanks for the support.