
Chapter Two

[P.O.V. Karen Davidson]

I am excited for today. The annual kingdom festival starts today. My family and I got to the event arena extra early to grab a good seat in the front row. Were not the only family that did, so there were a few others that did. Then after a few minutes, it was only time before it was filled full. There were six sides to the arena, and Five of the sides had fifteen rows of seats. These five sections were for the common folk like me. The sixth side was made for the Royalty and high ranked. It had ten rows of seats and a large watch box above them. What was the watch box for? It was made for the higher king and his family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the annual kingdom festival will begin in ten minutes. Please be completely seated within eight minutes for the higher king announcement." The arena game master announces.

"Karen, can we get something to drink before it starts?" My little brother Haden asks.

"Sure, Bud." We both get out of our seats and leave the arena and get a few snacks and drinks.

"Do you think we're going to see anything cool this year?"

"What does cool mean to you?"

"I don't know, maybe something like a Minotaur."

"A minotaur? is that it?"

"Yea, something old and classic that would be kind of cool. Minotaur is also hard to find nowadays because of the fact how violent they are. Many of the witch hunters took them out... well, that how the old tales go anyways."

"Is that so?"

"Yea." We both retake our seats, but something was different about in the arena this time. My dragon Avery was on edge like she drank ten or more cups of coffee kind of edge.

"What gotten into?" Asking Avery in my mind.

"I think I can sense our mate." She answers back.

"What? Already?"

"Yes, already I don't have control over these things, you know."

"I know that I didn't think it would happen so fast that all. We only turned sixty a month ago." In dragons years that like us turning eighteen in human years. And that's when we can start to find our mates.

"Well, it happened. Now can you help me look around and see if we can find him?"

"Of course." That's a dumb question for her to ask.

I have always imagined the way I would meet my mate would be romantic. Not in an arena where people fight each other or violent creatures. Looking around, I couldn't feel any connection with them. The only thing I was really getting is when I look over to the section where the royalty and high ranks were. I would get kind of a butterfly kind of feeling. That was until I looked into the higher royalty watch box. And the butterfly feeling grew, and my heart was racing a little. It someone in that watch box I knew within my heart and gut that it was. The question was, who? Maybe it was of the higher royal's loyal guards? Or maybe it was one of the princes? As that thought came to mind, all I could think was yea, right.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, a few words from our higher king." The game announcer announces. Everybody went quiet and turned their attention to the watch box. There stood an older gentleman with a crown on his head. He was King Zyston, King of all kings and ruler of the heart of the kingdoms.

"Royalties, High ranked, and the people of all the kingdoms. It is a great honor to another year of the Annual Kingdom Festival. This week is to celebrate, give thanks, and remember all those who died in this kingdom's last war. For if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here today to celebrate!!" Everybody cheered, and after a few minutes, it went quiet. Higher Queen Adriana takes the King by the hand. "There is also something that I need to announce. My Queen and I will be giving up our throne and are passing it on to our heir. Since our heir is actually heirs, one of them will be chosen. How are you wondering? Well, I cant tell you for the council won't give me an answer until the end and last day of the Annual Kingdom Festival... Because of this, as your higher King and Queen, we are proud and honored that you have stayed by our side while we ruled... Since this is my last year, I'm honor to start the festival and all its festivities!!"

Everyone cheered for our higher King, and as he took his seat, the game's horns ranged. Letting everyone know that the arena games and other festivities have begun. This is so sad but exciting for them to leave the throne after all these years. Sad because they are the first higher king and queen. Exciting because we will be getting a new ruler. For the next couple of hours, my brother and I watched the arena games. At the same time, my dragon and I were on the search for our mate.

[P.O.V. Venessa Creely]

I think it broke many people's hearts to hear about the Higher King and Higher Queen leaving the throne; I know I am. They both have been very kind and very caring towards my people. And by people, I mean all the witches, warlocks, and any other creature that belong to our Goddess Eos, the Goddess of Dawn. Another thing I mean by my people is I am one of their princesses. To be correct, I am the warlock king and the witch queen's third daughter and youngest.

After the higher King announcement to start the festival, I took my leave. I have never cared much for the arena events. In fact, I liked the events they did in the gardens and the woods. And that is where I went to the castle's great gardens. I love it around this time of year. It's beautiful with all the different flowers and trees in bloom.

Entering the gardens, the festivities for today were painting scenery in the gardens. Taking my painting things, I find a beautiful spot of some dark pink roses with a little peach on them. Behind them was a beautiful bridge going over a large river. With a few different blossomed trees. This is my kind of thing I love to paint, and I love nature. In fact, my witch powers have got everything to do with different nature elements. After getting everything set up, I dip my paintbrush into the paint and paint what I saw onto my canvas. After hours of painting, it was now sunset, and I got my canvas all painted. Now I was getting all my things cleaned up.

"Your painting is stunning." A man says, looking behind me. A man with pale skin, dark brown floppy hair and red eyes stood there in the forest."I didn't mean to startle you. I was just up for my morning walk, and I saw you here."

"Morning walk?.. its sunset; it's turning night."

"Yes, but for my kind, it is morning." Now it makes sense his a vampire.

"Ahh.. see." He walks out of the trees towards me.

"I'm Prince Roland." He says.

"I thought vampires couldn't give birth?"

"They can't; my father and mother created me."

"Why would an immortal King and Queen create an heir when they don't have to worry about dying?"

"Even immortal Kings and Queens can get tired of ruling a kingdom and want an heir for the throne." I nodded my head in understanding. "May I asks who you are?"

"Princess Venessa."

"Ahh... So you're the beautiful young witch princess that I have heard about." He smiles at me while flirting.

"Heard about me?" Flirting back

"I know your eldest brother Ambrose. He speaks highly of his family in the male social circle."

"Good to know..."

"Indeed..." We look at each other for a few minutes. "Well, Venessa, I must leave and socialize with others. It was a pleasure to meet you." With that, he takes my hand and places a kiss on it. Then he was gone in a flash.

Even though he was charming, I couldn't help but feel disappointed only because I haven't found my true love yet. It the same thing as a werewolf finding their mate, but we call them true loves. And how we find them is by our witch amulet or warlock rings. Our jewels in our rings or amulets will glow brightly when we are near our true loves. And I heard that when it does happen, your body feels an amazing numb-like tingle, and you will see a short flash of the future of being together. Elders in my kingdom says the vision is a hint to guide the relationship. The reason I say heard is that I have been waiting patiently for mine to appear. But so far, he hasn't shown yet, and I have been waiting a while. So long that for some time now, I believe I don't have true love.

*Another Chapter is done! Please leave comments and thoughts. As well likes or votes, it helps out more than you know. Which female character do you like best so far? And who do you think is their mate? update soon.*

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