
The Universes Assassin

The Universe has created may different things to keep itself in balance, for example, Human heroes have been created to hold off both heaven and hell. But with everything beofre me failing, the universe decided to birth me on the planet that was causing the most issues. This planet is called Earth and thousands of Demons, Angels, Gods and all kinds of monsters run amok here. My job is too pacify these races and if that fails, I'm to become the universe's instrument of death. I have been given a device that will allow me to trade in my experiences on the planet for new abilities that will help me in my quest to bring back the balance.

Scourgeoftheeast · Autres
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5 Chs

A beautiful Fountain.

Abaddon decide he would take a day to gert used to the world he was now in before setting out on his mission to infiltrate the academy. The first thing he decided to do was go and try to get information on the local culture and what if any unexplained deaths or mysteries that had occurred recently.

The system had given Abaddon basic information on the world, like what to eat and what not too as wells as the ability to speak whatever language he needed to however it did not go into detail on the customs of each country and region and Abaddon believed that this information would be important if he was going to appear as a normal human while he carried out his work.

Abaddon asked the system" Did the universe deem it worthy to give us money or do I have to get it myself?" *Master will give the host money when missions are completed, Master will not reward the host for no reason* "Guess the universe wants to keep me balanced like everything else, it will make everything more difficult but I understand"

*Alert: Magical disturbance at a nearby park, Master demands the Host deal with the threat. Low level fallen angel appears to be gathering power. Only a Human is near her. Save the Human at all costs. Reward: Enough money to buy a small flat, 200 exp. Failure: Host or Human's death.*

Abaddon mumbled "That is a different direction to where I'm planning on going however the money to get a base of operations would greatly improve the chances of being safe while I slept. Fuck it, If I refused the universe would find a way to fuck me over as revenge, tell me the location. It's time to test out these abilities."

*The location is being downloaded into your brain currently, you were correct in doing this, Master will let you do your own thing once you have proven that you are able to complete missions competently. Until then it will direct you to what you need to do rather than suggest what you should do*

"Thanks for the location, I can't wait until I can do these things my way, it will be a lot better for us that way." Abaddon then began jumping form shadow to shadow at a quick pace towards the park, when he arrived he looked around and was pleasantly surprised by the ascetic of it. He began daydreaming about bringing someone out for a trip and eating lunch here, while, looking at the marble fountain.

He was broken from his daydream buy the sound of a body being pierced by a sharp object, he then sighed and broke his little finger on his right hand. The pain allowed him to focus his mind and he directed that focus on the Fallen angel standing over the body of a boy who was bleeding out on the floor, looking confused.

Abaddon Clapped as he moved around the fountain and appeared next to the boy, he looked down at him and said" Not bad the entrance and exit wound would be a able to kill most Humans however he will survive this encounter simply because of my presence." Abaddon then bent down and cut his broken finger and let the blood drip into the boy's wound.

The wound did not heal but rather stopped bleeding, Abaddon knew as soon as he got close to the boy that fate had already laid out a plan for him and Abaddon was only a small part of that. He looked up at the fallen Angel and smiled, he looked her in the eyes and said"What is an attractive woman like you doing here, trying to kill a simple Human, I bet your boss only told you watch him right?"

The Angel visibly shrank back with that remark before trying to intimidate Abaddon, she simply lifted her hands and two spears of light appeared in them which pierced Abaddon in the head and heart much to the enjoyment of the Angel. Between fits of maniacal laughter she sneered" A mere Human wished to lecture an angel, what stupidity that is."

While she was laughing away, something began moving in the shadows, she felt it as a clear threat to herself and demanded" Unless you want to end up like those two come out of the shadows now." What she didn't expect however was two of the man she just killed to walk out and greet her. "Our name is Abaddon, the angel of death, I think we are more than worth to judge a lowly fallen angel. We will let you leave here alive as the universe has other plans for you however, we would like to give you a parting gift to remember us by."

Both Abaddons walked towards the dead clone and removed the two spears of light and closed the distance between them and the Fallen Angel with a smile on their face. As they got close to the angel she began to throw spears at the clones killing them in the same fashion as before but she smiled and said"Angel of death? Really? you are a disgrace to the name."

As the words left her mouth, the sound of a gun's safety being turned of appeared right behind her, as she turned she was greeted with a smiling Abaddon who said" Killing my clones is extremely rude, they did nothing to you, oh well, sorry this will hurt." Abaddon then unloaded two magazines of his shadow rounds into the wings of the angel, the impact of her fall damaged the fountain which caused Abaddon to sigh.

He then landed next to her and said" You will be needed soon, continue with your plans, you do not die by my hand, not here anyway. Your lucky I could save that boy or I would be wearing your wings as a decoration right now." Abaddon then walked away from the park, as he left he noticed a Red haired woman leaning over the boy's body. as she didn't appear to be a threat to him he simply decided to go back on a hunt for information about where he was.

*Congratulations to the host for completing the quest, the rewards will be given to you now. A case filled with the correct amount of money will appear in front of you and the experience will be given now.*

Abaddon felt his body go warm and grow a little stronger as the warm feeling spread over it, as the system had said, the money appeared and landed at his feet. He bent down and picked up the money before strolling off into town to find productive ways to spend it.....

Just to clear things up, all of the anime and games in the planet one list in the aux chapter will appear on the current world Abaddon is on , so Dxd and the rest will appear on world one. Once this planet is cleaned up, he will move onto the next, and who knows what is waiting there.

Thank you for the support on the novel over this past day, it has been insane and I look forward to interacting with you all more as the story goes on.

Scourgeoftheeastcreators' thoughts