
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

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26 Chs


Life went back to normal for the twins. They studied, had hangouts with friends in the library, explored the castle with the Weasley brothers, and had tea on Saturdays with their father. It took them a week to receive their Halloween presents, but the Princes weren't upset by the triviality, especially since they liked them. He was also given a book on administering sorcery first aid since the older twin had made no secret of his interest in the subject, and Sasuke was given a young alchemist's kit. Before handing over the gifts, Severus gave them a suggestion:

- Remember: I forbid you to experiment without adult supervision. If you break this rule, I will take them away from you, and you will see these kits once you are seventeen. I allow you to conduct experiments that have been documented, but only after you have answered the safety rules to me by heart.

The children brightened up. Learning a few rules was easy for them, especially given the presence of the Sharingan, so they took their gifts and hurriedly knew them all.

It didn't take long for the opening of the school's Quidditch Cup competition to creep up. First up was the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The princes loved Quidditch to relax and distract themselves from their worries. Still, since it was forbidden for freshmen to play at school, and no one would give them brooms for the same reason, the brothers decided to at least enjoy the spectacle, although it was not a game of their department's team. Especially since they had already been to a real championship with the Malfoys. The decision to send them with Lucius and Narcissa Severus had been made because he hadn't tolerated this game since high school, and his grandfather had long since grown weary of appearing in public. The brothers enjoyed the match, though the noise and shouting disoriented and unnerved the former shinobi. Noticing that the children were uncomfortable, Lucius cast sound-dampening spells on them, and the twins enjoyed immersing themselves in the atmosphere of the competition. Another reason to go was Draco, dragging them behind him with the tenacity of a bulldozer. Malfoy couldn't wait to see his department's team in action since he was going to be part of next year's team selection.

Slytherin won. Gryffindor didn't stand much chance because their catcher was clearly a newcomer and needed to show more talent. The twins had a good time, though they didn't like Slytherin's rough style, which they informed Draco of.

- But, after all, this is Quidditch! If you're afraid of injury, it's not your game! - Malfoy exclaimed.

- What we meant to say," Sasuke clarified their point, "is that even though Quidditch is an injury-prone game in and of itself, Slytherin players play on the verge of being banned from the competition. You're Slytherins! You're supposed to use stealth, not brute force. Not to mention it ruins your department's reputation. Looking at your team, others think you are provocateurs and want to cripple those around you. Shouldn't you be acting more intelligent and more subtle? Prove your ability to be a good tactician and strategist!

Draco pondered.

- If I pass the selection process, I will try to make a difference. You're right; Slytherin is an aristocratic faculty and should behave accordingly.

The brothers were pleased that their friend had heard them.


The twins were walking around the castle in the evening when they bumped into Ron and Harry. The friends were in a hurry, and it cost the Princes nothing to follow them surreptitiously. The Gryffindors, looking around momentarily, made their way to the training supplies room and, taking two brooms and a quaffle, headed for the Quidditch pitch.

As soon as they got far enough away, Itachi turned to his brother.

- Hmm. Lights out have fallen, and soon Theo and Dakota will start looking for us. I'll cover; you watch for these adventurers on their heels.

Sasuke nodded. They didn't expect to linger this day after lights out, so they didn't put the illusion that they were asleep on the bed. Itachi left, and Sasuke went to follow Harry and Ron. The Gryffindors were already on the Quidditch pitch and flying around, flipping the quaffle.

Two hours had passed. Sasuke, who was used to acting rather than taking part in a tracking mission, was getting bored when he noticed something in the shadows of the stands. Turning on his Sharingan, he looked closer and saw Professor Quirrell. The professor was looking intently at the flying students. Sasuke would have thought he was on duty and, noticing the Gryffindors decided to reprimand the intruders, but Quirrell didn't move or try to call them out but whispered something. Because of the distance, the way he was standing, and the angle of the shadow falling, the Prince could only make out a few words, but it was enough for Sasuke to realise that the professor was reading a conspiracy. The Prince contemplated getting close enough to understand Quirrell's comments when a shout was heard. Harry's broom was out of control, and he was now trying to throw him off. In a sharp jerk, it threw Potter off, but he had managed to get a grip on it and was now hanging on one arm. Ron's attempts to help were unsuccessful because he couldn't get any closer to Harry without fear of provoking the broom.

