
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs

Talking to Harry and Christmas

Harry Potter's POV.

The incident at the duelling club was the beginning of a black streak in my life. I tried explaining that I hadn't sicced a snake on anyone, but no one wanted to listen. Even Ron, whom I'd used Parseltang to save, said he believed me but was clearly afraid of me. All the people who had tried to talk to me and get my attention were now whispering behind my back and avoiding me. Only Hermione, Hagrid, and the teachers had not changed their attitude toward me. Still, the half-giant probably hadn't heard the rumours. The incident with Almost Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchley only worsened things. Whereas before, there was still a flicker of curiosity on the faces of those around them, and disbelief at all the rumours, now fear prevailed. All train tickets were sold out almost instantly because no one wanted to linger in the castle. However, the Weasley twins kept their good spirits even in this atmosphere soaked with dread. Happily, they pulled pranks, teasing the students who feared me. Their shouting about the Slytherin heir lightened the atmosphere, for which I was grateful. However, all these incidents and the strange voice that no one could hear were still on my mind, so I began walking around the castle often, trying to find some deserted places to get a break from the constant attention. Of course, no one would look for me in the Forbidden Forest, but I remembered my freshman year too well to go out of my way again. And there was no telling what kind of creatures were out there.

So now, I snuck out of the living room to be quiet for a while before I went to bed. I was heading for the eighth floor this time, thinking about it, when Itachi and Sasuke came around the corner. I'd always thought Ron's abiding dislike of them and Malfoy was strange, and ever since the attacks, he'd declared Draco, the heir to Slytherin. I didn't believe it myself; Draco didn't strike me as a pompous prat, thinking only of blood purity. On his first day at Hogwarts, he'd been happy to answer my questions, and if it hadn't been for Ron, we could communicate quite well. In class, Draco, though not eager to answer first like Hermione, almost always knew the right answer. Although the first-year duel had been Malfoy's idea, Ron hadn't realised that, but he had instigated it himself. The Slytherin wanted to walk away from the conflict first, but Ron prevented him from doing so. Perhaps Mr Arthur's stories about Malfoy Senior were the reason for my friend's behaviour.

I had only seen him once, but I thought Draco's father was a rather narcissistic and arrogant man who disliked Muggles but clearly adored his son and his fellow Princes. I remember feeling envy as I watched him and Mrs Malfoy carefully usher them out of the shop. How would my father have acted in a similar situation? Would he have taken pity on me? Challenge Arthur to a duel? Ron, who can enjoy being with his parents, brothers and sisters, wouldn't understand what a joy it is to have such a friendly family... In general, I didn't consider Draco guilty of the attacks. Still, I agreed that the culprit could well be a student of the faculty founded by his ancestor. That was why I agreed to Hermione's plan, hoping that Malfoy, having extensive connections and influence in his faculty thanks to his father, might have some useful information.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a polite cough.

- Be careful, Mr Potter, you almost hit me," Itachi said.

Looking around, I realised I had almost bumped into one of the Prince twins. Blushing, I mumbled an apology.

- It's okay, just be careful next time, or you might run into a wall," Itachi smiled softly.

I glowered back, once again amazed at Ron's constant desire to hurt the Prince twins. Though the brothers were a little different (in the year they'd been in the same course, I'd learnt that Sasuke was more active and active, while Itachi worked more like the brains of a team), they were both extremely polite and never put up a fight themselves. Sometimes their aristocratic manners made them look arrogant and prim, making others feel out of place. Still, one only had to look at their relationship with their friends to realise it was just an appearance. I often saw them laughing among themselves or discussing something passionately.

I don't know why, but I have much in common with them. Maybe because they, like me, are orphans? What kind of relationship do they have with their great-grandfather? Does he spoil them like all grandfathers in films, or is he strict and prim? Judging by their clothes, at least he takes care of their appearance... I sighed, remembering my uncle and aunt. Of course, all these incidents around me made life difficult for them. Still, Petunia was my mother's sister, they grew up together, and my aunt couldn't help but know that magical emissions were spontaneous and hard for children to control! I won't be able to find a common language with them...

I was pulled out of my sad thoughts by Sasuke's voice:

- You should hurry back to the living room. There's a mage who's turning everyone to stone.

- Haven't you heard that I'm the Heir of Slytherin, attacking anyone who looks at me funny? - I said unhappily.

Sasuke snorted.

- Pfft! And we're like those who believe second-rate nonsense.

- My brother wants to say that we don't think you're responsible for these attacks," Itachi said diplomatically, "Firstly, the spell is too complicated for a sophomore. Secondly, you don't look like someone who would do such a thing.

- Hn, that's right. Don't mind the alternatively gifted," Sasuke added.

I smiled widely for the first time since that incident at the Duel Club. It was nice to know that people other than my friends believed in my innocence.

Thanking my brothers, I hurried back to Gryffindor Tower.

End of Harry Potter's POV.

Yule, the brothers met as usual in a close family circle. The twins were happy to be back home and finally got to hang out with their grandfather. The attacks that had happened at Hogwarts had created a tense atmosphere. The twins were curious if the attacker would be limited to muggle-borns, so they were constantly prepared to repel an attack, which was quite exhausting, so the peaceful and calm atmosphere of Prince's Manor helped them to distract and relax. They laughed, sang songs with their friends, decorated the Christmas tree, and performed rituals with their families. Having had a lot of fun with family and friends, the brothers didn't forget to ask their great-grandfather about the necessary way for them to become invisible, which would work on the owners of artefacts that removed distraction charms. Smiling, the Lord Prince promised to think of something, and the day after Yule came, the brothers received the pendants - artefacts - as gifts. They couldn't bypass the spells of Gringotts or the Department of Mysteries, but they worked well on simple detectors. Sasuke was already looking forward to walking through the Forest again.

The twins remembered to ask about the Chamber of Secrets. It turned out that it had been opened fifty years ago, and one of the muggle-borns had been killed; the Brothers tensed when they heard about it. Of course, according to Uncle Lucius, the culprit had been caught. Still, possibly bringing the situation to a deadly conclusion made the brothers remember their fighting skills. They weren't going to sit back and wait for things to work themselves out, so they dug through the stacks of newspapers kept in the manor's library and discovered that the current Hogwarts ranger, Hagrid, had been named the accused. The princes didn't believe he could have been capable of such a thing. All their little experience with him told them he was quite straightforward and guileless. Still, remembering that appearances can be deceiving, they decided to visit and "question" him further. It was with this fighting spirit that they returned to school.

The first week back at school was quite noisy. Everyone was hurrying to share the latest news, so the twins often hid in the Room of Requirement. Once back in Ravenclaw Tower, they saw Malfoy standing beside the door.

- 'Draco, we agreed that we wouldn't walk alone,' Sasuke growled, 'Have your brains turned to pumpkin juice over the holidays? Or did you think our classmates were bored of being alone and decided to keep them company?!

Seeing that his brother was angry, Itachi said soothingly, taking his brother's hand.

- Ototo must have had a good reason for doing that. Let's hear him out first.

The Junior Prince looked at his brother and nodded. Realising that the storm had passed, Malfoy quickly approached his brothers.

- I have a really important conversation to have with you. I'll explain everything, but let's find a place to talk without anyone hearing.

The brothers led him to an abandoned classroom, put on the Muffliato and looked at their friend expectantly.

- Did you know that according to the Gryffindor trio, I'm the Heir to Slytherin?