
Master Of Talismans

Wei Ying

They went to the library and Wangji help Wei Ying sit behind one of the tables and as he took out the wicked talisman so cowardly used on him, Wangji sent a message to his brother by spiritual butterfly, as he didn't want to let Wei Ying alone not even for an instant.

Wei Ying carefully removed the talisman that was now empty of the wicked energy that almost killed him in a blink of an eye. It was then as he study the thing, that Wangji sat by him, ready to help him with whatever he could need, been a reference text of giving him paper to write on.

Soon, Xichen joined them and after a polite greeting, Wangji told his brother about their theory of an internal attack and that the sudden increase in the fierce corpses in the south, years ago, may not have been just a coincidence, but also an attack to drive the protectors of the north out of their Clans, perhaps in search of Yang or the location of Yin.

"Lord Xichen, I think it will be good if you bring one of the corpses that we fought to a safe place in town for study. This talisman array suggest that not only black energy was used, but also a curse. Sent down people you trust to make an investigation around town, discretely asking if there had been people going missing during the last few months or years."

"The attack at the border may not had been a breach in the barrier, but people from the inside turned into corpses with a black magic curse. As I can see it, they had use a special array with a code I can't identify yet. How they manipulated the dark energy, I can't tell. Dark energy is hard to cultivate or manipulate, unless you have a natural attraction to it, like in my case. It's a kind of energy that consume and take over your body, killing you shortly after."

"Actually, the curse is set to activate on contact, transferring instantly from the talisman to the target. If I wasn't a special case, with dark energy already inside of me, the curse should had kill me in about a minute or less, as the poison of the curse run through the veins toward the heart. Once it reached the heart, it will make it stop beating, giving chance for the curse to turn the dead body into a fierce corpse that they can control like a puppet." Wei Ying informed him.

"That's quite worrisome. I will take your advice and go down myself to secretly meet with the leaders of the towns. We must stay alert from an attack from the inside as well from the outside. I will let you know if we find traces of the curse on in the bodies we collected and if you find a counter-curse, please let me know." Xichen said to him, bowing.

"Ah, sure, you will be the second to know." Xichen smiled. Yes, Wangji was set in no leaving Wuxian's side, so of course, his brother will be the first to know.

"Thank you. Wangji, whatever young Master Wei needs in here, you are to give it to him, even if it is for the forbidden section." Xichen said and Wangji stood to deeply bow to him.

"As you wish." Wangji said.

"Then, I leave him into your care. I will sent you something to drink and eat soon, so you can stay here for as long as you need without worries." Xichen said, smiling.

"Thank you, brother." Wangji answer and Xichen left.

"So... there is a forbidden part in this library?" Wei asked.

"Yes, just said the word and I will get it you, anything you are in need." Wangji said as he sat down in the table next to him. While Wei Ying study the talisman further, he practice the talisman he had learn yesterday, the one who could keep their sword spirits out of their blade for longer periods of time. After a few hours, Wei was tired and glanced as the concentrated Lan Zhan and saw a change to have a break.

"You said anything, right?" Asked Wei Ying mischievously.

"Yes." Wangji answer him distracted.

"Then what about a kiss? Will you deliver it to me?" Wangji calligraphy brush fall from his hand as he looked at Wei Ying.

"I will, come." Wangji said as he stood and help Wei Ying to stand as well, then guide him toward the back to the library, away from the eyes of those who may enter and pull Wei Ying close, to kiss him senseless. He was very careful not to touch Wei's back, but put a hand in the back of his neck to keep Wei seduced to their sensual exploration of the other.

Wei Ying demanded more, so he deepened to kiss, to satisfy his lover desire of him. They kiss for a while, until they hear the sound of some people coming closer, only then, they parted and went back to the front, to see who came to interrupt their youthful passion.

Wei arched an eyebrow as he saw Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing, followed by pretty much the rest of the group, minus Su She, carrying what looked like lunch and tea. That they were there was not surprising, as it seemed as they were bored, but they all were dressed in their usual colors, like Wen Qing and Ning in red, Cheng and Yanli in purple and so on.

"Hey, how come you are not in white? We are not allow downtown, right?" Wei Ying asked, as he helped Yanli with a tray.

"Apparently, it's better to have the troublemakers identify by their colors. It's easier for the Lan's to keep an eye on us that way, no offense Lan Wangji." Jiang said.

"None taken." Wangji said back, helping Wei Ying sit again behind his table.

"We bring you lunch. You had stay in here for such a long time, please forgive us the sudden intrusion." Yanli said.

"It's okay, thank you Jiejie." Wei said while smiling at her, making Zixuan look at him in annoyance.

"Here, Wangji, sit down too." She said kindly, putting the meal on his table.

"Thank you." Wangji said politely, as he sat.

"Hey, is that the talisman Wuxian was hit with?" Huaisang asked as he saw the red thing in a corner of Wei Ying's table.

"Yeah." Wei said.

"Did you find something about it?" Wen Qing asked.

"It's as wicked as hell. If any of you were to be hit by it, you will be dead in less than a minute. Very dangerous stuff." Wei said, tasting the meal.

"Then how did you survived?" Jiang asked.

"Pure luck and talking about that, let me ask you something, Huaisang. Back when your Clan was overwhelmed by corpses, do you remember if before that, there were people who were rumored to be missing?" Wei asked.

"Hum... I don't know. I was too young then..." Huaisang said and Wei sighed. Apparently he didn't know a thing about his own Clan.

"Why ask for that?" Zixuan asked, now curious.

"There is a possibility that the attack to the Nie Clan was not something abnormal or the consequences of having a heavier concentration of dark energy, as most people assumed. All Clans in the east have it worse than the south, but there had never been a case in which the corpses overwhelmed our hunters or gather in such number." Wei explained.

"Then, what do you imply?" Song Lan asked.

"That it may have been planned out by a group of rogue's cultivators that used cursed talismans, like the one they use on me, to create fiercer ones they could control." Wei said and the group was deeply surprised.

"If there are talismans like that, then we are in deep troubles no matter the location or Clan." Xingchen said, voicing the worry of the rest of the present.

"Can you teach us how to make better talisman to our protection? You are so smart and talented, can you?" Huaisang asked and Wei smiled.

"I am a master of talismans after all. Afer the lunch, get ready to have some serious training. Who is in as well?" Wei asked.

"I'm in." Cheng said hastily.

"So do I." So Lang added.

"Me too." Xingchen agree gladly.

"It will be my pleasure to learn from Brother Xian." Yanli said with a smile, that Wei Ying kindly returned.

"No choice. I will not be left behind this time." Zixuan said.

"It will be fun, count me in." Mianmian said next.

"A'Ning and I can help you with them. We know all your talismans like the palm of our hand anyways." Wei smiled.

"Good then. Let's start with the one Lan Zhan is practicing, then I will teach you talismans that can be used for defense and attacks. The sword spirits too, Suibian knows a good deal of talisman specially made for spirits." After their more lively lunch, Wei Make several talismans and explain them one by one, as he teach them what to write on them and how to use them.

Once the most important talisman that would help in troublesome situations were explained, Wen Qing took over the personal teaching, as well as Wen Ning who was a bit shy, but help the others get them right nonetheless. Secretly Mianmian was quite pleased with Wen Ning as a teacher and when it was her turn she blushed, as he kindly explained to her all she needed to know.

For the other part, Wei Ying then, focus back in studying the red talisman and Wangji helped him when in need, or Suibian did it on his place. At the end of the day, Wei had make a new kind of talisman, although it was yet to be seen if it worked as he thought it would. At sunrise, they all returned to their rooms and Wangji helped Wei back to theirs.

Once Wangji closed the door behind them, he went to wash his hands in a basing and dry them with a towel, then he took the ointment Wen Qing leaved over a table for Wei to use it at night and glanced at him, sitting in their bed, looking exhausted.

"Wei Ying." Wangji said.

"Mmm?" Wei murmur as he lay down on his back on the bed.

"Get undress." Wangji told him, making Wei suddenly sat, gasping for pain, right after.

"Wait, what? Are you going to take advantage of a sick boyfriend? Isn't that against Lan's rules? I'm still virgin, you know..." Wei teased, making Lan Zhan blush, yet the young Lan simply showed him the bottle.

"You are not escaping this." He said as he came closer.

"Ah, Lan Zhan... really, it's not that painful. My back is just fine." Wei said.

"Liar, get undress on your own or I will do it for you." Lan Zhan warned him, but that only make Wei Ying more playful.

"Do it for me... Lately, it's been my fantasy to have your hands all over me..." Wei Ying said with a suggestive glance and Wangji came even closer and bow over Wei, letting down the ointment bottle in between Wei Ying's parted legs.

"Your fantasy do not compare to mine." Wangji said just before he gave his lover a short kiss. "I have already make love to you dozens of times each night." Wangji whisper to Wei, who sallow in surprise.

"So, you are the naughty hot type?" Wei asked and Wangji's ear were on fire, yet...

"Want to find out?" Wangji whisper in Wei Ying's ear as he moved his hand down to take the bottle from in between his legs, close, but not touching him, which almost make Wei moan in the anticipation of a touch that never came. Seen he had been teased back Wei simply took off his belt on his own and open his upper robe, to get rid of it soon after, as his heart pounded faster and faster with each second.

"Fine, let's do it your way." Wangji smirked, in victory.

"Lay down over your chest. I will be gentle." Wangji said as he sat by Wei and use a bit of the ointment over his hand. Wei Ying's back was still red from irritation, so he apply the ointment very gently, giving him a massage that cover his entire back, softly enough to not hurt him.

At times Wei moaned, exited by the stimulation, but at others he gasped in pain, especially close to the center of his back, in which the pain was stronger. However, as the ointment worked wonders on his back, wonderfully soothing his pain, soon Lan Zhan found out Wei had fall asleep.

Glad the ointment that curiously enough didn't stink, had worked well on his lover, he cover Wei with the warm quilt and let him sleep. He washed his hands again, practice a bit more the talisman he had learned during the day, until nine and then reluctantly moved to sleep alone in his old bed, so Wei could rest properly. However, several hours later, he felt as Wei sneaked into his bed, fully dressed and hug him tightly. Just before he went to sleep again he hear him whisper.

"I'm cold without you... naughty and all, I need your warmth." Lan Zhan smirked before he kissed the crown of Wei's head and hug him gently, telling him.

"I will always warm you, I love you. Rest well, my Wei Ying." But Wei was already asleep when he whisper the words, although there was a smiled adorning his handsome face, then he slept, dreaming of his Wei Ying one more time.

AN: Thanks for reading. I hope you don't mind me making Lan Zhan tease Wei back. It's hilarious, so please indulge me this time. Love you lots, until next time, please take care. 😙💖💖💖⚘

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