Sasuke frantically tried to find a way out. Catching him in a genjutsu would be possible, but Quirrell was looking at the broom. If he got close enough and tried to attack him, the professor could detect him and shoot back before the Prince could do anything about it. He didn't entertain the illusion that he knew more spells than a seasoned adult mage and his fake image of everything scary Sasuke didn't believe. Quirrell was a dangerous opponent, if only because he had misled almost the entire school. Sure Sasuke could use Mangeke, but then his and his brother's abilities would become public knowledge, and given the unclear situation with Voldemort's disappearance, it wasn't wise to lose the surprise effect. Besides, illusions had never been his strong suit; Itachi and Tsukuyomi were good at that. Sasuke decided to resort to the means that were one of the hallmarks of the Uchiha clan and used fire. Concentrating, the Prince set Quirrell's robe on fire.

Smelling the smell of burning, the professor distracted himself to extinguish the flames. Eye contact was interrupted. Harry regained control of his broom, and the Gryffindor was on the ground by the time Quirrell finished putting out the fire. Realising that the prey was out of hand, the professor hurriedly fled. Sasuke escorted the Gryffindors out and returned to his faculty lounge. The clock struck one o'clock in the morning. Itachi, sensing his brother's arrival, woke up. The twins had placed an anti-hearing dome around their beds, and Sasuke told them everything that had happened.

- I don't think the Gryffindors are going to make another run for it," Itachi said thoughtfully, "Quirrell will keep quiet for now, waiting for the next opportunity. Strange... He's clearly interested in what's on the third floor... Maybe he saw Potter as a threat to his plans? But why? Hmmm...

The older of the brothers went through his hair thoughtfully.

- We probably won't know the truth anytime soon, but we must prepare for his possible actions.

- Shall we tell my father what happened?

- Hmm, we should. As one of the professors, he's responsible for the student's safety, and apparently, the Headmaster has him on a particular assignment to keep an eye on Quirrell... He'll undoubtedly be angry that we didn't call him, noticing that Potter was going to fly his broomstick at night, but hopefully, he'll get over it quickly. You've managed to get a handle on the situation, though. I'll write in my notebook tomorrow, and we'll talk to him. By the way, Otto, can you send Manda to the third floor to monitor the door? I'd send Kuroi, but a raven would be more visible in the castle than a snake.

Sasuke woke Manda up. The first time the roommates had seen her, they had been terrified, but the twins had quickly reassured them, explaining that she was under a spell and couldn't bite anyone. Admittedly, they didn't mention that the ban was lifted in the event of a deadly threat to Sasuke, but that was a minor matter. After explaining the task to Mande, Sasuke sent her out on patrol.

- Thanks to my illusion, Theo and Dakota saw that you weren't feeling well, so you could get some sleep and not go to the first two classes. I've got your back," Itachi said as the snake crawled away.

- 'Nii-san, do you know you're the best? - Sasuke hugged his prudent brother.

Itachi hummed.

- Go back to sleep, sucker.

Sasuke didn't argue because his eyes were already falling asleep.


The following day Itachi warned Theo and Dakota that Sasuke was not feeling well in the evening and needed to rest. The boys took the news calmly and only asked if Madam Pomfrey required to be summoned. Itachi thanked the boys but declined the offer.

- You'll see; he'll get some sleep and come around," the older twin smiled reassuringly.

The first lesson was enchantments. Since the brothers knew the material beforehand, Itachi was reassured about Sasuke falling behind. The Prince explained to Professor Flitwick the reason for his brother's absence.

- Tell him my wishes for a speedy recovery. Let him rest in peace. You are one of my best students, so I am sure he will be able to catch up, but if there are any problems, I am always happy to help. If there are any complications, see Madam Pomfrey immediately.

- Thank you very much. I'll pass on your wishes to my brother," Itachi thanked him.

