
Chapter Twenty-Two

[P.O.V. Riley Woods]

For years, I have tried to fill in the emptiness inside of me. I have tried hard to fill it with other women. Hoping that one of them could help that void go away. But none of them could get the job done. The only time the emptiness somewhat goes away is when I'm around her.

To hear those words come out of her sweet mouth. Gives that empty feeling hope that it will be filled in once again. My heart is racing so badly. It feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. From the excitement of the rush, from hoping it's true. It also aches from hoping she would not hurt me again.

"You better not be messing with me." Warning her. Oh, please goddess, please don't let her be messing with me. I can't handle the heartache all over again.

"I'm not kidding.." she says a little breathless. I can hear how loud her heart is beating. It's as loud as mine.

"What about Roland?" I thought she wanted to be his queen?

"I only said that because I thought Shanta and you were a couple. The way she always hung on your arm. And the way she was always with you made me jealous. So I had Roland help me get back at you. There nothing going on between him and I. We're just real good friends, the same as Shanta and you are."

"You understand that if you accept me and I accept you. It means you can't back out again? If you have any doubts about us now? Speak you mind. For I will not accept you if you don't truly mean it." I have waited so long for her to say the words. I swore to myself I would not accept her unless she wanted it first.

"I know, and I have had plenty of time to think. And I know I was wrong to reject you."

Turning slightly towards her no longer my back facing her. I look at those deep brown eyes. They were showing all the emotions she was feeling. The closer and deeper I look into them, I can see that she was not lying to me. I could she meant every word. Knowing that she meant every word, I could no longer hold back. Stepping back to her quickly, I yank her arm, pulling her to me. fisting my hand in her hair with my right hand. As I placed my left hand on the back of her back. Holding her to me tightly. My lips connect with hers, kissing her once again. With passion and wanting, but this time I didn't have to hold back.

This time, she didn't resist. She responded to my touch. She grabs the bottom hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head. Grabbing her from underneath her legs. She wraps them around my waist as I carried off into the trees that surrounded us. Pushing her up against an enormous tree trunk, I kiss on her neck as she claws at my neck and back.

As I kiss down her neck to her collarbone. Using my body to pin her against the tree a little more. I rip the top of her dress open. After doing so, she rubs her sweet pussy up against me. Leaning back little trying to push her breast to me. She grabs the back of my head and brings my lips to hers. Kissing me with desperation and needing. Our tongues invading each other mouth. All the tension we both have built over the last years. Has broken and we are not holding back from each other any longer.

"Tell me you accept me back. I want to be yours and yours only." She asks with a breathless need as she breaks our kiss.

"I Riley Woods Accept you back Venessa Creely as my mate, queen, and luna." As the words came out of my mouth.

I could feel our once broken bond become whole. It was an intense wave of emotion. The once fainted tingles of the bond were now full and strong again. My Wolf and Dragon were howling and roaring with excitement to finally to make her ours. Venessa and my eyes caught one another we both of us smiling largely.

"Did you feel that?" She says with breathless excitement. "That was incredible.. to feel the bond coming back together... It's a rush."

"It is quite a rush..." It's such a rush that my wolf and dragon want to come out as well. They want to put their claim on her as much as I do. Now that the bond is back completely. The possessiveness and the need to protect her. As well, the need to make her mine and only mine. Is coming back with great strength along with other emotions I feel for her. Closing my eyes, trying to control the beasts in me. For I didn't want to scare her off when we just got together.

"Riley? What wrong?" She asks as she places her hand on my cheek.

"The intense rush of emotions have my beasts want to come out and play as well. I'm just trying to control them. I don't want to scare you off from how they can behave sometimes." Telling her the best I could while holding my beast back. She places her hand on my other cheek and moves my face in front of hers. I could feel her breath fan across my cheeks.

"Let them... I'm not going anywhere. I accept all of you that includes them. So please open eyes and let me see you, all of you." Hearing those words, I let the beasts inside of me join me completely. Letting us all become one. My eyes shifted into my hybrid color. Opening them, reddish orange eyes meet with deep brown.

"There you are." She places her lips on mine. The kiss starts out sweet. As we kissed more, the possessiveness of wanting her comes even stronger. The kisses became more rough and passionate.

Letting her stand on her feet with her still pressed against the tree. Using two of my fingers on each hand, I slip them under her bra straps. Pulling her strap down her arms. I move her bra from covering her breast. Kissing, sucking, and nipping on her neck. As I made my way down to her breast. Moving further down, I push the bottom of her dress up onto her hips.

Her panties were showing now, pressing my nose light on the top of them. I could smell her sweet aroused aroma mixing her with her intoxicating scent. That not all I could smell. It was a similar smell that only few girls have. Knowing that she has this smell only turns me on more.

"Holy goddesses, you're a virgin." My beast were very pleased with this. So please that a growl escaped my chest. The growl must have turned her on, for I could smell it.

"Is that a good thing?" She asks, a little worried.

"Oh yes, it means I'm the only man that going to be touching you like this." With our eyes caught with one another, a mischievous smile on my face.

I move my hands to her panties and tear them off her. Her breath gets caught up in her throat. With lust shining through those eyes of hers. Kissing up her leg and giving her little nub a lick. She arches her back of the tree and moans. Giving her a good torture between her legs for a few minutes. I work my way back up to her breast. Giving them a good nibble and suck. Grazing my teeth lightly cross her nipple. She squirms with delight and lets out a small moan. Working my way back up her neck.With little sucks and nibbles, along with kisses. As my hands touch her body. Moving my mouth to her ear.

"Turn around and put your hands flat on the tree and bend over." Doing as I tell her, her perfect ass was facing me. Undoing my shorts, I stand behind her and push my member into her flower. She cried out with pleasurable pain and it was damn hot to us.

"That right cry out and let the world know that you belong to us." My dragon Allister says in my mind.

"Damn, she sexy. We have been waiting a long time for this. Let's show her who she really belongs to. Let's make her ours permanently with our mark." My wolf Kaleb says.

Doing as they want, we started at a slow pace for her to get used to our length inside her. Then we pick up the pace and we fuck her hard. For years, my beast and I have been waiting to make her ours and now we finally can. We wanted to show her she belongs to us. No one can have her, not even that vampire prince. As I continue to fuck her, I can feel her getting tighter. She was getting closer to her orgasm and so was I.

"Riley! This feeling too intense. I can't stand it!" Venessa all but screams.

To put her out her sweet, pleasurable misery. I hold her up straight up against the tree. My dragon's fangs and my wolfs teeth sink into her right shoulder. Right between were her neck and shoulder meet. As I sink my teeth into her, she screams with ecstasy. As her orgasm explodes around my member and mine does in hers. Her knees we begging to buckle from underneath her. Kneeling down on my knees, she moves with me to sit on my lap.

"She finally ours." Allister says.

"No one can have her now." Kaleb pitches in.

"Finally.." Replying to them. As Venessa sits on my lap, I remove my teeth from her flesh. Licking the blood off her shoulder as she catches her breath.

*Hey guys, I hope you had a great Holiday. If I don't get another chapter up before New Year, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. Please leave comments and thoughts. Also, please like or vote if you liked this chapter or book. update soon!*

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