
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

Charlottess · Livres et littérature
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26 Chs


Draco had been waiting impatiently all week when he heard that flying lessons were about to begin. He wanted to show him all the things the twins had taught him. In his mind, he already imagined Madam Haught, who had seen his abilities, telling the Slytherin captain about them, and he would invite Malfoy to join the team, expressing his regret that he couldn't start playing with the team right away because first-years weren't allowed to play Quidditch.

Of course, he knew Itachi and Sasuke played better than he did. He sometimes thought that if they set their minds to it, the famous Quidditch teams would already be inundated with offers asking them to join them. The brothers, however, had no interest in such things. The game was just a way for them to relax after a long day of study and training. Malfoy tried to persuade them to participate in next year's team selection, but the twins stood their ground. After giving up, Draco persuaded them to bring their brooms with them for next year and fly once a week in the evening.

All in all, Malfoy was sure that there wasn't anyone who handled a broom better than he did. Draco had played with many aristocrats, and there was little they could do against a Malfoy trained by hard lessons with the Princes. He didn't think much of the Muggle-borns at all. How could someone who had learned about magic at most a year ago oppose him with anything? Complete nonsense!

With those thoughts in mind, Draco hurried to the Quidditch pitch. When he saw Longbottom's broomstick spin out of control, he felt fear gripping him. That broom could have gone to him, too, couldn't it? Why hadn't anyone checked the inventory before giving it to the freshmen?

Longbottom began to fall, and Malfoy tried to remember a spell that would help cushion his fall, but panic prevented him from concentrating. And even though his stock of bits was quite considerable for a freshman, it still wasn't huge. The only thing that occurred to him was to use the Levios Vingardium spell, but given the height, the boy's fall speed and his weight, Draco needed to figure out if he could hit exactly and have enough strength to gently lower him to the ground. But suddenly, everything was resolved, and Longbottom hovered on the torch, which slowed his fall and helped him avoid serious injury, and the teacher took him to the infirmary.

Relieved, Draco laughed nervously. His laughter was overheard by a nearby Weasley, who approached him:

- Do you find anything funny about this snakebite? I always knew that Slytherin was only attended by dark wizards who liked to cause trouble for others. You could cast a spell on Neville's broomstick too.

Draco snorted at the absurdity of these assertions and wanted to say all he thought about the incompetence of some Gryffindors. Still, his father's upbringing and association with the twins did the trick, and Malfoy ignored the lunge and turned to walk away from him. Potter tried to calm his friend down, but unhappy with this turn of events, Weasley grabbed Draco by the arm. Krebb and Goyle rushed forward, but Draco stopped them with a flick. Ron, without noticing it, spat it out:

- People like you always do nasty things to those around you. I don't know how your father got out of Azkaban. Reapers like you belong in Azkaban!

Draco couldn't take it anymore.

- First of all, Mr Weasley," Malfoy emphasized the word "mister," "I did not give permission to address me as you. Secondly, I must also remember to give permission to touch my hand. Thirdly, as far as I know, you are not a representative of Wisengomonth, so you have the right to pass judgment. Since you, Mr Weasley, are attacking my honour, I challenge you to a duel. The place and time will be arranged later.

Before Ron could answer, Madam Haught returned, and the lesson continued.

- And then, I challenged him to a duel," Draco finished his story.

- Hmm. I see. I would have done the same thing. Weasley had no right to treat you like that and insult your parents, but how would Uncle Lucius, Aunt Narcissa and the Dean react if they found out about the duel? - Sasuke asked.

- I know, but I can't come. I won't let my family be insulted with impunity," Malfoy snapped, "By the way, Sasuke, would you mind being my second? If I asked him to, Itachi would be up half the night talking about the inadmissibility of violence.

- Pfft, sure," Sasuke replied.

Itachi rolled his eyes.

- I'll come with you. You two will need to find out what you two will manage to get yourselves into.

- I knew you had an adventurous spirit in you, Ni-san," Sasuke laughed.

Itachi hummed and continued eating.

Ten minutes before midnight, the brothers met Draco in the room where the awards were kept. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville entered the room five minutes later.

- 'Now that everyone's here, then we can get started,' Itachi said, 'I'll command the start of the duel, and I'll be the judge. Any objections?

- You, Malfoy's henchman. You'll be judging him! - Ron shouted.

- First of all, please, no insults or cannibalism, Mr Weasley; I didn't give you any reason to address me like that.

Itachi's tone of voice was so cold that it could freeze the entire air in the hall, and his gaze was so piercing that he seemed to see right through Ron. Weasley felt for a moment like he was in a potions class.

- Secondly," the Prince continued, "apart from me, all the persons not involved in the duel are of the Gryffindor faculty; hence, according to your logic, they cannot be objective. If you, Mr Weasley, doubt my honesty, I can make an immutable vow to judge this duel fairly. I hope I don't have to tell you what that is?

Ron shook his head as if hypnotized.

- Very well, then, let's begin.

- Wait," Hermione cut in, "what is the Unbreakable Vow?

Before Itachi could answer her question, the boys heard a meow.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville froze, dumbfounded, but when they noticed the Princes grabbing Malfoy's hand and rushing towards the door, they ran after them. Sasuke and Itachi wanted to run to the Ravenclaw tower since it was closest, but the stairs suddenly came into motion, and they realized they were on the third floor.

Before the boys could escape, footsteps began to sound behind their backs. Noticing the only door, the boys rushed to it, but it was locked. Itachi applied Alohomora on automatic, and they made their way inside. Running into the room, the kids saw a substantial three-headed dog. While everyone was huddled against the door, Itachi discreetly caught the dog's gaze and plunged it into the illusion. The dog yawned and rested its head on its paws. After two minutes, the sounds of footsteps ceased, and the boys left the room and escaped from the third floor. Once they were safe, they said their goodbyes and went to their living rooms, agreeing not to tell anyone about what had happened.


When the brothers finally reached the standard room, they put on an anti-hearing spell and were able to discuss what had happened.

- Did you notice him too? - Sasuke asked.

Itachi smirked.

- Of course. It was big enough.

- Who would you think of hiding something in a school full of students and putting a three-headed dog to guard it? There are a lot of nosy kids here.

- I don't know, but I don't think the ministry had anything to do with it. They'd hide it in the Department of Mysteries, guarded by the Unspeakables and the Aurors. But the Headmaster was definitely involved. It wouldn't have gotten past him. And Quirell showed up at the castle for a reason. He's probably after what's under the hatch, and Dad's trying to stop him. It's also likely that Dumbledore himself asked him to do it. Why the Headmaster didn't go to the Aurors for help, I don't understand. And a door that opens with a simple Alohomora doesn't seem like a reliable protection to me. Even a schoolboy could get past the dog using Petrificus Totalus," Itachi said thoughtfully.

- Maybe Dumbledore wants to expose Quirrell and get proof of his guilt, and this is all just to draw attention?

You're probably right, and Dad has to let him know when the trap is slammed shut.

- Makes sense. I hope the Gryffindors are smart enough not to blab left and right about what they've seen. By the way, did they notice the trapdoor? They might get into trouble," Sasuke asked with some concern.

- It would be in their best interests not to tell anyone they were on the third floor, so they won't say anything. The main thing is that they choose a safe place if they discuss what they see. And about the hatch, they were too scared for that. Hermione and Draco might have noticed the hatch, but Draco is our friend and would have told us about what they saw immediately. Granger is considerate enough, but I don't think she would get into trouble. If she gets kicked out of school for breaking the rules, she won't have a chance to return to the wizarding world, so she won't go into any trouble. Let's keep an eye on Weasley and Potter. They'll have to go looking for an adventure on their own heads.

Sasuke nodded, and the twins headed off to bed.