
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbain
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84 Chs

Stay Away From Loveth

"What do you mean by that son?. Actually, it was Willow whom saw the red mark of Loveth's neck first and she got mad at Loveth and pulled Loveth's uniform collars down to stared at Loveth's neck properly and she left angrily, making me to think she suspected it to be you" Mrs Eleanor spoked.

"She did?" Patrick questioned and Mrs Eleanor shook her head in sadness.

"I want you to stay away from that maid son. Before she lied and blame you for her corrupt life" Mrs Eleanor warned.

"Mom" Patrick stared to his mother and she sighed.

Patrick couldn't believed that his mother actually saw the red mark on Loveth's neck. And Willow. She was mark too and had suspected him and he smiled.

"You shouldn't worry about her mom.. She's a maid and I cannot stoop so low to her, even though she's beautiful."

Mrs Eleanor stared to her son in shocked and Patrick questioned, "What's it mom?."

"Nothing son. But you shouldn't admire her as beautiful."

"Oh!" Patrick hummed and smiled as he squatted in front of his mother and he stood upright.

"I have to go in now and change my cloth mom, as am stressed. Where's Willow?, I didn't saw her car parked outside, as she finally moved out?" Patrick asked and Mrs Eleanor shook her head.

"No son!. That reminds me, Are you both quarreling?. I want the wedding to hold this weekend as no more excuses from you both. I thought you both wanted this marriage, then what's stopping you both now and why the sudden changed off attitudes?. Am beginning to suspect Loveth is a witch as ever since she came into this house that all these drama has been happening between you and Willow, and maybe I should just send her back to Westwood to go and find her parents there or your sister will go there and pick her up rather."

"No mother!" Patrick refused and Mrs Eleanor's eyes narrowed at him as she hadn't expected of him reject sending Loveth away but to have agreed with her.

"Why son?. Don't tell me you are already secretly admiring her?. Know that she's a maid and from a lower classed family and you cannot have anything to do with a lowlife like her?."

"Hmph " Patrick sighed.

"I know mom. I mean sis won't be happy to hear all these. And beside Aria and the rest two had stayed longer, they would soon leave, so maybe when we get a new replacement, you can send her away. As if you did now, who will be helping you?" Patrick asked, as he tried to confused his mother, not to suspected he didn't wanted Loveth to leave.

"You're right son. I will ask Kelvin to get us new professional maids from their training school."

"Okay mom, can I go now?" Patrick asked her and Mrs Eleanor finally smiled to him in relief.

"Sure son. Am glad to know that you didn't had anything to do with her. I was restless and worried of what would happened?, What other rich families like us will think of us?, but am glad you didn't took advantage of her" Mrs Eleanor spoked.

"Okay mom" Patrick turned and walked away to the elevator that took him up to the fourth floor and he sighed.

He contacted Kelvin immediately on his phone as soon as he stepped out from the elevator into his sitting room.

"Thanks for not revealing anything to mother" Patrick appreciated.

"You're welcome boss." Kelvin replied in relief and Patrick ended the call.

He had trusted staffs and he was grateful even though he didn't showed it, and for Loveth, he wouldn't let her leave yet, no matter what might happened between them.

"So Willow is smart enough to know I did that?. Hmph " Patrick hummed as he walked into his inner chamber to stripped off his ash colored suit and to take his bath as he was stressed from the day's work.

He hadn't thought of the mark to be visible on Loveth's neck. He felt turned-on thinking about Loveth again and he wanted to banged her again as his rod hardened only about the thought of how sweet she was.

He had scolded her when he arrived and he felt bad about his unfilling nature towards her in front of his mother, but he had to do that, as he didn't wanted his mother feeling sad or sick about him, especially now that his father wasn't yet home.

Isabel actually contacted him that their father's surgery was successful and he forgot to informed his mother about it, as his father was first placed on a well balanced diet before he went for his surgery to be healthy enough and had enough blood.

His father was already aged too though. And he felt bad being born at an older age by his parent.


Willow arrived home at Albert's Mansion and parked in the garage and she stepped down from her ted SUV and walked into their living room downstairs of their mighty duplex and she meet all her family seated and waiting except for her father whom stood waiting and backed her as she approached him.

She saw her mother shaking her legs angrily and she knew the bastard she slept with had probably sent her nude to her father or mother and just as she thought, her father turned to faced her and landed her a hot slapped across to her left cheek.

"How dare you bring shame and dishonored to this family Willow?"


"Take it easy on her honey?" Mrs Albert immediately chipped in as she loved her children.

"Stay out of these woman!. Your shameless daughter choosed to disgraced our family, how could she?."

"Did she knew how hard I had laboured day and night and all she could do and think off was to get intimate with a fool whom threatened to release her nude to the general public!" Mr Ben thundered as he held Willow by her milk coloured shirt and wanted to flog her like he always did when they were younger, but his wife had always stopped him like she was doing now.

"Then let him release it. We will have him arrested!" Mrs Albert replief and Mr Ben shook his head and slapped Willow again very hot across her right cheek again as he held her to her milk coloured shirt and he was a 55-years old man.

"What of our reputation?, Had your useless daughter thought about this before she shamefully slept with the man?."

"She's our daughter Ben, let go off her!."

"Josh!" Mrs Albert called to her first son and he rather stared away, not wanting to get involved.

"Let father discipline her mother. What would the Anderson's family do if they find out about the video too?" Josh questioned and Mr Ben finally shook his head and let go off Willow.

"Am highly disappointed in you Willow. But I wouldn't have Tony or whatever he's called distribute that video out. I would give him whatever he wanted so long he doesn't published the video yet. Did Patrick saw it?" Mr Ben finally asked Willow and she fell down to her father's knees and sobbed.

"Am sorry father. I didn't mean too."

"Is okay. You stand up. I will see to that Bastard." Mr Ben finally walked away and Willow cried and her mother hugged her rather, while Hazel only shook her head sadly, still sitting down.

"How can you Willow?. You know your father's influenced, yet you fell so cheap for an asshole, how about Patrick?" Mrs Albert finally asked the question on her mind and Willow bursted out crying even harder.

"He saw it mom. He doesn't want to speak to me again, and I fear he would want to cheat on me as a payback" Willow cried.

"Don't say that. You have to be strong to win him back, to make your father proud. Wasn't it his home you're just coming from now?" Mrs Albert questioned and Willow nodded as she cried harder.

"Yes mom. But he .. I feared he wants to cheat on me.." Willow sobbed and her mother wiped off her tears.

"Is okay. Come with me," Mrs Ashley Albert immediately dragged Willow to followed her to her room and she advised Willow on the important on winning Patrick's love back.

Willow calmed and listened to her mother's advised as her mother spoked to her about getting pregnant for Patrick, and Willow confessed on using Birth control pills making Mrs Ashley madder and she slapped Willow harder across her face, surprising Willow as ever since her mother had raised her, her mother hadn't slapped her before, nor raised a finger on her, but rather pampered her.

"How could you Willow?.! How can you be on control pills when you know how much the Anderson needs a heir. You better removed all those nonsense before I kill you myself. And you better go back to the Anderson's family and push your luck if you will get pregnant for Patrick!."

Willow watched her mother exited the room in anger leaving only her and she cried.

Her family had clearly rejected her and she cursed and blamed Juliet Colt for all her suffering.

She stepped out and went upstairs to her room and her sister walked up to her room to meet her.

"What happened between you and mother?" Hazel questioned and Willow sniffed.

"Nothing. Mom only advised me" Willow replied.

"But she's angry" Hazel stated with a frowning face.