He was glad he and Otto had joined a faculty whose Dean was kind and helpful. The little professor would often have joint gatherings in the living room. He would tell different stories and share his experiences. If he noticed that his students needed to catch up in a specific subject, he would recommend books to read. Itachi often saw him visiting sick students. Professor Flitwick was always willing to help if his students had any problems. He would get subsidies for students if he saw their miserable financial situation or give them items they needed for their studies as a gift for some kind of merit. Itachi saw how once, after noticing the sorry state of his orphaned student's winter robe, the professor gave her a new one for her success in astronomy. Yes, and Itachi himself was confronted with the little professor's concern. When Flitwick discovered that Itachi and Sasuke were orphans, he invited them over for tea, gently asking if the twins felt comfortable at school and inquiring about their hobbies. Upon learning of their interest in artefacts, he advised them of a lot of interesting literature on using various charms in manufacturing artefacts. The Dean of Ravenclaw could not leave anyone indifferent, so Itachi was ashamed to lie to him, but he understood that his brother needed rest.

All the students began to sit down, and the Prince suddenly felt lonely. He and his brother had done everything together from the moment they entered this world. Even if they were interested in different things, like Itachi in spells and Sasuke in transfiguration, they sat side by side and did their own thing. For the first time, Itachi had to do something alone. Even last night's separation didn't feel that way because he went straight to bed, trusting that his brother could handle things in case of trouble since no one here was a danger besides Quirrell. And though Itachi's face remained impassive and melancholy, a frequent companion in his past life began to overtake him. The Prince tried to pull himself back.

"I just need to spend two lessons alone. Not a big deal at all. And anyway, I used to go on missions a lot and stay away for long periods of time, and after the destruction of the clan I haven't seen my brother at all for years and only kept watch with the help of a raven. I don't have the right to be loose. And if this is how I react to a short separation, what am I going to do when we grow up and we each have our own lives? Sure we'll try to see each other often, but it won't be the same... Stop, enough!" - Itachi staggered towards their seats with his brother.

Noticing his mood, Theo and Dakota sat beside him and began to tell various life stories until the class started. Itachi was grateful to his friends. They had helped him distract himself and stop getting worked up. At recess, Eden and Wilson continued by telling him various funny anecdotes. By the beginning of magic history class, Itachi had already lost all his poker face and was happily laughing at the funny stories.

In the evening, the brothers went to their father's rooms.

- What did you want to tell me about? - Severus asked as soon as the door slammed shut.

Knowing their father's habit of getting straight to the point if the conversation was serious, the brothers wasted no time and told me everything that had happened at night.

- We decided to take a walk before going to bed because it had been quite a busy day because of the match. As we were thinking of going back, we heard footsteps. It was Potter and Weasley," Itachi began to say.

Severus snorted.

- 'Well, of course, it was Potter. Who would have thought that the boy, instead of sitting quietly in the living room, would be prancing around the school with his friend?

- We decided to follow them just in case.

- Why didn't you come to me right away? - Severus arched an eyebrow.

- We didn't want to disturb you. What if they just wanted to take a walk, like us?

- And school rules exist for who? Teachers? So they have something to quote?

- We split up anyway because it was getting close to bedtime. I went back to the living room to explain Sasuke's absence, and Ototo went to continue the surveillance," Itachi continued, trying to get the conversation back on track.

- Potter and Weasley, taking their brooms, went to the Quidditch field and practised. Everything was quiet until Quirrell showed up," Sasuke picked up the story.

Hearing the ZOTI professor's name, Severus snapped.

- He began to mash Harry's broomstick. Ron couldn't get close enough to save him, so I distracted Quirrell and set his robe on fire. The professor was delighted, and Potter was able to land. Quirrell escaped.

- Had he seen you? - Severus asked tensely.

- No, I was too far away and stood in the shadows.

A long silence ensued. Severus was thinking hard about something, and the twins didn't want to distract him.

- Well done for not getting confused and saving Potter," Severus praised Sasuke as he frowned at Harry's last name, "But don't you dare do something like that again. If you see Quirrell alone in the corridor, get out of there at once. Don't you dare be alone with him? If he leaves you after class, warn me or, if you can't, ask a friend to wait outside your study and then come straight to me. Is that clear?

- Yes.

- Now, off to bed, it's late.

Severus escorted his sons to the living room. The twins, exhausted by the events that had occurred, fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillow.