

Auteur: NieraCarson
Contemporary Romance
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Lisez le roman THE TYCOON'S WIFE écrit par l'auteur NieraCarson publié sur WebNovel. "Stop acting all innocent and mighty. Isn't this what you wanted all along, no? The least you can do now is take the money. You succeeded in blackmailing my old man into selling his own son to you any...


"Stop acting all innocent and mighty. Isn't this what you wanted all along, no? The least you can do now is take the money. You succeeded in blackmailing my old man into selling his own son to you anyway. You should make the most out of it" ………………. A peaceful, quiet life was everything Isabella Carson ever wished for, and for a time, she had gotten just that. She attended one of the best schools in her country, was majoring in what she loved, and was close with her family and her friends. However, all that peace seemed like a fantasy once she was ambushed with plans of an arranged marriage to Sean, a tycoon’s son. Sean McCaffrey, a successful businessman, the son of a tycoon and the future CEO of the McCaffrey's Empire. He had it all. Women were on his beck and call but this all stopped when a certain brunette woman was forced into his life by his father. Both forced to lead a new life by their parents, Isabella and Carson must find a way to live with each other and try to stay above the pressure from both families. However there's a great chance of this marriage not working out and ruining the both of them to the point of no return.

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"Depresi dalam batas kewajaran itu bisa sembuh dengan cepat, Burhan. Tapi, depresi akibat cinta sungguh sangat sulipenangannya. Emosi yang labil karena tidak dapat membuang tepat di wajah penyebabnya." "Apa dampaknya negatif, Mor?" "Reaksi negatif ini disebabkan oleh penurunan hormon pembuat bahagia yang diproduksi oleh otak. Jaringan dalam otak Arini justru meningkatkan produksi hormon stress kortisol. Selain membuat mood bisa mendadak nge-drop, hormon stres kortisol juga bisa membuat fisik menjadi sakit. Salah satunya lambung. Nyeri pada fisik yang diakibatkan oleh peningkatan hormon stres kortisol bahkan bisa menjadi mirip dengan gejala sakau kokain. Ini berbahaya." Burhan terdiam. "Aku menyuruhnya untuk rutin chek-up, keluar masuk laboratorium, bahkan aku mengatakan yang menanganinya dokter spesialis penyakit dalam. Agar dia tidak sadar sedang dibawa ke seorang psikolog. Dokter penyakit dalammitu temanku. Nanti Arini masuk ke ruangannya dengan aku mendampingi." "Ide jenius. Tapi, bagaimana pendapatmu dengan keadaan dia sekarang." "Hasilnya buat geleng kepala. Tidak ada penyakit yang terdeteksi dari tubuh Arini. Selain asam lambung. Arini mampu mengendalikan fisik, tapi, bisa jadi itu tidak bertahan lama. Arini harus diselamatkan segera." "Caranya?" "Kadar dopamin dan oksitosin, mendominasi, jika tidak segera ditindak lanjuti bisa berakibat fatal. Saat kalian lengah, atau ia merasa tidak dihargai, bunuh diri bisa jadi solusi--menurut dia." "Apa hal urgen pertama kali yang bisa kami lakukan." "Ajak berolahraga, yang paling sederhana lari pagi. Dengan lari pagi, tubuh akan melepaskan hormon endorfin, efeknya adalah merasakan sebuah sensasi. Efek lainnya, Arini merasa bahagia, tubuhnya akan mengolah secara alami hormon Endocannabinoid. Dari hormon ini ada perasaan bahagia setelah tubuh berhasil mengolah."

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Quick Transmigration: Occupation, Seductress.

Lost memories, forgotten identity, and a system that grants wishes. Alina woke up in a pure white space, not remembering anything, even her own name. A furry white ball appears in front of her and calls itself a system, saying it can grant her wish. "I-I wish to remember myself." 《Very well. Host's wish configured. At the end of the tasks, Host 069 can remember herself.》 "T-thank you. B-by tasks, what are they?" 《Collect male essence.》 Alina is then made to wander worlds, experiencing different lifetimes, accomplishing missions, one "course" at a time. Little did she know, she was not alone in her journey. A certain male lead: "We'll meet again... Alina." =============== Caution: Mature content. There are some scenes you may not be able to stomach. Also, romance is slow. You may not even be able to notice it much in the early arcs. The story starts out with smut in the early chapters, but there's still a proper storyline. The story may be smut-centric, maybe not. For those who are unaware, quick transmigration is basically the concept of world-hopping. The MC travels different worlds with different plots, characters and settings (separated by arc), accomplishing different missions in each world. Arcs in this story are listed in an auxiliary chapter. Arcs can be read separately, since they follow different plots. Support is highly appreciated. :) > ko-fi.com/ladylipstick > paypal.me/LLipstick P.S. Cover illustration is not mine. Downloaded from Pinterest. Credits to the owner, Pyo Gyeok. If you wish to have it taken down, please tell me Discord: LadyLipstick#2776

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  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating