

Natasha is a small-scale business owner with low self-esteem. She's been bullied in the past over her looks, and she still has a hard time believing that someone like Vallyk, a rich and handsome man, could love her. Vallyk is everything Natasha is not. He's confident, outgoing, and successful. But when he meets Natasha, he's immediately drawn to her. He sees the beauty inside her that she can't see herself. Despite their differences, Natasha and Vallyk fall in love. But their relationship is not without its challenges. Natasha's low self-esteem and Vallyk's family's disapproval threaten to tear them apart. Can Natasha and Vallyk overcome the obstacles in their way and find their happily ever after? **** Enjoy reading with much love _Author

DaoistLMm6HN · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


I stood behind the counter of my small shop, arranging a display of ornaments. I was humming to myself as I worked, lost in thought.

The door to the shop opened, and I looked up. A tall, handsome man walked in, followed by a beautiful woman.

The man was Vallyk, a wealthy businessman who had recently moved to Nairobi. He was tall and well-dressed, with dark hair and green eyes.

The woman was Vallyk's girlfriend, Anya. She was tall and slender, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was very beautiful, but she also had a cold, haughty air about her.

Anya's eyes swept over the shop, taking in the displays of ornaments. She looked bored and impatient.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"We're looking for some ornaments," said Vallyk. "Something special."

"I have just the thing," I said.

I led them to the back of the shop, where I showed them a selection of my most beautiful ornaments.

Anya's eyes widened as she saw the ornaments. "These are beautiful," she said. "I love them."

"I'm glad you like them," I said. "Which one would you like?"

Anya pointed to a small, delicate ornament made of silver and gold. "This one," she said.

"That's a beautiful choice," I said. "It will look perfect on you."

I wrapped the ornament in tissue paper and handed it to Anya.

Anya took the ornament and examined it. "It's nice," she said. "But it's not really my style."

She tossed the ornament back on the counter. "I'll pass."

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," said Anya. "I'm sure you have something else that will be more to my taste."

I led them back to the front of the shop, where I showed them a different selection of ornaments.

Anya looked at the ornaments, but she didn't seem interested. She just kept glancing at her watch.

"I don't know," she said. "None of these really seem right."

"I'm sure we can find something," I said. "What kind of ornament are you looking for?"

"I don't know," said Anya. "Something expensive."

I sighed. "I'm sure we can find something," I said.

I showed them a few more ornaments, but Anya didn't seem interested in any of them.

"I'm not sure I see anything here," she said.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I thought I had something that would be perfect for you."

"It's okay," said Anya. "We'll just have to look somewhere else."

Vallyk looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry," he said. "She's a bit difficult to shop for."

"It's no problem," I said. "I understand."

Vallyk and Anya paid for the ornament they had chosen, and then they left the shop.

As they walked out, I couldn't help but feel a pang of relief. I was glad that they were gone.

I turned back to the shop and started to straighten up the ornaments. But as I worked, I couldn't help but think about Anya.

She was so beautiful, but she was also so cold and haughty. I couldn't imagine how Vallyk could stand to be with her.

I shook my head and tried to focus on my work. But I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be with Vallyk.

I knew that it was a hopeless dream, but I couldn't help but hope.

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