
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · Films
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19 Chs

Chapther 18 Outrage

{POV: Jean Grey}

The words Adam spoke through the communicator echoed in our ears, revealing the horrifying truth: mutant children were being held captive in this very base, likely subjected to unimaginable experiments. The weight of that revelation hung heavy in the air, suffocating us with a mixture of disbelief and outrage. It was as if the walls themselves absorbed our collective anger, amplifying the intensity of our emotions.

A surge of righteous fury coursed through our veins, igniting a fire within each one of us. Determination burned brightly in our eyes as we pressed on, our footsteps echoing with purpose. The atmosphere grew increasingly tense, each encounter with the soldiers becoming a battle between our unyielding resolve and their misguided loyalty. The tension in the air grew palpable as our encounters with the soldiers escalated. The clash of fists and the unleashing of powers filled the space, creating a chaotic symphony of violence.

The casualties mounted, a somber reminder of the high stakes of our mission. Some of the soldiers suffered injuries that would forever alter the course of their lives, leaving them scarred physically and emotionally. Even Hank, usually the calm and composed member of our team, found himself overcome by the relentless onslaught, unleashing his own wrath upon those who stood in our way. Each blow he delivered carried a message—a warning that their actions would never go unpunished.

Yet, amidst the chaos and the cacophony of combat, Logan emerged as a force to be reckoned with. His eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity, a reflection of the rage that burned deep within his soul. His adamantium claws glinted in the dim light, poised to strike with deadly precision. There was a palpable sense that he teetered on the precipice, grappling with his inner demons, struggling to maintain his tenuous grasp on control.

For now, Logan channeled his fury towards their weapons, severing them effortlessly as if they were mere playthings. The metallic screech of metal rending apart resonated through the halls, leaving a chilling aftermath. Occasionally, a soldier would lose more than just their weapons—an ill-fated finger or two, a stark reminder of Logan's lethal capabilities and the line he skirted so perilously.

As we ventured further into the depths of the base, an enigmatic locked room stood in our path. With a swift and forceful removal of the door from its hinges, we breached the chamber, exposing the scientists responsible for these abhorrent experiments. Logan, his piercing gaze narrowed, surveyed the trembling figures huddled in the corner. A charged silence permeated the room, pregnant with anticipation as he contemplated his next course of action.

Advancing towards the cowering scientists, Logan exuded a controlled yet formidable presence, his voice resonating with a potent blend of anger and unwavering determination. "You spineless bastards," he began, his tone laced with a simmering intensity. "You have been subjecting mutant children to despicable experiments. I demand answers, and I demand them now. What in the hell have you been doing to them?"

Scientist 1 stammered, their voice trembling. "I... I can explain. We were assigned to study the mutant gene, striving to unravel its potential and how it could benefit humanity."

Logan's grip on his deadly claws tightened, their metallic gleam reflecting the dim ambient light of the room. The sharp edges caught the eye, shimmering ominously, a chilling testament to the lethal arsenal he possessed. Instinctively, the scientists recoiled, their gaze fixated on those menacing claws, their silent presence serving as an unspoken warning, a visual embodiment of the peril they now faced.

Fuelled by an escalating anger, Logan's voice grew colder, his words laden with a dangerous edge. "Benefit humanity? By conducting vile experiments on innocent children? I'm not buying it. Tell me precisely what you have been subjecting them to. And reveal the puppet master pulling the strings behind these abominable experiments."

Scientist 2 quivered, their voice laced with fear. "We... we were performing genetic modifications, attempting to enhance their mutant abilities. The ultimate objective was to create super-powered mutants, stronger and more easily controlled."

Logan's fury intensified, his words dripping with venom. "And who stands at the helm of this malevolence? Who is responsible for orchestrating such atrocities?"

Scientist 3 pleaded desperately, their voice shaking. "We... we do not know. We were merely following orders, working for an enigmatic organization. They concealed their true identities and intentions from us."

Turning to me, Logan Ask, "Jean, can you delve into their minds and ascertain if they are telling the truth?" Focusing my telepathic abilities, I probed their surface thoughts and confirmed, "Logan, they appear to be speaking the truth."

With that affirmation, Logan swiftly restrained the scientists, ensuring they remained captive and unable to flee. Our resolve strengthened, we pressed forward towards Floor 17-B, where the tormented mutant awaited liberation.


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