
The Universes Assassin

The Universe has created may different things to keep itself in balance, for example, Human heroes have been created to hold off both heaven and hell. But with everything beofre me failing, the universe decided to birth me on the planet that was causing the most issues. This planet is called Earth and thousands of Demons, Angels, Gods and all kinds of monsters run amok here. My job is too pacify these races and if that fails, I'm to become the universe's instrument of death. I have been given a device that will allow me to trade in my experiences on the planet for new abilities that will help me in my quest to bring back the balance.

Scourgeoftheeast · Autres
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Stats how how they work in the universe.

Below is the base stats for all races at level one, five and ten. People may be stronger than their level or stats imply due to things like skills which may make them harder to kill. Note these are rough stats, some characters will either be a lot stronger or weaker than the stats below. This is just so people have a rough idea about strength.

Human (Non hero)

Level one: Strength: 5 Agility: 5 Endurance: 5 Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 10 Charisma: 10

Level Five: Strength: 25 Agility: 25 Endurance: 25 Dexterity: 25 Intelligence: 45 Charisma: 45

Level Ten: Strength: 50 Agility: 50 Endurance: 50 Dexterity: 50 Intelligence: 65 Charisma: 65

Human (Hero)

Level one: Strength: 15 Agility: 15 Endurance: 15 Dexterity: 15 Intelligence: 20 Charisma: 20

Level Five: Strength: 75 Agility: 75 Endurance: 75 Dexterity: 75 Intelligence: 100 Charisma: 100

Level Ten: Strength 150 Agility: 150 Endurance: 150 Dexterity: 150 Intelligence: 200 Charisma: 200

Demon (Normal)

Level One: Strength: 10 Agility: 10 Endurance: 10 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 15 Charisma: 15

Level Five: Strength: 50 Agility: 50 Endurance: 50 Dexterity: 50 Intelligence: 75 Charisma: 75

Level Ten: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity: 100 Intelligence: 150 Charisma: 150

Demon (Demon Lord)

Level One: Strength 20 Agility: 20 Endurance: 20 Dexterity: 20 Intelligence: 40 Charisma: 40

Level 5: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity:100 Intelligence: 200 Charisma: 200

Level 10: Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity; 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Demon (King)

Level one: Strength 40 Agility: 40 Endurance: 40 Dexterity: 40 Intelligence: 80 Charisma: 80

Level Five Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity: 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Level 10: Strength 400 Agility: 400 Endurance: 400 Dexterity: 400 Intelligence: 800 Charisma: 800

Angel (Normal)

Level One: Strength: 10 Agility: 10 Endurance: 10 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 15 Charisma: 15

Level Five: Strength: 50 Agility: 50 Endurance: 50 Dexterity: 50 Intelligence: 75 Charisma: 75

Level Ten: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity: 100 Intelligence: 150 Charisma: 150

Angel (Archangel)

Level One: Strength 20 Agility: 20 Endurance: 20 Dexterity: 20 Intelligence: 40 Charisma: 40

Level 5: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity:100 Intelligence: 200 Charisma: 200

Level 10: Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity; 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Gods(Varies depending on the god, base stats similar to Demon kings)

Level one: Strength 40 Agility: 40 Endurance: 40 Dexterity: 40 Intelligence: 80 Charisma: 80

Level Five Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity: 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Level 10: Strength 400 Agility: 400 Endurance: 400 Dexterity: 400 Intelligence: 800 Charisma: 800

Fallen Angel:

Level One: Strength: 10 Agility: 10 Endurance: 10 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 15 Charisma: 15

Level Five: Strength: 50 Agility: 50 Endurance: 50 Dexterity: 50 Intelligence: 75 Charisma: 75

Level Ten: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity: 100 Intelligence: 150 Charisma: 150

Fallen Angel (Archangel)

Level One: Strength 20 Agility: 20 Endurance: 20 Dexterity: 20 Intelligence: 40 Charisma: 40

Level 5: Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Endurance: 100 Dexterity:100 Intelligence: 200 Charisma: 200

Level 10: Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity; 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Fallen Gods (Varies depending on the god, base stats similar to Demon kings)

Level One: Strength 40 Agility: 40 Endurance: 40 Dexterity: 40 Intelligence: 80 Charisma: 80

Level Five Strength: 200 Agility: 200 Endurance: 200 Dexterity: 200 Intelligence: 400 Charisma: 400

Level 10: Strength 400 Agility: 400 Endurance: 400 Dexterity: 400 Intelligence: 800 Charisma: 800